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Презентация на тему Russian marine painterivan konstantinovichaivazovsky

Ivan Konstantinovich AivazovskyBirth name: Hovhannes AyvazyanDate of birth: 17 July 1817Date of death: 19 April 1900 (82 years)Place of birth: Feodosia (Crimea)
Russian marine painter Ivan Konstantinovich AivazovskyВыполнил: ученик 11 а классаЦО №38Байтеряков ВладимирПроект на тему: Ivan Konstantinovich AivazovskyBirth name: Hovhannes AyvazyanDate of birth: 17 July 1817Date of Ivan Aivazovsky childhood discovered his artistic and musical abilities. He taught himself Еducationhe graduated from district school Feodosiya he graduated from Simferopol gymnasium 28 Achievementsin September 1837, Aivazovsky received the Major gold medal for the painting Track recordIn 1844, Aivazovsky became a painter of the Naval Staff of Thanks for your attention!!! 
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky

Birth name: Hovhannes Ayvazyan

Date of birth:

Ivan Konstantinovich AivazovskyBirth name: Hovhannes AyvazyanDate of birth: 17 July 1817Date

17 July 1817

Date of death: 19 April 1900

(82 years)
Place of birth: Feodosia (Crimea)

Слайд 3 Ivan Aivazovsky childhood discovered his artistic and musical

Ivan Aivazovsky childhood discovered his artistic and musical abilities. He taught

He taught himself to play the violin.
Детство и



Self portrait (1880)

Слайд 4 Еducation
he graduated from district school Feodosiya
he graduated

Еducationhe graduated from district school Feodosiya he graduated from Simferopol gymnasium

from Simferopol gymnasium
28 August 1833, was admitted to

the Imperial Academy of arts in Saint Petersburg
In 1835 he received a silver medal for landscapes "View of the beach in the vicinity of St. Petersburg" and "a Study of air over the sea“.

Слайд 5 Achievements
in September 1837, Aivazovsky received the Major gold

Achievementsin September 1837, Aivazovsky received the Major gold medal for the

medal for the painting "Calm".
Due to the success

of Aivazovsky in the studies, was made unusual for the Academy's decision to release him from the Academy two years ahead of schedule and send him to these two years in the Crimea for independent work, and then on a business trip abroad for six years.
to 22 years Aivazovsky earned the nobility.

Слайд 6 Track record
In 1844, Aivazovsky became a painter of

Track recordIn 1844, Aivazovsky became a painter of the Naval Staff

the Naval Staff of Russia, and from 1847 -

professor of the St. Petersburg Academy of Fine Arts. He was also in the European academies: Rome, Paris, Florence, Amsterdam and Stuttgart.
Ivan Konstantinovich is famous basically for his seascapes and paintings of naval battles

"The ship among the stormy sea," Aivazovsky (1887)

Слайд 7 "The Ninth Wave"
"The Ninth Wave" - one

of the most famous paintings by Russian marine painter

Ivan Aivazovsky, is stored in the Russian Museum.
The artist depicts the sea after the strongest night storm and the people who survived. The sun's rays illuminate the enormous waves. The biggest of them — the ninth wave is ready to come down on people trying to survive on the wreckage of the mast.
Although the ship destroyed and there is only one mast, the people on mast alive yet and continue to struggle with the element. Warm tones of picture make the sea is not so harsh and give the viewer the hope that people will be saved.
The skill of the artist is incredibly - paints, water clarity!
Picture size - 221 × 332 cm. At the bottom, on a mast, signature and date: Aivazovsky 1850. The Russian Museum, the picture came in 1897 from the Hermitage.

  • Имя файла: russian-marine-painterivan-konstantinovichaivazovsky.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 91
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