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Презентация на тему Happy halloween

History of Halloween Halloween, celebrated each year on October 31, is a mix of ancient Celtic practices, Catholic  and Roman religious rituals and European folk traditions that
HAPPY HALLOWEEN History of How to celebrate Halloween today  In its present form has On this day people do make-up and dress up аs witches; ghost;devils;cats or bats. People believe that on this day the sould of the evil  spirits woke Green cats eyesIn midnight gloom Fly with the witchOn her ragged THERE ARE A LOT OF POEMS ABOUTJack-o-lantern, Jack-o-lantern, You are such a Old Roger is dead and he lies in his graveLies in his 10 MOST FRIGHTENING HORROR FILMS 1.HOUSE OF WAX2. Friday the 13th 3. 6. risen from hell7. cry8. bell9. seekers of graves10. the living dead THE END
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

History of Halloween Halloween, celebrated each

History of Halloween Halloween, celebrated each year on

October 31, is a mix of ancient Celtic practices, Catholic  and Roman religious rituals and European folk traditions that blended together over time to create the holiday we know today. Straddling the line between fall and winter, plenty and paucity and life and death, Halloween is a time of celebration and superstition. Halloween has long been thought of as a day when the dead can return to the earth, and ancient Celts would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off these roaming ghosts. The Celtic holiday of Samhain, the Catholic Hallowmas period of All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day and the Roman festival of Feralia all influenced the modern holiday of Halloween. In the 19th century, Halloween began to lose its religious connotation, becoming a more secular community-based children's holiday. Although the superstitions and beliefs surrounding Halloween may have evolved over the years, as the days grow shorter and the nights get colder, people can still look forward to parades, costumes and sweet treats to usher in the winter season.

Слайд 3 How to celebrate Halloween today In its

How to celebrate Halloween today In its present form has

present form has existed since Halloween XIX century, thanks

to the "efforts" of the European immigrants who brought the tradition of Halloween in the U.S.. With 20 years of the last century in the U.S. came the fashion for hooliganism during Halloween - igniting trees, smashing lamps, etc. Local Boy Scouts launched against such a development this campaign, and in time his tricks were replaced with masked and begging sweets. By the way, the tradition of tinkering lanterns out of pumpkins, which put the candle has been seen as the Irish legend of Jack the blacksmith. Twice he managed to deceive the devil, and got him to promise not to take his soul to hell. But for all the sins of Jack and his road to Paradise was not. So he is forced to wander the earth in anticipation of the Day of Judgment, and lighting his way with a piece of red-hot charcoal, placed in an empty pumpkin for weather protection.

Слайд 4 On this day people do make-up and dress

On this day people do make-up and dress up аs witches; ghost;devils;cats or bats.

up аs witches; ghost;devils;cats or bats.

Слайд 5 People believe that on this day the sould

People believe that on this day the sould of the evil spirits woke

of the evil spirits woke

Слайд 6
Green cats eyes
In midnight gloom
Fly with the

Green cats eyesIn midnight gloom Fly with the witchOn her

On her ragged broom
Over dark hills where
Bonfires loom.

(by Myra Cohen Livingston)

Jack-o-lantern, Jack-o-lantern,

THERE ARE A LOT OF POEMS ABOUTJack-o-lantern, Jack-o-lantern, You are such

You are such a funny sight
As you sit there

by the window,
Looking out at the night
You were once a sturdy pumpkin
Growing on a vine
Now you are a Jack-o-lantern,
See the light shine .

Слайд 8 Old Roger is dead and he lies in

Old Roger is dead and he lies in his graveLies in

his grave
Lies in his grave, lies in his grave

Roger is dead and he lies in his grave (
Heigh ho, lies in his grave They planted an Apple tree over his hand
The apples grew ripe and they all tumbled down
There came and old woman a-picking them up
Old Roger got up and he gave her a knock
This made the old woman go hippity-hop.


2. Friday


the 13th
3. darkness falls
4. sleepy hollow
5. paranormal experience


Слайд 10 6. risen from hell
7. cry
8. bell
9. seekers of

6. risen from hell7. cry8. bell9. seekers of graves10. the living dead

10. the living dead

  • Имя файла: happy-halloween.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 87
  • Количество скачиваний: 0