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Презентация на тему Yi camera usb guide

File list 1. setup.exe update tool2. YDXJ**.elf firmware file note: Check your camera SN at the battery compartment Z2215** matches YDXJV22_1.2.6**.elf Z22L5** matches YDXJV22L_1.2.6**.elf
Yi Camera USB GUIDE File list 1. setup.exe  update tool2. YDXJ**.elf  firmware file Installing and UpdatingDouble click on “setup.exe” and Install the USB toolIt’s named as “yiSportCamUSB” Preparing the Hardware:Dismantle the front panel of the cameraConnect the camera USB Preparing the Hardware: image Updating the FirmwareOpen yiSportCamUSB Updating the FirmwareCheck “Firmware Programming” radio buttonClick on “Connect” buttonIf the short-circuit Updating the Firmware4. Click on “Choose” button and choose the option YDXJV22_1.2.6**.elf Updating the Firmware5. Click on “Download” button and update the firmware
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 File list

1. setup.exe
update tool

2. YDXJ**.elf

File list 1. setup.exe update tool2. YDXJ**.elf firmware file note:	Check your

firmware file

Check your camera SN at the

battery compartment
Z2215** matches YDXJV22_1.2.6**.elf
Z22L5** matches YDXJV22L_1.2.6**.elf

Слайд 3 Installing and Updating

Double click on “setup.exe” and Install

Installing and UpdatingDouble click on “setup.exe” and Install the USB toolIt’s named as “yiSportCamUSB”

the USB tool
It’s named as “yiSportCamUSB”

Слайд 4 Preparing the Hardware:

Dismantle the front panel of the

Preparing the Hardware:Dismantle the front panel of the cameraConnect the camera


Connect the camera USB to PC with a micro

USB cable

Use tweezers to short-circuit in two points
> One point above the Resistor
> One point at GND

Press the power button and turn on the camera

Слайд 5 Preparing the Hardware: image

Preparing the Hardware: image

Слайд 6 Updating the Firmware

Open yiSportCamUSB

Updating the FirmwareOpen yiSportCamUSB

Слайд 7 Updating the Firmware
Check “Firmware Programming” radio button
Click on

Updating the FirmwareCheck “Firmware Programming” radio buttonClick on “Connect” buttonIf the

“Connect” button
If the short-circuit is successful, yiSportCamUSB will prompt

“Found 1 YDXJ device!”

Слайд 8 Updating the Firmware
4. Click on “Choose” button and

Updating the Firmware4. Click on “Choose” button and choose the option YDXJV22_1.2.6**.elf

choose the option YDXJV22_1.2.6**.elf

  • Имя файла: yi-camera-usb-guide.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 109
  • Количество скачиваний: 0
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