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Презентация на тему Easter Baskets Lab

Making Easter baskets is a favorite activity of kids at Easter You can make a gift basket filled with a number of Easter related fantastic ideas. These decorated Easter gift baskets can be filled with assorted
Easter Baskets LabАвтор:Ольга Михайловна Степанова, Making Easter baskets is a favorite activity of kids at Easter You Paper baskets are so easy to make! You can make Easter baskets using different ideas! Be just creative! You can make a simple Easter baskets from paper! just switch on your imagination! You can make an Easter basket and decorate it with a lot You can make Some Easter baskets from plastic bottles as well! It You can make Some beautiful lantern shape Easter baskets! It is so cute! You can make an Accordion Easter basket! It is so easy! To make an Easter basket is so easy! https://youtu.be/PU4OeRLbCG0 You can open this youtube Lesson and find a cute idea https://youtu.be/JJwJTyeqEbI Here is a super easy lesson how to make an Easter basket! Happy Easter!Happy Easter!Happy Easter!Happy Easter!Happy Easter!Happy Easter!Happy Easter!Happy Easter! https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0e/5a/3e/0e5a3e9b8e8387ecf912df2fbecf3a46.jpghttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcRVutyLZq5SJ7QiWd0285wSC4lQt3YQUAuHf-m7dGu9mAYH2jrI https://www.craftideas.info/assets/images/Easter_Paper_Craft_for_Kids_-_Easy_Easter_Basket.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/474x/5d/53/d6/5d53d604f4dd7d8513445ecdeaab361a.jpghttps://images.immediate.co.uk/production/volatile/sites/32/2020/02/how-to-make-an-easter-basket-out-of-paper-main-81dc827.jpg?quality=90&resize=620,413https://www.homemade-gifts-made-easy.com/image-files/xpaper-easter-basket-800x800.jpg.pagespeed.ic.FAA0qNrkmK.jpghttps://deavita.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/cute-Easter-basket-craft-ideas-DIY-Easter-egg-hunt-baskets.jpghttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcQuNUV8bkM2R5UyKWCsPP_ZyFBAeHMU4gptu9zOXs51XWlLTRa9https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0e/5a/3e/0e5a3e9b8e8387ecf912df2fbecf3a46.jpghttps://i.ytimg.com/vi/-3uKqIbhpmo/hqdefault.jpghttps://i.pinimg.com/474x/75/00/60/750060c88e4b93eabeeb26d4c2b6a9b3.jpghttps://i.pinimg.com/564x/8b/cc/6d/8bcc6db0e046b44246460046430e1625.jpghttps://www.thetomkatstudio.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/IMG_2703a.jpghttps://clipartmag.com/images/easter-baskets-pictures-4.jpghttps://clipartmag.com/images/easter-baskets-pictures-4.jpghttps://i.pinimg.com/236x/2a/bf/91/2abf9160319cbfb5534927d1ae91d9ad.jpghttps://img.rasset.ie/00071b39-642.jpghttps://img2.freepng.es/20180611/cu/kisspng-red-easter-egg-easter-bunny-5b1eb264678434.490145731528738404424.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f6/2d/fc/f62dfc7dda0ff2e627282d6a6433c467.jpg Источники идей:
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Making Easter baskets is a favorite activity of

Making Easter baskets is a favorite activity of kids at Easter

kids at Easter
You can make a gift basket

with a number of Easter related
fantastic ideas.
These decorated Easter gift baskets
can be filled with assorted products
and can be be gifted
to your relatives, friends and

Слайд 6 Paper baskets are
so easy to make!

Paper baskets are so easy to make!

Слайд 7 You can make
Easter baskets using different ideas!

You can make Easter baskets using different ideas! Be just creative!

Be just creative!

Слайд 8 You can make
a simple Easter baskets from

You can make a simple Easter baskets from paper! just switch on your imagination!

just switch on your imagination!

Слайд 9 You can make
an Easter basket and decorate

You can make an Easter basket and decorate it with a

it with a lot of paper flowers!
Fantastic Easter

aren’t they?

Слайд 10 You can make
Some Easter baskets from plastic

You can make Some Easter baskets from plastic bottles as well!

bottles as well!
It is a great idea!

Слайд 11 You can make
Some beautiful lantern shape

You can make Some beautiful lantern shape Easter baskets! It is so cute!

It is so cute!

Слайд 12 You can make
an Accordion Easter basket!

You can make an Accordion Easter basket! It is so easy!

is so easy!

Слайд 13 To make an Easter basket is so easy!

To make an Easter basket is so easy!

Слайд 14 https://youtu.be/PU4OeRLbCG0
You can open this youtube Lesson and

https://youtu.be/PU4OeRLbCG0 You can open this youtube Lesson and find a cute

a cute idea
to make
an Easter basket!

Слайд 15 https://youtu.be/JJwJTyeqEbI
Here is a super easy lesson

https://youtu.be/JJwJTyeqEbI Here is a super easy lesson how to make an Easter basket!

to make an Easter basket!

Слайд 16 Happy Easter!
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!Happy Easter!Happy Easter!Happy Easter!Happy Easter!Happy Easter!Happy Easter!Happy Easter!


  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-easter-baskets-lab.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 117
  • Количество скачиваний: 0