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Презентация на тему London

The Great Fire of LondonOn the second of September, 1666, a fire started in the house of the King`s baker, who lived near The London Bridge. A strong wind quickly spread the fire and it was
LONDON The Great Fire of LondonOn the second of September, 1666, a fire The Houses of ParliamentThe Houses of Parliament are located in Parliament Square The Tower of LondonThe oldest the best-known and the most impressive fortress Some photos of the Tower Westminster AbbeyWestminster Abbey is one of the most famous places of interest The London EyeThe London Eye is the biggest of Ferris wheels. It Some photos of London Eye This is the map of London The End=)
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The Great Fire of London
On the second of

The Great Fire of LondonOn the second of September, 1666, a

September, 1666, a fire started in the house of

the King`s baker, who lived near The London Bridge. A strong wind quickly spread the fire and it was burning for 3 days.

The history of London begins about 43 AD when the Romans invaded the territory inhabited by the Celts in the southern part of Britain and called it Londinium.

The Great Fire of london

Слайд 3 The Houses of Parliament
The Houses of Parliament are

The Houses of ParliamentThe Houses of Parliament are located in Parliament

located in Parliament Square on the Bank of the

Thames. It is a majestic
building with two towers: Victoria Tower and Saint Stephan`s Tower and a very big clock which is
called Big Ban. In the Houses of Parliament are more than 1000 rooms and over 3 kilometres of

Слайд 4 The Tower of London
The oldest the best-known and

The Tower of LondonThe oldest the best-known and the most impressive

the most impressive fortress in England The Tower of

London which
was built by William the Conqueror on the North Bank of the Thames. Nowadays it is a museum which
attracts tourists with the Crown Jewels – the best precious stones of the nation.

Слайд 5 Some photos of the Tower

Some photos of the Tower

Слайд 6 Westminster Abbey
Westminster Abbey is one of the most

Westminster AbbeyWestminster Abbey is one of the most famous places of

famous places of interest in Great Britain.
It was created

by Edward the Confessor in 1300. There are memorials to Shakespeare,
Burns, Kipling, Walter Scott, Newton and others.

Слайд 7 The London Eye
The London Eye is the biggest

The London EyeThe London Eye is the biggest of Ferris wheels.

of Ferris wheels. It has 32 cabins which hold

25 people. The London Eye was opened in 2000.

Слайд 8 Some photos of London Eye

Some photos of London Eye

Слайд 9 This is the map of London

This is the map of London

  • Имя файла: london.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 99
  • Количество скачиваний: 0