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Презентация на тему 6 класс Россия-большие города

Russia is my native country. It lies in Europe and Asia, it’s the biggest country in the world.
The Russian FederetionBig Cities Russia is my native country. It lies in Europe and Asia, it’s I would like to tell you about some biggest cities which have Let’s start with Moscow, the capital of Russia. It is an ancient Lots of tourists come to see Red Square –the heart of Moscow. The second is St.Petersburg. It is called the northern capital and has The Siege of Leningrad started on September the 8th 1941 and lasted Then comes Novosibirsk. It is the third largest city in Russia with I live not far from Yekaterinburg and Chelyabinsk. They both are very Chelyabinsk is the fifth city in the list of the biggest cities of Russia.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Russia is my native country. It lies in

Russia is my native country. It lies in Europe and Asia,

Europe and Asia, it’s the biggest country in the


Слайд 3 I would like to tell you about some

I would like to tell you about some biggest cities which

biggest cities which have more than one million people.

There are 15 of them.

Слайд 4 Let’s start with Moscow, the capital of Russia.

Let’s start with Moscow, the capital of Russia. It is an

It is an ancient city. 12,5 million people live


Look at the flag of Moscow.

Слайд 5 Lots of tourists come to see Red Square

Lots of tourists come to see Red Square –the heart of

–the heart of Moscow. It is called Red not

because the bricks of the Kremlin are red. The word ‘red’ in Old Russian language meant ‘beautiful’. Enjoy the view of Red Square.

Слайд 6 The second is St.Petersburg. It is called the

The second is St.Petersburg. It is called the northern capital and

northern capital and has more than five million people.

Everyone in Russia knows the heroic history of Leningrad during the war.

Here is the flag of St.Petersburg.

Слайд 7 The Siege of Leningrad started on September the

The Siege of Leningrad started on September the 8th 1941 and

8th 1941 and lasted till January the 27th 1944

for 900 days. Lots of people died of huger and frost.

Слайд 8 Then comes Novosibirsk. It is the third largest

Then comes Novosibirsk. It is the third largest city in Russia

city in Russia with 1, 600 people living there. It

is a scientific centre of Russia.

This is the flag of Novosibirsk.

Слайд 9 I live not far from Yekaterinburg and Chelyabinsk.

I live not far from Yekaterinburg and Chelyabinsk. They both are

They both are very old industrial cities. I have

visited both. They are beautiful.

and the flag
of Cheliabinsk.

Now you can see
the flag of Yekaterinburg.

Слайд 10 Chelyabinsk is the fifth city in the list

Chelyabinsk is the fifth city in the list of the biggest cities of Russia.

of the biggest cities of Russia.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-6-klass-rossiya-bolshie-goroda.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 186
  • Количество скачиваний: 2