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Презентация на тему Preparation for the new year

new year is a family holiday. I celebrate it with a family at a dacha. We decorate the house, we decorate a Christmas tree and we prepare entertainments for a table.
preparation for the new year new year is a family holiday. I celebrate it with a family House preparationWe already started decorating the house a little.We decorate kitchen, windows Christmas tree.the main symbol of new year is a Christmas tree. We GiftsWe choose gifts to friends and relatives. Fakes the handsI try to make fakes for new year. Relatives can Food.I decided to be original and to make unusual, but tasty dishes. New year is a family and quiet holiday. And we treat preparation responsibly. The endПрезентация была создана Александрой Бокаревой с помощью google...С наступающим всех!!!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 new year is a family holiday. I celebrate

new year is a family holiday. I celebrate it with a

it with a family at a dacha. We decorate

the house, we decorate a Christmas tree and we prepare entertainments for a table.

Слайд 3 House preparation
We already started decorating the house a

House preparationWe already started decorating the house a little.We decorate kitchen,

We decorate kitchen, windows but while put an artificial

Christmas fir-tree.

Слайд 4 Christmas tree.
the main symbol of new year is

Christmas tree.the main symbol of new year is a Christmas tree.

a Christmas tree. We decorate a Christmas tree on

the street and at home.

Слайд 5 Gifts
We choose gifts to friends and relatives.

GiftsWe choose gifts to friends and relatives.

Слайд 6 Fakes the hands
I try to make fakes for

Fakes the handsI try to make fakes for new year. Relatives

new year. Relatives can present them and to decorate

the house.

Слайд 7 Food.
I decided to be original and to make

Food.I decided to be original and to make unusual, but tasty dishes.

unusual, but tasty dishes.

Слайд 8 New year is a family and quiet holiday.

New year is a family and quiet holiday. And we treat preparation responsibly.

And we treat preparation responsibly.

  • Имя файла: preparation-for-the-new-year.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 134
  • Количество скачиваний: 0