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Презентация на тему International public relations

International Public Relations International public relations, a relatively new field, barely existed fifty years ago. Good international public relations (I.P.R.) can greatly aid a firm and increase its profit.
International Public Relations International Public Relations 	International public relations, a relatively new field, barely existed “ The one side to I.P.R. is that the foreign firm The Global Alliance for PR  and Communication Management We jointly search for global standards while embracing diversity.  — Gregor Halff, Global Alliance Chair
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 International Public Relations
International public relations, a relatively new

International Public Relations 	International public relations, a relatively new field, barely

field, barely existed fifty years ago.
Good international public

relations (I.P.R.) can greatly aid a firm and increase its profit.

Слайд 3 “ The one side to I.P.R. is

“ The one side to I.P.R. is that the foreign

that the foreign firm abroad, it often influences the

way foreigners think about that firm's home country. “

Слайд 4 The Global Alliance for PR and Communication Management

The Global Alliance for PR and Communication Management

Слайд 5 We jointly search for global standards while embracing

We jointly search for global standards while embracing diversity.  — Gregor Halff, Global Alliance Chair


— Gregor Halff, Global Alliance Chair

  • Имя файла: international-public-relations.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 105
  • Количество скачиваний: 0