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Презентация на тему Джейн Остин на английском языке

The English writer who first gave the novel a modern character by making in him everyday life.
Curious and interesting facts from the life of Jane AustenBy Kristina Kravchuk The English writer who first gave the novel a modern character by Jane Austen never married, and all her stock of unspent motherly love The first 25 years of his life Jane held in Hampshire. Still considered the Her most famous novel Most famous works are Currently, a wide recognition came to her only in the XX century. According to a survey of modern authors who write romance novels, her Her novel Jane Austen is buried in Winchester Cathedral, near the middle of the Cassandra destroyed many of the letters sisters; 160 letters have survived, but After the death of Jane Austen her brother Henry announced its authorship.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The English writer who first gave the novel

The English writer who first gave the novel a modern character

a modern character by making in him everyday life.

Слайд 3 Jane Austen never married, and all her stock

Jane Austen never married, and all her stock of unspent motherly

of unspent motherly love moved to his many nieces

and few literary creation. The novel "Pride and prejudice" she called "my beloved child".

Слайд 4 The first 25 years of his life Jane

The first 25 years of his life Jane held in Hampshire.

held in Hampshire.

Слайд 5 Still considered the "First lady" of English literature

Still considered the

Слайд 7 Her most famous novel "Pride and prejudice" was

Her most famous novel

initially rejected by the publisher who found it boring

and insignificant.

Слайд 8 Most famous works are "Pride and prejudice", "Mind

Most famous works are

and sensibility", "Persuasion“, “Emma”.

Слайд 9 Currently, a wide recognition came to her only

Currently, a wide recognition came to her only in the XX century.

in the XX century.

Слайд 10 According to a survey of modern authors who

According to a survey of modern authors who write romance novels,

write romance novels, her book "Pride and prejudice" is

the best novel of this genre of all times and peoples.

Слайд 11 Her novel "Sanditon" was recognized as one of

Her novel

the ten major lost works, which lost world literature.

She started writing it a few months before his death and did not have time to finish.

Слайд 12 Jane Austen is buried in Winchester Cathedral, near

Jane Austen is buried in Winchester Cathedral, near the middle of

the middle of the Northern nave. “It is important

for me to know that she is resting in the building, which was so admired,” wrote later Cassandra Austen.

Слайд 13 Cassandra destroyed many of the letters sisters; 160

Cassandra destroyed many of the letters sisters; 160 letters have survived,

letters have survived, but no written before her twentieth


  • Имя файла: dzheyn-ostin-na-angliyskom-yazyke.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 187
  • Количество скачиваний: 2