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Презентация на тему History of coca-cola


History of Coca-ColaJohn Pemberton created the first soft drink in the United States in 1886 in Atlanta, GeorgiaJohn Pemberton was a pharmacist in AtlantaHe stirred up a fragrant, caramel-colored liquidWhen it was done he took it
Group 5By: Jennifer Eccles, Scott Addison, Clint Chapman, Lauren Sterna, Collin Gillaspie, History of Coca-ColaJohn Pemberton created the first soft drink in the United Company Mission and VisionMission:To refresh the world..To inspire moments of optimism and VisionSteps to accomplish sustainable and quality growth: People: Be a great place VisionPlanet: Be a responsible citizen that makes a difference by helping build Company GoalsBeverage BenefitsInvest more than $50 million in research by 2015Active Healthy Company GoalsSustainable PackagingRecover 50% of the equivalent bottles and cans used annually Company ValuesLeadership: The courage to shape a better futureCollaboration: Leverage collective geniusIntegrity: External Analysis: Specific EnvironmentCurrent Rivalry Among FirmsMain competitors are PepsiCo, Dr. Pepper External Analysis: Specific EnvironmentBargaining Power of SuppliersLimited suppliers due to three dominant External Analysis: General EnvironmentEconomic OpportunitiesBad economy, but good for beverage industrySoft drinks External Analysis: General EnvironmentSociocultural OpportunitiesDiverse productsSociocultural ThreatsMarketing in diverse countriesPolitical- Legal OpportunitiesIntroduction External Analysis: General EnvironmentTechnological Opportunities“Smart” Vending MachinePlastic rather than glassTechnological ThreatsLabeling process Revenue Trend AnalysisCoca-Cola’s revenues have been steadily increasing. This can be due Net Income Trend AnalysisAlong with revenues, net income has also been steadily Important Ratio’sLiquidity Ratio – 1.166Ease of meeting short term obligationsProfit Margin – Financially Compared to the IndustryCoke Inventory Turnover – 13.25Industry – 10.26Coke has Market PerformanceResponsible Marketing PolicyCoke does not market to an audience that is Marketing PerformanceSuccessful marketing has lead to:More than 500 sparkling and still beveragesCompany Human ResourcesExciting job areas such as:Aviation Because Coke marketed in over 200 SWOT Analysis Key Success FactorsSuccess depends on the amount of brand loyalty and the Cost Position of Coca-ColaCoca-Cola products sell at a premium compared to other Economic CharacteristicsGrowth Rate shown to have increased by 19% in 2007Unit Case Ease Of Entry Into IndustryVery low, but not impossibleHigh overhead and starting What Forces Drive Change in IndustryEnvironmental Sustainability CompetitionInnovation Strongest/Weakest Competitive Position in MarketCoke at approximately $164,400,497Pepsi at $127,598,367Dr. Pepper group $10,727,926(Numbers in Thousands) Competitive Forces within IndustryBrand Name loyaltySubstitutesNew EntrantsSuppliers Keys to SuccessMarketing(right demographics and message)PhilanthropyInnovation(Freestyle, Flavors) Future Products“Cokes with a Kick!”Captain Morgan and CokeSmirnoff and CokeJack and Coke MarketingMarketing “Coke with a Kick!”Men’s MagazinesLiquor StoresEnd CapsPostersLate night TV
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 History of Coca-Cola
John Pemberton created the first soft

History of Coca-ColaJohn Pemberton created the first soft drink in the

drink in the United States in 1886 in Atlanta,

John Pemberton was a pharmacist in Atlanta
He stirred up a fragrant, caramel-colored liquid
When it was done he took it to Jacobs’ Pharmacy and sold it for 5 cents a bottle

Слайд 3 Company Mission and Vision
To refresh the world..
To inspire

Company Mission and VisionMission:To refresh the world..To inspire moments of optimism

moments of optimism and happiness..
To create value and make

a difference
2020 Vision: It creates a long-term destination for our business and provides us with a "Roadmap" for winning together with our bottling partners

Слайд 4 Vision
Steps to accomplish sustainable and quality growth:

VisionSteps to accomplish sustainable and quality growth: People: Be a great

Be a great place to work where people are

inspired to be the best they can be
Portfolio: Bring to the world a portfolio of quality beverage brands that anticipate and satisfy peoples desires and needs
Partners: Nurture a winning network of customers and suppliers, together we create mutual, enduring value

Слайд 5 Vision
Planet: Be a responsible citizen that makes a

VisionPlanet: Be a responsible citizen that makes a difference by helping

difference by helping build and support sustainable communities
Profit: Maximize

long-term return to shareholders while being mindful of our overall responsibilities
Productivity: Be a highly effective, lean and fast-moving organization

Our winning culture makes the 2020 vision possible.

Слайд 6 Company Goals
Beverage Benefits
Invest more than $50 million in

Company GoalsBeverage BenefitsInvest more than $50 million in research by 2015Active

research by 2015
Active Healthy Living
Support at least one physical

activity program in every country in which we operate by the end of 2015
Give back at least 1% of our operating income annually to help develop and sustain communities around the world.
Energy Efficiency and Climate Protection
Grow our business, but not our system wide carbon emissions from our manufacturing operations through 2015, compared with a 2004 baseline

Слайд 7 Company Goals
Sustainable Packaging
Recover 50% of the equivalent bottles

Company GoalsSustainable PackagingRecover 50% of the equivalent bottles and cans used

and cans used annually by 2015
Water Stewardship
Replenish to nature

and communities an amount of water equivalent to what is used in our finished beverages by 2020
Achieve a 98% performance level for Company-owned and -managed facilities upholding the standards set in our Workplace Rights Policy by 2015

Слайд 8 Company Values
Leadership: The courage to shape a better

Company ValuesLeadership: The courage to shape a better futureCollaboration: Leverage collective

Collaboration: Leverage collective genius
Integrity: Be real
Accountability: If it is

to be, it's up to me
Passion: Committed in heart and mind
Diversity: As inclusive as our brands
Quality: What we do, we do well

Слайд 9 External Analysis: Specific Environment
Current Rivalry Among Firms
Main competitors

External Analysis: Specific EnvironmentCurrent Rivalry Among FirmsMain competitors are PepsiCo, Dr.

are PepsiCo, Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, and Walmart (Sam’s

Leader in Industry
Brand Loyalty
Potential Entrant Opportunities
Large capital requirements
No potential entrants
Bargaining Power of Buyers
Very low power

Слайд 10 External Analysis: Specific Environment
Bargaining Power of Suppliers
Limited suppliers

External Analysis: Specific EnvironmentBargaining Power of SuppliersLimited suppliers due to three

due to three dominant companies in industry
Few suppliers, more

Substitute Products
Fruit drinks, energy drinks, sport drinks, and bottled water
Becoming more popular with more health/ weight issues

Слайд 11 External Analysis: General Environment
Economic Opportunities
Bad economy, but good

External Analysis: General EnvironmentEconomic OpportunitiesBad economy, but good for beverage industrySoft

for beverage industry
Soft drinks can be small luxury items

With bad economy had to stop or slow down production to make up for losses
Demographic Opportunities
Younger generation
Demographic Threats
Marketing to younger generations

Слайд 12 External Analysis: General Environment
Sociocultural Opportunities
Diverse products
Sociocultural Threats
Marketing in

External Analysis: General EnvironmentSociocultural OpportunitiesDiverse productsSociocultural ThreatsMarketing in diverse countriesPolitical- Legal

diverse countries
Political- Legal Opportunities
Introduction of “slim can”
Political-Legal Threats
Government regulation

of soft drinks and children

Слайд 13 External Analysis: General Environment
Technological Opportunities
“Smart” Vending Machine
Plastic rather

External Analysis: General EnvironmentTechnological Opportunities“Smart” Vending MachinePlastic rather than glassTechnological ThreatsLabeling

than glass
Technological Threats
Labeling process under scrutiny by FDA
Amount of


Слайд 14 Revenue Trend Analysis
Coca-Cola’s revenues have been steadily increasing.

Revenue Trend AnalysisCoca-Cola’s revenues have been steadily increasing. This can be

This can be due to many factors such as:

Increased Sales
Acquiring new products

Слайд 15 Net Income Trend Analysis
Along with revenues, net income

Net Income Trend AnalysisAlong with revenues, net income has also been

has also been steadily increasing. This can be due

to the same factors as revenue, and also a decreased cost of goods sold and a decreased selling and administrative expenses.

Слайд 16 Important Ratio’s
Liquidity Ratio – 1.166
Ease of meeting short

Important Ratio’sLiquidity Ratio – 1.166Ease of meeting short term obligationsProfit Margin

term obligations
Profit Margin – 33.63%
For every dollar in sales,

Coke takes in about .33 cents in retained earnings.
Return on Equity – 38.09%
For every dollar that investors invest, Coke generates about .38 cents in profit.

Слайд 17 Financially Compared to the Industry
Coke Inventory Turnover –

Financially Compared to the IndustryCoke Inventory Turnover – 13.25Industry – 10.26Coke

Industry – 10.26
Coke has a higher inventory turnover because

of higher demand for products.
Coke Profit Margin – 33.68%
Industry – 6.67%
Cokes generates about 5 and a half times more profit, which highly exceeds the industry profit margin.
Return on Equity – 38.09%
Industry – 14.05%
Our investors dollars go further in our company than they would in a competitors company.

Слайд 18 Market Performance
Responsible Marketing Policy
Coke does not market to

Market PerformanceResponsible Marketing PolicyCoke does not market to an audience that

an audience that is 35% children under 12 years

of age.
This applies to all areas of marking from TV commercials to internet advertisements.
“Kurt the Crate”
Inspires consumers to buy a variety of Coke products and transport them in a reusable crate.

Слайд 19 Marketing Performance
Successful marketing has lead to:
More than 500

Marketing PerformanceSuccessful marketing has lead to:More than 500 sparkling and still

sparkling and still beverages
Company portfolio includes 15 billion dollar

brands such as: Diet Coke, Fanta, Sprite, Coke-Zero, & more.
Marketing territory is in more than 200 countries
Serving beverages at a rate of 1.7 billion per day

Слайд 20 Human Resources
Exciting job areas such as:
Because Coke

Human ResourcesExciting job areas such as:Aviation Because Coke marketed in over

marketed in over 200 countries, Coke employs company pilots

to fly up scale private planes.
Opportunity to create the next best thing
And much more common
career areas.

Слайд 21 SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis

Слайд 22 Key Success Factors
Success depends on the amount of

Key Success FactorsSuccess depends on the amount of brand loyalty and

brand loyalty and the amount of advertising.
The more a

company advertises the more revenue it receives. It works in a cyclical process and each is dependent on the other.
New products need large amounts of promotion so that the public is informed about the product.
Market share gained by one competitor is given up by another.

Слайд 23 Cost Position of Coca-Cola
Coca-Cola products sell at a

Cost Position of Coca-ColaCoca-Cola products sell at a premium compared to

premium compared to other soft drinks. Although the premium

is marginal in the eyes of consumers, it makes a large difference from a corporate standpoint.
It is rumored that Coke products will increase in the near future due to rising commodity costs, like corn, because Coke uses high-fructose corn syrup as a sweetner.

Слайд 24 Economic Characteristics
Growth Rate shown to have increased by

Economic CharacteristicsGrowth Rate shown to have increased by 19% in 2007Unit

19% in 2007
Unit Case Volume Growth increased by 6%,

growing from $24,088 to $28,857
Net Operating Growth increased by 20% from $6,308 to $7,552
Operating Income Growth was 15% from $5,080 to $5,981
(All Above Numbers In Millions)

Слайд 25 Ease Of Entry Into Industry
Very low, but not

Ease Of Entry Into IndustryVery low, but not impossibleHigh overhead and

High overhead and starting costs
No patents for producing carbonated

Ex. Wal-Mart

Слайд 26 What Forces Drive Change in Industry
Environmental Sustainability

What Forces Drive Change in IndustryEnvironmental Sustainability CompetitionInnovation

Слайд 27 Strongest/Weakest Competitive Position in Market
Coke at approximately $164,400,497

Strongest/Weakest Competitive Position in MarketCoke at approximately $164,400,497Pepsi at $127,598,367Dr. Pepper group $10,727,926(Numbers in Thousands)

at $127,598,367
Dr. Pepper group $10,727,926
(Numbers in Thousands)

Слайд 28 Competitive Forces within Industry
Brand Name loyalty
New Entrants

Competitive Forces within IndustryBrand Name loyaltySubstitutesNew EntrantsSuppliers

Слайд 29 Keys to Success
Marketing(right demographics and message)
Innovation(Freestyle, Flavors)

Keys to SuccessMarketing(right demographics and message)PhilanthropyInnovation(Freestyle, Flavors)

Слайд 30 Future Products
“Cokes with a Kick!”
Captain Morgan and Coke

Future Products“Cokes with a Kick!”Captain Morgan and CokeSmirnoff and CokeJack and Coke

and Coke
Jack and Coke

  • Имя файла: history-of-coca-cola.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 132
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