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Презентация на тему Урок английского языка в 10 классе по теме The river thames

The River Thames
The River Thames London would not be London without the River Thames. It flows The London Eye The Tower of London The London Dungeon Shakespeare’s Globe theatre River Thames boat trip Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the River Thames boat trip... On the left Good for you
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The River Thames

The River Thames

Слайд 3 London would not be London without the River

London would not be London without the River Thames. It

Thames. It flows 215 miles across the English countryside

and then through the heart of the great city before it reaches the sea. The Thames has played an extremely important part in making England what it is today. Today there are thirty-four bridges. The most famous is near the Tower of London. The river helped London in many ways. The water is clean and fish swim in the Thames.

Слайд 4 The London Eye

The London Eye

Слайд 5 The Tower of London

The Tower of London

Слайд 6 The London Dungeon

The London Dungeon

Слайд 7 Shakespeare’s Globe theatre

Shakespeare’s Globe theatre

Слайд 10 River Thames boat trip

River Thames boat trip

Слайд 11 Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the River Thames

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the River Thames boat trip... On the

boat trip...
On the left you can see...
Now we’re just

We’re coming up on...
On the right, you can now see....

  • Имя файла: urok-angliyskogo-yazyka-v-10-klasse-po-teme-the-river-thames.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 194
  • Количество скачиваний: 6