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Презентация на тему Jobs in IT

What is “Information technology (IT)?”Technology that enables information to be used to produce products and services
Jobs in ITStudent: Tursunov Mirsaid Group: 216 What is “Information technology (IT)?”Technology that enables information to be used to produce products and services TerminologyPhysical parts of the computerPrograms for the computerWritten commands that tell a CAREER OPPORTUNITIES IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT)“Information technology and business are becoming inextricably Activities of IT Workers Activities of IT Workers Careers in IT Careers in IT Careers in IT E-mail: mirsaidtursunov7@gmail.com BELIEVE IN YOURSELF !Thank You for attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 What is “Information technology (IT)?”
Technology that enables information

What is “Information technology (IT)?”Technology that enables information to be used to produce products and services

to be used to produce products and services

Слайд 3 Terminology
Physical parts of the computer
Programs for the computer

TerminologyPhysical parts of the computerPrograms for the computerWritten commands that tell

commands that tell a computer what tasks to perform

“Information technology and

CAREER OPPORTUNITIES IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT)“Information technology and business are becoming

business are becoming inextricably interwoven. I don't think anybody

can talk meaningfully about one without the talking about the other.”
Bill Gates

Слайд 5 Activities of IT Workers

Activities of IT Workers

Слайд 6 Activities of IT Workers

Activities of IT Workers

Слайд 7 Careers in IT

Careers in IT

Слайд 8 Careers in IT

Careers in IT

Слайд 9 Careers in IT

Careers in IT

  • Имя файла: jobs-in-it.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 153
  • Количество скачиваний: 2
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