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Презентация на тему This year is the cross change year of culture between britain and russia.cross-culture year of great britain and russia in 2014 is designed as fully as possible to present the rich cultural heritage of the two countries. one of the main tasks - to promot

This year is the cross change year of culture between Britain and Russia. Cross-Culture Year of Great Britain and Russia in 2014 is designed as fully as possible to present the rich cultural heritage
This year is the cross change year of culture between Britain and The Exhibition of Julia Margaret CameronJulia Margaret Cameron (1815-1879) was one of EXHIBITION EXHIBITION Russian designers at Fashion Week in LONDONFebruary 18, 2014 as part of XV Festival of New British CinemaFrom October 28 to November 9, 2014 The BAL fluid of robots and ROBOFORUM 2014ROBOFORUME 2014, which was held EXHIBITION Concert and conference in memory of John TavenerThe concert was attended by The world premiere of A. Alyabiev Phantom of the Opera
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Слайд 2 This year is the cross change year of

This year is the cross change year of culture between Britain

culture between Britain and Russia. Cross-Culture Year of Great Britain

and Russia in 2014 is designed as fully as possible to present the rich cultural heritage of the two countries. One of the main tasks - to promote cultural exchange, thereby strengthening the relationship between people, organizations and governments.

Слайд 3 The Exhibition of Julia Margaret Cameron
Julia Margaret Cameron

The Exhibition of Julia Margaret CameronJulia Margaret Cameron (1815-1879) was one

(1815-1879) was one of the most outstanding and innovative

photographers of the 19th century. The exhibition in Moscow Multimedia Art Museum, completely made up of a rich collection of works by Cameron stored in the Victoria and Albert Museum, will mark just two dates - its 200th anniversary and the 150th anniversary of the opening of the first exhibition of works photographer in the South Kensington Museum in 1865.
In addition to the expressive male and female portrait photos of Cameron created a "living pictures" and asked for a model pose - which are mainly friends, family members and servants - in imitation of the allegorical works of art. Her photographs are the epitome of not only beauty, but also a violation of the rules, some of them deliberately poorly focused, and many visible scratches, stains and other traces of the creative process.

Слайд 4 EXHIBITION "Francis Bacon and legacy of the past"


exhibition presents thirteen paintings of Francis Bacon from the

collection of the Centre of Fine Arts Sainsbury. They come from the collection of Robert and Lisa Sainsbury, his first and most generous patrons that have had a significant artist moral and financial support in the difficult years for him. The paintings were written mainly in the 1950s - early 1960s, and are the foundation around which the rest going to the artist's works. On display are also paintings from the Tate Gallery, London; Art Gallery and Museum in Aberdeen, Yale Center for British Art in New Haven, USA; Hugh Lane Gallery in Dublin, as well as from private collections. So, from the collection of Lord Duro exhibited "Portrait of Pope Innocent X» Velasquez, one of the variants of pictures in the gallery Doria Pamphili. The image of the Pope created the great Spanish painter, was a source of inspiration for many paintings by Bacon.
The main objective of the exhibition - to make people think about art and creativity. Nothing facilitates thinking process so as comparison.This exhibition gives this necessary ground.

Слайд 5 EXHIBITION "" English breakfast "IN RUSSIA. END XVIII


- XIX Century "
Interest in the phenomenon of the

English taste and comfort of English in Russia at the turn of XVIII - XIX century was enormous. "Anglomania" is reflected in almost all spheres of Russian culture and everyday life of all walks of life.

The exhibition of the Historical Museum will show the traditional form of submission and English breakfast tea. The exhibition features custom sets for imperial palaces and pavilions, and visitors will see items made for the "middle class", in particular, plates with printed decor, dishes with the emblem of the Moscow English Club, curly pitchers "Toby", products from the so-called basalt (black) mass and earthenware, porcelain and glass products "in the Etruscan style" factory Wedgwood end of XVIII century, as well as the Imperial Porcelain factory and Glassworks Petersburg 1790s - 1830s.

Слайд 6 Russian designers at Fashion Week in LONDON
February 18,

Russian designers at Fashion Week in LONDONFebruary 18, 2014 as part

2014 as part of the Year of Culture of

Great Britain and Russia for the first time a group of Russian designers will take part in London Fashion Week.

The concept of the Russian presentation "NEW RUSSIAN FASHION IN FILM" is based on the trendy video as a new way of communication in the fashion industry in the digital age. The British Council is invited to participate thirteen designers, each of which will present its fashion-film created in collaboration with Russian directors and curatorial support of such well-known British video artists like Catherine Ferguson, Alex Turvey, Grace Lada and Marie Schuller

Слайд 7 XV Festival of New British Cinema
From October 28

XV Festival of New British CinemaFrom October 28 to November 9,

to November 9, 2014 in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk

within the Year of Culture of Great Britain and Russia held a jubilee XV Festival "New British Cinema".
Jubilee Festival opened in Moscow on October 28 at the cinema "Formula Kino Horizon" (Komsomol prospectus, 21/10) film screening of the famous English actor Rafe Fiennes' Invisible Woman »(The Invisible Woman) on the last years of Charles Dickens and his love for the late British actress Ellen (Nellie) Ternan.
On the anniversary of the festival prepared a special documentary program, which will be held at the Center for Documentary Film. Viewers can see the biopic of the legendary photographer Jane Bown "In search of light: Jane Bown» (Looking for Light), as well as a picture "Different Song: Pete Fiji and Terry Bikkers» (Various Songs: a film on Pete Fij and Terry Bickers) Peter Bromley and detective "rogue reporter» (One Rogue Reporter) Peppiata Richard and Tom Jenkinson; the latter has been successfully presented at this year's International Documentary Film Festival in Sheffield.
By the 450th anniversary of the birth of William Shakespeare Festival will also show a selection of film adaptations of plays of the great playwright, including the film "Who: Welcome behind the scenes", dedicated to the theatrical production of "Richard III», as well as "The Tempest" with a modern twist directed by Rob Carrie.

Слайд 8 The BAL fluid of robots and ROBOFORUM 2014

The BAL fluid of robots and ROBOFORUM 2014ROBOFORUME 2014, which was

2014, which was held from 15 to 18 May,

brought together more than 20 international and Russian stars Robotics, the world's leading experts, futurists, neuroscientists, industrial designers and journalists. Among the key experts - the creator of robot Hubo Yung Ho, founder of a humanoid robot ICub Giorgio Metta, director of the Center for Intellectual robotics at the Korea Institute of Technology Moon Sang Kim, head of the laboratory of neurophysiology and neurointerface at the Faculty of Biology Alexander Kaplan, CEO Vladimir Neyrobotiks Konishev and others. Also in the Forum will bring together experts in the field of design.
May 15 Artplay held BAL of ROBOTS led by the All-Russian Science Festival - an interactive exhibition, which presented the most advanced robots and robotic technology from around the world, interesting for audiences of all ages.

Слайд 9 EXHIBITION "Charles Rennie Mackintosh: The MANIFEST Of New


Charles Rennie Mackintosh (1868-1928) - a prominent Scottish architect,

artist and designer. A graduate of Glasgow School of Art, Mackintosh was the most prominent representative of Art Nouveau architecture in Britain. His work greatly influenced the development of European architecture and design of the XX century.

The decoration Charles Mackintosh sought to synthesis of the arts, creating unique furniture, decorative items, stained glass, and textiles. He developed an unmistakable style, "card" which became famous chair in the style of "mac". One of the first Scottish designer began working with stencils to create recurring motifs in the design of elegant interiors. He is also known as a great graphics, creates thumbnails of posters, magazine covers, postcards, trademarks Scottish commercial firms.

Слайд 10 Concert and conference in memory of John Tavener

Concert and conference in memory of John TavenerThe concert was attended

concert was attended by world-renowned vocal ensemble The Tallis

Scholars, Peter Phillips headed, as well as young Russian vocal ensemble under the direction of Catherine Intrada Antonenko. John Tavener was personally involved in the drafting of the festival during his lifetime - the composer selected the works that would like to submit it to the Russian audience.

Creativity John Tavener is closely related to Russian sacred music and culture of Russia as a whole. In particular, he set to music "Requiem" by Anna Akhmatova and created a stage work on a story by Fyodor Dostoyevsky "meek." One of the central areas of creativity, John Tavener - vocal music without instrumental accompaniment. And it is no coincidence, as the composer often turned for inspiration to the Russian church music - in 1977, John Tavener converted to Orthodoxy.

Слайд 11 The world premiere of A. Alyabiev "The Tempest"

The world premiere of A. Alyabiev

by the story William Shakespeare
Music by A. Alyabiev to

"Tempest" by Shakespeare - the only one to date Russian romantic opera on Shakespeare's story - will be a real discovery for the world music community. Score Alyabiev never published, some rooms opera irretrievably lost, so the project was called "experience of reconstruction": a statement will be included excerpts from other works by the composer, dramatic insertion of Shakespeare's plays, designed to clarify the course of events.

Known as the author of vocal miniatures in this work the composer - a contemporary of Haydn, Beethoven, Schubert - appears as a large-scale figure, as a composer, laying the foundations of Russian opera culture doglinkinskoy era.

The Moscow Conservatory in this anniversary year (year not only the 450th anniversary of Shakespeare, but also the 175th anniversary since the establishment of "The Tempest" Alyabiev) restores historical justice, erasing the "white spots", and revealing to the audience unknown pages of musical art of Russia and the UK in the context of their cultural dialogue.

Слайд 12 Phantom of the Opera
"Phantom of the Opera" -

Phantom of the Opera

one of the main theater "attractions" of London. This

musical is in "Her Majesty's Theatre» (Her Majesty's Theatre) daily 8 times a week, without even a week since 1986!
"Phantom of the Opera" - a musical with the longest history of continuous daily rental on Broadway and London's West End, which has been on the theater scene has been almost thirty years. The play was staged in 151 cities in 30 countries, it looked at more than 130 million people. Collection of rental exceeded US $ 5.6 billion, which is several times greater than the fees of the highest-grossing in the world history of Hollywood movies. The musical won more than 70 major theater awards, including an Olivier Award 3, 7 premium "Tony" (including the award for "Best Musical") and 7 awards Drama Desk.Author of "The Phantom of the Opera" - the world-renowned British composer Andrew Lloyd Webber - a seven-time winner of "Tony", a three-time winner of the "Grammy" and "Oscar", "Golden Globe" and other prestigious awards in the field of theater, music and cinema. The phrase "West End" has become synonymous with theatrical life. It is also called "Teatrlend" and he is not inferior to the New York Broadway. Here constantly there are about forty theaters in London, in which are musicals and dramas.
The Russian premiere of the musical "Phantom of the Opera" directed by theater company "Stage Entertainment" will be held October 4, 2014 in the theater of MDM.

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