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Презентация на тему Столица США, урок-экскурсия

Today we are going to have an excursion around Washington, D.C., the capital of the USA. You will be the guides of our tour.What Do You Know About Washington, D.C ?
WASHINGTON D.C.    Урок-экскурсия для 7 класса  (по учебнику Today we are going to have an excursion around Washington, D.C., the Now read the text and check your answers. (даётся распечатка текста)Glossary:-a Read the text again and find the sentences with Past Simple Passive Now we are going to have an excursion around Washington D.C. Listen Washington D.C. ... is situated on the banks of the Potomac river....has From the history of Washington D.C.picked a place for the capitalan unusual The Capitol…the heart of the city…the Congress meets to make laws…the tallest building The National MallThe area between the Capitol and the Washington monumentThere are The Washington Monument…the 555-foot-high obelisk… is called the «Pencil» because of its The Lincoln Memorial…is devoted to the 16th President of the USA.…is opposite The White House…the symbol of the country…the official residence of Am. Presidents… is open for tours The Jefferson Memorial…honors the third President Thomas Jefferson.…is located at the Tidal Basin The Arlington National Cemetry…is outside the city.… the eternal flame on the Finish the sentences with the following: the” Pencil”, the White House, the Our excursion is over. What do you feel now?Wonderful!Interesting !Excellent !Boring !Awful ! Home task. Answer the question:Would you like to visit Washington, D.C.? Why? Why not? Вывод. Данный урок проведён с использованием новых информационных технологий. Урок позволил осуществить Литература.Е.Б.Полякова, Г.П.Раббот “English for Teenagers” Учебник английского языка для школьников старших классов.-М.:Филолог.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2
Today we are going to have an excursion

Today we are going to have an excursion around Washington, D.C.,

around Washington, D.C., the capital of the USA. You

will be the
guides of our tour.

What Do You Know About Washington, D.C ?
Is it true or false?
Washington, D.C. is in the state of Washington.
Washington, D.C. is a big industrial city.
The American President works and lives in the White House.
There are no skyscrapers in Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C. stands on the Mississippi river.

Слайд 3
Now read the text and check your

Now read the text and check your answers. (даётся распечатка

(даётся распечатка текста)
-a district – округ
-pick a place

– chose a place
-the Tidal Basin – бухта
-cemetery – кладбище
-bury – хоронить

Слайд 4 Read the text again and find the sentences

Read the text again and find the sentences with Past Simple

Past Simple Passive .
Translate them.

Get ready to tell

us about one of the sights.

Слайд 5
Now we are going to have an excursion

Now we are going to have an excursion around Washington D.C.

Washington D.C. Listen to each other very attentively.


morning, boys and girls! Welcome to our
sightseeing tour. I’d like to start with…
-We have just come to…
-Now we are making our way along…
-At the moment you can see …
-Now we are near…
-We have come to…
-Now we are passing….
-Outside the city there is…

Слайд 6 Washington D.C.
... is situated on the banks

Washington D.C. ... is situated on the banks of the Potomac

of the Potomac river.
...has the population of about 1mln

…has wide streets, parks and beautiful buildings.
…there are no skyscrapers.
…is the place where the main political buildings are situated.

Слайд 7 From the history of Washington D.C.

picked a place

From the history of Washington D.C.picked a place for the capitalan

for the capital
an unusual city (no state)
D. C. means

was named after…
was designed before it was built

Слайд 8 The Capitol
…the heart of the city
…the Congress meets

The Capitol…the heart of the city…the Congress meets to make laws…the tallest building

to make laws
…the tallest building

Слайд 9 The National Mall
The area between the Capitol and

The National MallThe area between the Capitol and the Washington monumentThere

the Washington monument

There are a lot of entertainments there

Слайд 10 The Washington Monument
…the 555-foot-high obelisk
… is called the

The Washington Monument…the 555-foot-high obelisk… is called the «Pencil» because of

«Pencil» because of its shape.
…has an elevator inside which

takes the tourists to the observation platform

Слайд 11 The Lincoln Memorial
…is devoted to the 16th President

The Lincoln Memorial…is devoted to the 16th President of the USA.…is

of the USA.
…is opposite the W.M.
…the Statue of Abraham

Lincoln inside

Слайд 12 The White House
…the symbol of the country
…the official

The White House…the symbol of the country…the official residence of Am. Presidents… is open for tours

residence of Am. Presidents
… is open for tours

Слайд 13 The Jefferson Memorial
…honors the third President Thomas Jefferson.


The Jefferson Memorial…honors the third President Thomas Jefferson.…is located at the Tidal Basin

located at the Tidal Basin

Слайд 14 The Arlington National Cemetry
…is outside the city.
… the

The Arlington National Cemetry…is outside the city.… the eternal flame on

eternal flame on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

F. Kennedy, the 35th Am.Pr., was buried there.

Слайд 15 Finish the sentences with the following: the” Pencil”, the

Finish the sentences with the following: the” Pencil”, the White House,

White House, the capital of the USA, the Capitol,

District of Columbia, 555, the Lincoln Memorial, Christopher Columbus, the Jefferson Memorial.

Washington D.C. is…
D.C. means…
Washington D.C. was named after…
The American President lives and works in…
The Congress meets in…
The Washington Monument is called…& it is …foot-high.
Inside of …you can see the Statue of the 16th President of the USA.
…is located at the Tidal Basin.

Слайд 16 Our excursion is over. What do you feel

Our excursion is over. What do you feel now?Wonderful!Interesting !Excellent !Boring !Awful !


Interesting !
Excellent !
Boring !
Awful !

Слайд 17 Home task. Answer the question:

Would you like to

Home task. Answer the question:Would you like to visit Washington, D.C.? Why? Why not?

visit Washington, D.C.? Why?
Why not?

Слайд 18 Вывод.
Данный урок проведён с использованием новых информационных

Вывод. Данный урок проведён с использованием новых информационных технологий. Урок позволил

технологий. Урок позволил осуществить коммуникативную цель обучения в форме

монологического высказывания по опоре и решить следующие задачи: совершенствование умений читать текст с детальным и выборочным пониманием и речевых умений по теме, активизация употребления в речи Past Simple, Passive,осуществить контроль полученных знаний. Урок способствовал развитию таких личностных качеств как уважение к товарищам, умение слушать и слышать, умение работать в группе. Развивал интеллектуальные способности учащихся и повысил интерес к изучению английского языка.
В конце урока были поставлены следующие оценки:
7 человек получили «5»
5 человек получили «4»
3 человека получили «3»

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-stolitsa-ssha-urok-ekskursiya.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 171
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