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Презентация на тему The fine arts within the international art competition show your world

1. Ознайомлення студентів з текстом про міжнародний мистецький конкурс The International Art Competition «Show Your World» Щоб переглянути текст для перекладу, перейдіть по даному посиланнюhttp://www.reartiste.com/show-your-world-international-art-competition/
The Fine Arts within The International Art Competition «Show Your World» 1.  Ознайомлення студентів з текстом про міжнародний мистецький конкурс The International 2. Скласти декілька речень, які б рекламували цей конкурс Граматичний матеріал The Reported Speech1. Statements, Questions, CommandsMind the type of sentences 4. Backshift of tensesIf there is backshift of tenses in Reported Speech, 5. Conversion of expressions of time and placeIf there is an expression Замінити пряму мову з відгуків учасників конкурсу на непряму1)“This was the first 5. Творче завданняВибрати роботу відомого художника та Thank you for your attention! Good luck)))
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 1. Ознайомлення студентів з текстом про міжнародний

1. Ознайомлення студентів з текстом про міжнародний мистецький конкурс The International

мистецький конкурс The International Art Competition «Show Your World»

Щоб переглянути текст для перекладу, перейдіть по даному посиланню

Слайд 4 2. Скласти декілька речень, які б рекламували цей

2. Скласти декілька речень, які б рекламували цей конкурс


Слайд 5 Граматичний матеріал
The Reported Speech

1. Statements, Questions, Commands

Граматичний матеріал The Reported Speech1. Statements, Questions, CommandsMind the type of

the type of sentences when you use Reported Speech.

• Statements
• Questions
• Commands, Requests

2. The introductory sentence
If you use Reported Speech there are mostly two main differences. The introductory sentence in Reported Speech can be in the Present or in the Past. If the introductory sentences is in the Simple Present, there is no backshift of tenses.
Direct Speech:
Susan: “Mary works in an office.”
Reported Speech:
Introductory sentence in the Simple Present → Susan says (that)* Mary works in an office.
Introductory sentence in the Simple Past → Susan said (that)* Mary worked in an office.

3. Change of persons/pronouns
If there is a pronoun in Direct Speech, it has possibly to be changed in Reported Speech, depending on the situation.
Direct Speech → Susan: “I work in an office.”
Reported Speech → Susan said (that)* she worked in an office.
Here I is changed to she.

Слайд 6 4. Backshift of tenses
If there is backshift of

4. Backshift of tensesIf there is backshift of tenses in Reported

tenses in Reported Speech, the tenses are shifted the

following way.
Direct Speech → Peter: “I work in the garden.”
Reported Speech → Peter said (that)* he worked in the garden.

Слайд 7 5. Conversion of expressions of time and place

5. Conversion of expressions of time and placeIf there is an

there is an expression of time/place in the sentence,

it may be changed, depending on the situation.
Direct Speech → Peter: “I worked in the garden yesterday.”
Reported Speech → Peter said (that) he had worked in the garden the day before.

Слайд 8 Замінити пряму мову з відгуків учасників конкурсу на

Замінити пряму мову з відгуків учасників конкурсу на непряму1)“This was the

1)“This was the first time that my artwork was

exhibited outside Canada. Considering that 2 pieces were sold and the positive feedback that I received boosted my confidence in what I am doing.”
Renée De Gagné - Canada

2)“It could not have come at a better time. It gave me the confidence I needed to secure eight more juried exhibitions for the year, two in NYC.”
Mack Gingles - Texas, USA

3)“This competition has been very important to me because it gave me the opportunity to show my art work in one of the most relevant places of art. This is a very good chance for emerging artists.”
Ivannia Lasso - Costa Rica

4)“Winning the competition allowed me to feel more confident in my work, and increased my exposure in the art world. I have nothing but praise for the competition staff and the staff at this competititon.
Ed Moret - Massachusetts, USA

5)“To see my work displayed on the walls of your gallery was validating on so many levels. I have been doing art for more than 40 years and I couldn’t help but feel a strong sense of satisfaction, joy, accomplishment, and personal honor. Thank you for that opportunity…
Doug DePice - New Yersey, USA

Слайд 9 5. Творче завдання


5. Творче завданняВибрати роботу відомого художника та представити її у групі онлайн

роботу відомого художника та представити її у групі онлайн

  • Имя файла: the-fine-arts-within-the-international-art-competition-show-your-world.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 110
  • Количество скачиваний: 0
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