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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Famous people

Popular cartoons and filmsOswald the Lucky Rabbit (1927) «Кролик Освальд»Plane Crazy (1928) «Безумный аэроплан»Steamboat Willie (1928) «Пароходик Вилли»Flowers and trees (1932) «Цветы и деревья»Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) Pinocchio, Fantasia (1940)Dumbo (1941),
Famous people Walt Disney(1901-1966) Popular cartoons and filmsOswald the Lucky Rabbit (1927) «Кролик Освальд»Plane Crazy (1928) Phrases to use in classWhat is the Russian/English for…? I know/ don’t How much do you know about Walt Disney? 1) Walt Disney was Wordssketches How much do you know about Walt Disney? 1) Walt Disney was QuestionsWhen was Walt Disney born?How old was W. Disney when he left Talking about famous peopleNameDate of birthPlace of birthEarly yearsLater yearsFamous forDate of death HomeworkSR p.9 (write a short biography of Alexander Pushkin using the plan SB p.5 ex.5) Рефлексивная карта
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Popular cartoons and films
Oswald the Lucky Rabbit (1927)

Popular cartoons and filmsOswald the Lucky Rabbit (1927) «Кролик Освальд»Plane Crazy

«Кролик Освальд»
Plane Crazy (1928) «Безумный аэроплан»

Willie (1928) «Пароходик Вилли»
Flowers and trees (1932) «Цветы и деревья»
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)
Pinocchio, Fantasia (1940)
Dumbo (1941), Bambi (1942)

Слайд 3 Phrases to use in class
What is the Russian/English

Phrases to use in classWhat is the Russian/English for…? I know/

I know/ don’t know…
I think…
I am

May I ask you a question?

Слайд 4 How much do you know about Walt Disney?

How much do you know about Walt Disney? 1) Walt Disney

Walt Disney was born in… .

A) the USA B) the UK C) Australia
2) He sold his first drawings at the age of … . A) 10 B) 7 C) 20
3) He received … Academy Awards in his lifetime. A) 2 B) 32 C) 12
4) He made … films while he was alive. A) 91 B) 41 C) 81

sell (sold) drawings – продавать рисунки
receive Academy Awards – получить премию «Оскар»
alive - живой

Слайд 5 Words


новое поколение
neighbours вместе
create всего, в сумме
sound cartoon известный персонаж
famous character появляться
new generation соседи
in total создавать, творить
appear звуковой мультфильм
together эскизы
Chicago /ʃɪˈkɑːɡəʊ/ , Illinois Чикаго (город), Иллинойс (штат)

Слайд 6 How much do you know about Walt Disney?

How much do you know about Walt Disney? 1) Walt Disney

Walt Disney was born in… .

A) the USA B) the UK C) Australia
2) He sold his first drawings at the age of … . A) 10 B) 7 C) 20
3) He received … Academy Awards in his lifetime. A) 2 B) 32 C) 12
4) He made … films while he was alive. A) 91 B) 41 C) 81

Слайд 7 Questions
When was Walt Disney born?
How old was W.

QuestionsWhen was Walt Disney born?How old was W. Disney when he

Disney when he left for Hollywood?
Where did they start

their famous Disney Brothers studio?
What is he famous for?

Слайд 8 Talking about famous people
Date of birth
Place of birth

Talking about famous peopleNameDate of birthPlace of birthEarly yearsLater yearsFamous forDate of death

Later years
Famous for
Date of death

Слайд 9 Homework
SR p.9 (write a short biography of Alexander

HomeworkSR p.9 (write a short biography of Alexander Pushkin using the plan SB p.5 ex.5)

Pushkin using the plan SB p.5 ex.5)

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-famous-people.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 126
  • Количество скачиваний: 0