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Презентация на тему Weather and clothesПодготовила преподаватель английского языка ГУО Пинковичская средняя школа имени Я. Коласа Пинского района

There are four seasons in a year:- winter- spring- summer- autumn
WEATHER AND CLOTHES Подготовила преподаватель английского языка ГУО «Пинковичская средняя школа There are four seasons in a year:- winter- spring- summer- autumn Winter-зима December January February Spring-весна March April May Summer-лето June July August Autumn- осень September October November What’s the weather like and what do people usually wear ? New words-новые слова cold- холодно       wet- влажно a sweater-свитер WINTERThe weather is cold, frosty and windy. We wear sweaters, jackets, hats, gloves, scarves, boots. SPRINGSometimes it’s cold and rainy in spring. The weather is sunny and SUMMERThe weather is warm, sunny and bright. Birds sing their songs. There AUTUMNSometimes it is sunny and warm in autumn. But it often BYE!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 There are four seasons in a year:
- winter

There are four seasons in a year:- winter- spring- summer- autumn

- summer
- autumn

Слайд 3 Winter-зима December January February

Winter-зима December January February

Слайд 4 Spring-весна March April May

Spring-весна March April May

Слайд 5 Summer-лето June July August

Summer-лето June July August

Слайд 6 Autumn- осень September October November

Autumn- осень September October November

Слайд 7 What’s the weather like and what do people

What’s the weather like and what do people usually wear ?

usually wear ?

Слайд 8 New words-новые слова

New words-новые слова

Слайд 9 cold- холодно

cold- холодно    wet- влажно    hot

wet- влажно

hot – жарко
warm- тепло
sunny- солнечно
cloudy- облачно
windy- ветренно
frosty- морозно
snowy- снежно

Слайд 10 a sweater-свитер

a sweater-свитер      trainers-кроссовкиa sweatshirt- толстовка

a sweatshirt- толстовка

jeans- джинсы
a jacket -куртка a blouse-блузка
a coat-п альто a skirt-юбка
a scarf-шарф a dress-платье
boots –ботинки,сапоги shoes-туфли
a hat –шапка,шляпа socks-носки
gloves -перчатки trousers-брюки
shorts -шорты a shirt-рубашка
a T-shirt-футболка

Слайд 11 WINTER
The weather is cold, frosty and windy. We

WINTERThe weather is cold, frosty and windy. We wear sweaters, jackets, hats, gloves, scarves, boots.

wear sweaters, jackets, hats, gloves, scarves, boots.

Слайд 12 SPRING
Sometimes it’s cold and rainy in spring. The

SPRINGSometimes it’s cold and rainy in spring. The weather is sunny

weather is sunny and warm in spring. Birds come

back from warm countries. Spring is a green season. We wear sweatshirts, shoes, coats, skirts, dresses, hats, gloves.

Слайд 13 SUMMER
The weather is warm, sunny and bright. Birds

SUMMERThe weather is warm, sunny and bright. Birds sing their songs.

sing their songs. There are a lot of different

flowers in summer. We wear shorts, T-shirts, skirts.

Слайд 14 AUTUMN
Sometimes it is sunny and warm in

AUTUMNSometimes it is sunny and warm in autumn. But it

autumn. But it often rains and the cold wind

blows. The weather is cloudy, rainy and wet. We wear sweaters, coats, hats, gloves, scarves, jeans.

  • Имя файла: weather-and-clothespodgotovila-prepodavatel-angliyskogo-yazyka-guo-pinkovichskaya-srednyaya-shkola-imeni-ya-kolasa-pinskogo-rayona.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 84
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