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Презентация на тему по английскому языку История Британии (5 класс)

Around 10.000 BC Britain was peopled by small groups of hunters and fishers.Early Days of BritainDifferent groups of people arrived in Britain and brought their customs and skills. For example, the Romans brought the skills of
HISTORYEarly Days of BritainThe Ancient PopulationJulius Caesar in BritainThe Romans Around 10.000 BC Britain was peopled by small groups of hunters and The Ancient PopulationThe ancient population of the British Isles lived in caves The Ancient Population. The Britons.The Britons came from the territory of the The Ancient Population. Their Religion.The Britons were polytheistic. They believed in many The Coming of the RomansIn the year 55BC the great Roman general
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Around 10.000 BC Britain was peopled by small

Around 10.000 BC Britain was peopled by small groups of hunters

groups of hunters and fishers.

Early Days of Britain
Different groups

of people arrived in Britain and brought their customs and skills. For example, the Romans brought the skills of reading and writing.

Слайд 3 The Ancient Population
The ancient population of the British

The Ancient PopulationThe ancient population of the British Isles lived in

Isles lived in caves and hunted animals for food.

they learned to grow corn and breed domestic animals. They made tools and weapons of stone. Later they learned to make metal tools and weapons.
They were very religious and built many primitive temples. The greatest of them is Stonehenge in the South of England.

Слайд 4 The Ancient Population. The Britons.
The Britons came from

The Ancient Population. The Britons.The Britons came from the territory of

the territory of the present-day France. They were tall,

strong people with iron swords and knifes.
The Britons were skillful workers. They made things out of iron, bronze, tin clay and wood. They made money out of gold and silver. They began to make roads.
Rich Britons lived in big houses. They ate with no forks or spoons and drank from big cups.
The parts of south-east were more civilized because they were nearest to the continent from which people got new knowledge.

Слайд 5 The Ancient Population. Their Religion.
The Britons were polytheistic.

The Ancient Population. Their Religion.The Britons were polytheistic. They believed in

They believed in many Gods. They believed that different

Gods lived in the thickest and darkest parts of the forests.

Some historians think that the Druids had great power over the Britons. The Druids were cruel men and their ways of worshipping their Gods were cruel too. They often offered up sacrifices of human beings to get the God’s pardon.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-istoriya-britanii-5-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 164
  • Количество скачиваний: 0