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Презентация на тему Ireland

ContentVocabularyIrelandSymbolsPatronTraditionsCultureFamous peopleInteresting facts
IrelandCompleted: Students of group FEBK-11Vologda2012 ContentVocabularyIrelandSymbolsPatronTraditionsCultureFamous peopleInteresting facts Vocabularyabdominal pain – боль в животеforever – вечностьClover – клеверSt.Trinity – святая SymbolsCeltic cross: round is a symbol of forever, cross symbolize remind about Celtic hurp: Hurp image on the coat of the state. Ireland is Saint Patron Saint Patrick is greatest saint and patron of irish population. Sights Dublin CastleSt. Stephen Green it is a park of Dublin CultureCelebratesMusicTheater Celebrates  Ireland have many state celebrates. There is Christmas, St. Patrick’s TheaterThe first national theater in Ireland – theater of Abbey- was opened Interesting factsThe oldest irish means from abdominal pain – swallow a live Thank you for attention!!!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Content
Famous people
Interesting facts

ContentVocabularyIrelandSymbolsPatronTraditionsCultureFamous peopleInteresting facts

Слайд 3 Vocabulary
abdominal pain – боль в животе
forever – вечность

Vocabularyabdominal pain – боль в животеforever – вечностьClover – клеверSt.Trinity –

– клевер
St.Trinity – святая троица
Celtic hurp – Кельтская арфа

Ring – Кладахское кольцо
Dedicated – посвящены
Sights – достопримечательности
Swallow – глотать
Black pond – черный пруд
Christmas Eve – канун Рождества

Слайд 5 Symbols
Celtic cross: round is a symbol of forever,

SymbolsCeltic cross: round is a symbol of forever, cross symbolize remind

cross symbolize remind about saving victim.

Clover: according to the

legend, St.Patrick explained his students, for example clover, the study about St.Trinity.

Слайд 6 Celtic hurp: Hurp image on the coat of

Celtic hurp: Hurp image on the coat of the state. Ireland

the state. Ireland is only state, which image musician

instrument on the coat.

Claddagh Ring: it is a symbol of loyalty and love. It is a national ring.

Слайд 7 Saint Patron
Saint Patrick is greatest saint and

Saint Patron Saint Patrick is greatest saint and patron of irish

patron of irish population. Many cathedrals and churches are

dedicated to St.Patrick. St. Patrick is a father of irish literature

Слайд 8 Sights
Dublin Castle

St. Stephen Green it is a

Sights Dublin CastleSt. Stephen Green it is a park of Dublin

park of Dublin

Слайд 9 Culture


Слайд 10 Celebrates
Ireland have many state celebrates. There

Celebrates Ireland have many state celebrates. There is Christmas, St. Patrick’s

is Christmas, St. Patrick’s day, Easter and others. St.

Patrick’s day is celebrated on 17march. It is the most important national holiday of Ireland.

St. Patrick’s day parade

Слайд 14 Theater
The first national theater in Ireland – theater

TheaterThe first national theater in Ireland – theater of Abbey- was

of Abbey- was opened in Dublin 27 december 1904.

Слайд 15 Interesting facts
The oldest irish means from abdominal pain

Interesting factsThe oldest irish means from abdominal pain – swallow a

– swallow a live frog
Name of the capital happens

from «Dubh Linn», that means «Black pond»
Irish alfabet have only 18 letters(J, K, Q, V, W, X, Y, Z – DO NOT USE)
If boy was born on the easter, he get post in a church
For health, need to eat apple in Christmas Eve.

  • Имя файла: ireland.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 103
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