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Презентация на тему My dream city

My city of I represent a megacity
My dream city My city of I represent a megacity I went me city to be rich it vegetation Even to my city was on the ocean I dream that in the city there were exotic animal and birds I want that in my city there were firm shops
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 My city of I represent a megacity

My city of I represent a megacity

Слайд 3 I went me city to be rich it

I went me city to be rich it vegetation


Слайд 4 Even to my city was on the ocean

Even to my city was on the ocean

Слайд 5 I dream that in the city there were

I dream that in the city there were exotic animal and birds

exotic animal and birds

  • Имя файла: my-dream-city.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 145
  • Количество скачиваний: 0