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Презентация на тему Gem: entrepreneurial cohorts ladder

GEM: entrepreneurial cohorts ladderWe focus on similarities and differences in TEA and EBO characteristics in countries where the participating universities belongTotal early entrepreneurial activity (TEO) – those who own/manage a new venture from 0 till 48
Entrepreneurial activity in United Kingdom, Germany, Greece, Russia and The Netherlands after GEM: entrepreneurial cohorts ladderWe focus on similarities and differences in TEA and Dynamics of EBO and TEA, by country, 2008-2012Established Business Ownership Rate* Total MotivationNecessity-driven“Be pushed”:No other job optionsNeed a source of incomeOpportunity-driven“Be pulled”:Rational choice to Motivation structure: necessity vs opportunity driven entrepreneurs (% of TEA) General diminishing Perception variables: why do people (don’t) start-up?GER: median levels of both indicators Innovativeness by product novelty Innovativeness of early entrepreneurs – indicate possible future What did we learn from GEM about entrepreneurial activity in our countries? Thank you for attention!Moscow, 2013
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 GEM: entrepreneurial cohorts ladder
We focus on similarities and

GEM: entrepreneurial cohorts ladderWe focus on similarities and differences in TEA

differences in TEA and EBO characteristics in countries where

the participating universities belong

Total early entrepreneurial activity (TEO) – those who own/manage a new venture from 0 till 48 months

Established business owners (EBO) - those who own/manage a business for more than 3 and a half years

Слайд 3 Dynamics of EBO and TEA, by country, 2008-2012
Established Business

Dynamics of EBO and TEA, by country, 2008-2012Established Business Ownership Rate*

Ownership Rate*
Total Early Stage Entrepreneurial Activity*
GR: the

highest rate of EBO and TEA, both declining after 2011 (‘shock therapy’ start).

UK: similar TEA and EBO indexes, however different trends: moderate decline of the EBO but growing TEA after 2011.

GER; both TEA and EBO lower than close to UK and EEA close to Russia.

RUS: the lowest not growing EBO and the lowest but growing TEA.

Слайд 4 Motivation
“Be pushed”:
No other job options
Need a source of

MotivationNecessity-driven“Be pushed”:No other job optionsNeed a source of incomeOpportunity-driven“Be pulled”:Rational choice

“Be pulled”:
Rational choice to use opportunity
To become independent
To realize

creative ideas (IDE)
To increase income

prevalence of O-d vs. N-d can provide insights into the ‘quality’ of early-stage entrepreneurial activity because especially IDE are more likely to innovate and grow

Слайд 5 Motivation structure: necessity vs opportunity driven entrepreneurs (%

Motivation structure: necessity vs opportunity driven entrepreneurs (% of TEA) General

of TEA)
General diminishing of NDE in NL and

GER, general increase – in UK, GR and RUS during the whole period, however, after 2011 NL – the single economy within the trend

GER – spectacular decline of NDE, the highest variations among the countries

General worsening in 2011 in 4 countries but not in NL

GR scores close to RUS, but worsening in GR appeared some earlier than in RUS

General improvement in NL and GER, stable ODE rate in UK, decrease in RUS and GR

Слайд 6 Perception variables: why do people (don’t) start-up?
GER: median

Perception variables: why do people (don’t) start-up?GER: median levels of both

levels of both indicators
GR: deep crisis causes a

pessimist view on opportunities to start-up, while high level of capabilities.
NL: people highly assess opportunities for doing business. The doing business rating supports this factors: Netherlands is on the 31st place.

RUS: the lowest rate of perceived opportunities, except Greece, and the lowest level of perceived capabilities among 5 countries.
UK: the lowest level of perceived opportunities among 3 old EU economies, but relatively high level of perceived capabilities.

Слайд 7 Innovativeness by product novelty
Innovativeness of early entrepreneurs

Innovativeness by product novelty Innovativeness of early entrepreneurs – indicate possible

– indicate possible future performance of entrepreneurs in respective

GER, UK, and NL show quite similar result (from about 23% to 28%),
GR has the highest level (33%), whilst RUS – the lowest one (16 %)

Percentage of Total Early-Stage Entrepreneurs (TEA) With Innovative Products in 54 Economies, 2011

Слайд 8 What did we learn from GEM about entrepreneurial

What did we learn from GEM about entrepreneurial activity in our

activity in our countries?
Some evidences:
Both TEA and

EBO differ during the whole observation period – hence, there are some (hidden?) reasons embedded in culture, EFC etc. even between economies with established markets and democratic order
Motivation structure - worsening in Greece and Russia while stable or improving – in UK, Germany and esp. Netherlands
Perception variables’ differences - most dramatically in Greece (low opportunities whilst high abilities)
Innovativeness by product is the highest among Greek early entrepreneurs and the lowest – among Russian. If so, Greece has in future good prospects of a deep change of economic structure, whereas Russian future economic performance looks ‘cloudy’…

  • Имя файла: gem-entrepreneurial-cohorts-ladder.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 154
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