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Презентация на тему Тема:Экология занимательные факты

The family is the most important thing in our life!
The family is  the most important thing  in our life! What will you leave   behind you  for your children? OR All is interrelated  in the world The health of  humanity is wrapped  of the state of  environment! No comment!!! Why you leave it?You will return     here Our future is  in our hands! Take care of  the nature!!!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The family is the most important thing in

The family is the most important thing in our life!

our life!

Слайд 4 What will you leave behind you for

What will you leave  behind you for your children?

your children?

Слайд 6 All is interrelated in the world

All is interrelated in the world

Слайд 8 The health of humanity is wrapped of the

The health of humanity is wrapped of the state of environment!

state of environment!

Слайд 10 No comment!!!

No comment!!!

Слайд 11 Why you

leave it?

You will return

Why you leave it?You will return   here  youself!


Слайд 12 Our future is in our hands!

Our future is in our hands!

Слайд 14 Take care of the nature!!!

Take care of the nature!!!

  • Имя файла: temaekologiya-zanimatelnye-fakty.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 103
  • Количество скачиваний: 0