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Презентация на тему графики

"Venice of the North"fascinating Russian heritage with a distinctly European outlookthe cultural heart of modern day Russiaone of the Great Cities of Europe
Санкт-Петербургский государственный университеткультуры и искусствФакультет информационных технологий  графикиГруппа: 415  Курс: Exploring St. PetersburgNevsky ProspektPalace Square HermitageAdmiraltySt Isaac’s Cathedral Nevsky Prospekt Nevsky Prospektthe main avenueruns from the Admiralty to the Moscow Railway Station Nevsky Prospekt Anichkov Bridgebeautiful Klodt's horsesmonument to Catherine the Great«Gostiny Dvor»Kazan Cathedralthe Dom Knigi book storeKanal Griboedova  Palace Square  Palace Square    Alexander Column in the center to honor Emperor Alexander Hermitage Hermitageincludes more than three million works of art and artefacts of the world culturemuseum's exhibitions, departments Admiralty Admiraltyexample of the Russian Empire style gilded spire of the Admiralty -weather-vane korablik - St Isaac’s Cathedral St Isaac’s Cathedraloriginally the city's main church and the largest cathedral in Welcome to our tour of St. Petersburg! Список использованных источников:http://www.saint-petersburg.com/virtual-tour/http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/html_En/index.htmlhttp://www.petersburg-russia.com/spbguide.htmlhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermitage_Museumhttp://images.yandex.ru
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 "Venice of the North"
fascinating Russian heritage with a

distinctly European outlook
the cultural heart of modern day Russia

of the Great Cities of Europe

Слайд 4 Exploring St. Petersburg
Nevsky Prospekt
Palace Square 
St Isaac’s Cathedral

Exploring St. PetersburgNevsky ProspektPalace Square HermitageAdmiraltySt Isaac’s Cathedral

Слайд 5 Nevsky Prospekt

Nevsky Prospekt

Слайд 6 Nevsky Prospekt
the main avenue
runs from the Admiralty to

Nevsky Prospektthe main avenueruns from the Admiralty to the Moscow Railway

the Moscow Railway Station and then, after a slight

kink, to the Alexander Nevsky Monastery
 4.5 kilometers long and 25-60 metres wide

Слайд 7 Nevsky Prospekt
 Anichkov Bridge
beautiful Klodt's horses
monument to Catherine the

Nevsky Prospekt Anichkov Bridgebeautiful Klodt's horsesmonument to Catherine the Great«Gostiny Dvor»Kazan Cathedralthe Dom Knigi book storeKanal Griboedova 

«Gostiny Dvor»
Kazan Cathedral
the Dom Knigi book store
Kanal Griboedova

Слайд 8 Palace Square 

Palace Square 

Слайд 9 Palace Square 
  Alexander Column in the center to

Palace Square    Alexander Column in the center to honor Emperor

honor Emperor Alexander I
picturesque Baroque Winter
classical yellow-and-white General Staff

Central arch

Слайд 10 Hermitage


Слайд 11 Hermitage
includes more than three million works of art and artefacts

Hermitageincludes more than three million works of art and artefacts of the world culturemuseum's exhibitions,

of the world culture
museum's exhibitions, departments and services are housed in

10 buildings, 7 of which are monuments of 18th- and 19th-century Russian culture
One of the largest and oldest museums of the world

Слайд 12 Admiralty


Слайд 13 Admiralty
example of the Russian Empire style
gilded spire

Admiraltyexample of the Russian Empire style gilded spire of the Admiralty

of the Admiralty -weather-vane korablik - "the little ship“
the focal point

of three of the city’s main streets; Nevsky Propekt, Gorokhovaia Street and Voznesensky Prospekt

Слайд 14 St Isaac’s Cathedral

St Isaac’s Cathedral

Слайд 15 St Isaac’s Cathedral
originally the city's main church and

St Isaac’s Cathedraloriginally the city's main church and the largest cathedral

the largest cathedral in Russia
decorated with sculptures and massive

granite columns
designed to accommodate 14,000 standing worshipers
the 300 steps up to the cathedral's colonnade

Слайд 16 Welcome to our tour of St. Petersburg!

Welcome to our tour of St. Petersburg!

  • Имя файла: grafiki.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 87
  • Количество скачиваний: 0