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Презентация на тему Panama and it’s canal is part of some 144 trade routes, which connect 160 countries and 1700 ports around the world

Trade Routed Through the Panama Canal
Panama and it’s canal is part of some 144 trade routes, which Trade Routed Through the Panama Canal Panama is a growing economy – with 11.2% growth in GDP in Two-way merchandise trade between Canada and Panama in 2014 amounted to $106.5 Relations with Other Countries Multinational Corporation in PanamaOver 100 multinational have offices in PanamaCoca Cola, FedEX, International Strategy References
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Trade Routed Through the Panama Canal

Trade Routed Through the Panama Canal

Слайд 3 Panama is a growing economy – with 11.2%

Panama is a growing economy – with 11.2% growth in GDP

growth in GDP in 2007. In this same year,

Panama’s GDP reached $21.22 billion, with GDP per capita registering at $6,346. Panama is a service-oriented economy, with services representing approximately 78.4% of its GDP and 62.7% of employment in 2007. Also, the balance of trade in services in 2007 was $3.0 billion in Panama’s favour. Top service exports from Panama in that year included transport and storage, tourism, financial, communication, and other business services.

Слайд 4 Two-way merchandise trade between Canada and Panama in

Two-way merchandise trade between Canada and Panama in 2014 amounted to

2014 amounted to $106.5 million. Canadian merchandise exports to

Panama in 2014 totaled nearly $95.5 million, and included machinery, paper and paperboard, meat, pharmaceuticals, and vegetables. Imports from Panama in 2014 were valued at $11.1 million.

Canada and Panama have established strong commercial relations that continue to expand.

Free Trade Agreement that was signed in 2010.

Слайд 5 Relations with Other Countries

Relations with Other Countries

Слайд 7 Multinational Corporation in Panama
Over 100 multinational have offices

Multinational Corporation in PanamaOver 100 multinational have offices in PanamaCoca Cola,

in Panama
Coca Cola, FedEX, Redisson, ChevronTexaco, DELL(USA)
Telefonica (Spain)
Itochu, Mitsui,

Sony, Matsushita(Japan)
HSBC, Cable & Wireless (UK)
Petaquilla Minerals, Teck, Inmet (Canada)
Samsung (Korea)

Слайд 8 International Strategy

International Strategy

  • Имя файла: panama-and-its-canal-is-part-of-some-144-trade-routes-which-connect-160-countries-and-1700-ports-around-the-world.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 95
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