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Презентация на тему Holidays and traditions of great britain

Holidays and traditions of great Britain Today we will talk about holidays and traditions very well-known countries - great Britain.
Holidays and traditions of great Britain  Prepared By: Abdilov AlymbekGroup: TOB 1-1 Holidays and traditions of great Britain Today we will talk about holidays New Year and Christmas in English The British it is difficult Advent - the preparation for Christmas (1-24 December) One of the main St. David Hallowe? en (Hallows Evening) - Halloween (October 31) Halloween was of great The used literaturehttp:/album-6480873_146126002http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?text=%D1%85%D1%8D%D0%BB%D0%BB%D0%BE%D1%83%D0%B8%D0%BD&img_url=img0.liveinternet.ru%2Fimages%2Fattach%2Fc%2F1%2F50%2F560%2F50560325_halloween.jpg&pos=5&isize=large&rpt=simage Thank you for your attention
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Holidays and traditions of great Britain Today we will

Holidays and traditions of great Britain Today we will talk about

talk about holidays and traditions very well-known countries -

great Britain.

Слайд 3
New Year and Christmas in English The British it

New Year and Christmas in English The British it is

is difficult to imagine Christmas in London without street

illumination in the form of a crown of Her Majesty. Festive city is transformed: wears a garland lights and contains in itself the entire forest of Christmas trees, the main of which - the fur-tree in Trafalgar square - annually brought here from Norway as a gift. So the Norwegians Express its gratitude to the United Kingdom for the salvation of the members of the Norwegian Royal family during the second world war. The most famous in the UK pre-Christmas market takes place at the legendary town of Lincoln, which is located to the North of London, on a halfway between York and Cambridge. Lincoln - town founded by the Romans with the two-thousand-year history. The oldest in England Norman castle of the middle of XI century, the ancient Cathedral and Bishop's Palace of XII century is the best shade of a magnificent street market in the style of the Victorian era. The piercing winter wind will you nothing - you can always warm up have the classic English hot punch or strong grog. According to tradition, in the beginning of December in Lincoln passes Christmas Bazaar.

Слайд 5 Advent - the preparation for Christmas (1-24 December) One

Advent - the preparation for Christmas (1-24 December) One of the

of the main traditions of the preparatory weeks -

wreaths with candles. These wreaths are doing to the first Sunday, and consist of 5 candles - four red and one white. The tradition came from Catholicism and distributed in all of Europe. Every Sunday lit the new red candle. They are lit up in a time when the family gets together for prayer. A white candle lit in the evening before Christmas as a symbol of the fact that in the world Christ will come and light up the darkness. The Scots-there is a long-standing tradition, celebrated their day on Christmas eve. He called Yule Log Yule log. This custom is connected with the ancient Scandinavian holiday burning the Yule Log. The Vikings were burned huge log, so that the sun shone brighter. In Scotland, celebrating Yule became popular because it is part of the Scottish Islands for a long time been under the reign of the Vikings and their cultural influence. Now instead of the log burned thick candle.

Слайд 8 St. David"s Day-the Day of Saint David (March

St. David

1) Saint David is the patron Saint of Wales. This

holiday is very important for the inhabitants of Wales, who are in this day in buttonholes daffodils - the emblem of the country. Do not forget to congratulate валийцев. еллоуин - the evening before the Day of all saints. They say that Halloween is not less than two thousand years. The origins of this controversial festival takes from the Celtic culture. The Celtic existed srechi - the beginning of the seasons. There were four of them. Самхэйн lower was the arrival of winter, and was celebrated on October 31. In the VII century, Pope Boniface IV adopted 1 November - All Saints ' Day, wanting to distract the English people from the pagan customs. Later on November 2 was the Afternoon of souls - when commemorate all those who died. However, traditions are preserved in the memory of the people, and to overcome them up to the end did not succeed.

Слайд 9 Hallowe? en (Hallows Evening) - Halloween (October 31) Halloween

Hallowe? en (Hallows Evening) - Halloween (October 31) Halloween was of

was of great importance, in this time with the

help of rituals were saying goodbye to the old, bad, unnecessary and met new. Ancient British in the gift of the gods of nature brought apples, autumn vegetables, flowers, leave them under the trees or buried in the ground with a request for assistance and support. In the night of 31 October was made to expose the plate with the fruit on the street for dead souls, so that they can come to the assistance of the living. Subsequently Halloween moved to the United States, virtually banned in Europe. When the New World appeared millions of Irish people, its snarling pumpkin - a symbol of Halloween on the eve of day of all the saints can be found already in every house. Americans started this evening dress up in costumes and go to the neighbors, begging for food and money. This custom is called trick-or-treat - "give, and it напакощу". This tradition was in England - in the Day of the shower they begged food and El rich in exchange for a promise to pray for their dead relatives. English girls believed that on Halloween they can find out the name and appearance of her husband, wondering on a string, огрызках Apple and mirrors. You can, and try to meet a witch, for this were on the road, twisting clothes inside out.

Слайд 12 The used literature

The used literaturehttp:/album-6480873_146126002http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?text=%D1%85%D1%8D%D0%BB%D0%BB%D0%BE%D1%83%D0%B8%D0%BD&img_url=img0.liveinternet.ru%2Fimages%2Fattach%2Fc%2F1%2F50%2F560%2F50560325_halloween.jpg&pos=5&isize=large&rpt=simage

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