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Презентация на тему Informatics

Grading PolicyThis term we are going to have 3 quizzesEach costs 15 pointsPractice will take 10 points from overall45 points from the final examination
Informatics Instructor: Ali Maratov Grading PolicyThis term we are going to have 3 quizzesEach TopicComputer Lab RulesComputer Ergonomics Computer Lab RulesEnter and leave quietlyDo not Computer ErgonomicsWhat is it?What can you  an applied science concerned with designing and arranging things people use so My Simple Definition of Ergonomics: In simple words, application of ergonomics in The End
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Grading Policy
This term we are going

Grading PolicyThis term we are going to have 3 quizzesEach

to have 3 quizzes
Each costs 15 points
Practice will take

10 points from overall
45 points from the final examination

Слайд 3 Topic
Computer Lab Rules
Computer Ergonomics

TopicComputer Lab RulesComputer Ergonomics

Слайд 5 Computer Lab Rules

Computer Lab RulesEnter and leave quietlyDo not change

and leave quietly
Do not change any equipment
Do not use

any devices till the lesson is not over
No drinks and no food
Respect your classmates and your teacher
Ask for permission if you want to do something
If I see you damaging something I am going to damage you

Слайд 7 Computer Ergonomics

Computer ErgonomicsWhat is it?What can you say about it (your thoughts)

is it?
What can you say about it (your thoughts)

Слайд 8  an applied science concerned with designing and arranging

 an applied science concerned with designing and arranging things people use

things people use so that the people and things

interact most efficiently and safely —called also biotechnology, human engineering, human factors

Слайд 11 My Simple Definition of Ergonomics: In simple words,

My Simple Definition of Ergonomics: In simple words, application of ergonomics

application of ergonomics in industries and organizations helps workers

to work in an environment which is safe, hygienic, and comfortable and helps employers or factory owners to get maximum productivity and quality from their employees keeping in mind their health and workplace safety by using and adopting standard guidelines of ergonomics. Ergonomics also helps employers in lowering absenteeism of workers thereby maintaining minimum if any pressure due to not being understaffed at all times.

  • Имя файла: informatics.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 117
  • Количество скачиваний: 0