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Презентация на тему по английскому языку первый урок английского №

Why do we learn English?
Welcome back to school!)Glad to see you!!! Why do we learn English? We learn English to 1 travel2 study 3 play computer games4 be Where do people speak English?1 in the United Kingdom of Great Britain What do we know about the UK?The capital of the UK is …………. What do we know about the USA?The capital of the USA is …………. What do we know about Australia?The capital of Australia is Canberra What do we know about New Zealand?The capital of New Zealand is Wellington……. Let’s learn English!  And get the key    to the whole world.)
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Why do we learn English?

Why do we learn English?

Слайд 3 We learn English to
1 travel
2 study

We learn English to 1 travel2 study 3 play computer games4

play computer games
4 be able to work abroad
5 make

new friends
6 read in the original
7 your ideas…

Слайд 4 Where do people speak English?
1 in the United

Where do people speak English?1 in the United Kingdom of Great

Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2 in

the USA /for 31 states/
3 in Australia
4 in New Zealand
5 Ireland
6 Malta
7 in ………….

Слайд 5 What do we know about the UK?
The capital

What do we know about the UK?The capital of the UK is ………….

of the UK is ………….

Слайд 7 What do we know about the USA?
The capital

What do we know about the USA?The capital of the USA is ………….

of the USA is ………….

Слайд 9 What do we know about Australia?
The capital of

What do we know about Australia?The capital of Australia is Canberra

Australia is Canberra

Слайд 12 What do we know about New Zealand?
The capital

What do we know about New Zealand?The capital of New Zealand is Wellington…….

of New Zealand is Wellington…….

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-pervyy-urok-angliyskogo-n.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 125
  • Количество скачиваний: 0