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Презентация на тему The notion of fashion

History of fashion design The history of fashion is as old as the history of costume. People's clothes weren't only their cover, but their symbol. Even an amulet was a piece of
The notion of fashion History of fashion design     The history of fashion The first fashion designer   The first fashion designer who was Fashion of the 20th century   Throughout the early 20th Century, Fashion week   Nowadays such event as “Fashion Week” is held Types of Fashion   There are three main categories of fashion Extraordinary trends of fashion H a r a j u k uHarajuku girl is a term Gothic fashion   Gothic fashion is a clothing style worn by Gothic-Lolita fashion      Gothic Lolita is one
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Слайд 2 History of fashion design

History of fashion design   The history of fashion is

The history of fashion is as old as the

history of costume. People's clothes weren't only their cover, but their symbol. Even an amulet was a piece of clothes because it was like a bridge between a bare human body and surrounding world. What a person chooses to wear can reflect that person's personality or likes. When people who have cultural status start to wear new or different clothes a fashion trend may start. People who like or respect them may start to wear clothes of a similar style. This is an example list of some trends of the 21st century: Capri pants, handbags, sport suits and sports jackets, ripped jeans, designer jeans, blazer jackets, and high-heeled shoes.

Слайд 3 The first fashion designer
The first

The first fashion designer  The first fashion designer who was

fashion designer who was not simply a dressmaker was

Charles Frederick Worth (1826–1895). Before he created a House of Fashion in Paris, Worth made designs of court clothes. Worth's success was such that he was able to dictate to his customers what they should wear, instead of following their lead as earlier dressmakers had done. The term couturier was in fact first created in order to describe him. It was during this period that many design houses began to hire artists to sketch or paint designs for clothes.

Слайд 4 Fashion of the 20th century

Fashion of the 20th century  Throughout the early 20th Century,

the early 20th Century, practically all high fashion originated

in Paris and then spread to London. At this time in fashion history the division between haute couture and ready-to-wear was not sharply defined. The two separate modes of production were still far from being competitors. The Second World War created many radical changes in the fashion industry. A new youth style appeared in the Fifties, changing the focus of fashion forever. As the installation of central heating became more widespread the age of minimum-care clothes began and lighter textiles and, eventually, synthetics, were introduced. During the Late Twentieth Century synthetic materials such as Lycra, Spandex, and viscose became widely-used.

Слайд 5 Fashion week
Nowadays such event as

Fashion week  Nowadays such event as “Fashion Week” is held

“Fashion Week” is held regularly in different countries of

the world mainly in their capitals. A fashion week is a fashion industry event, lasting approximately one week, that allows fashion designers or "houses" to display their latest collections. The most prominent fashion weeks are held in the fashion capitals of New York, Paris, Milan, and London. Fashion weeks must be held several months in advance of the season to allow the press and buyers a chance to preview fashion designs for the following season.

Слайд 6 Types of Fashion
There are three

Types of Fashion  There are three main categories of fashion

main categories of fashion design: Haute couture, Ready-to-wear and

Mass market. A couture garment is made to order for an individual customer, and is usually made from high-quality, expensive fabric, sewn with extreme attention to detail and finish, often using time-consuming, hand-executed techniques. Ready-to-wear clothes are made in small quantities to guarantee exclusivity, so they are rather expensive. The mass market produces ready-to-wear clothes in large quantities and standard sizes. Cheap materials, creatively used, make affordable fashion.

Слайд 7 Extraordinary trends of fashion

Extraordinary trends of fashion


Punk is a subculture which appeared in the mid of 1970`s in the USA and GB. Their characteristic feature was love to quick and energetic rock-music and freedom, their protest against conservatism and capitalism and also devotion to antiracism and antifashism.
Some young punks enjoy shocking people by their anti conservative appearance. They prefer comfortable clothes: black T-shirt, jeans and military boots. These clothes are usually torn. As accessories they prefer: chains, spiky bracelets, badges and stripes with names of different groups and anti political slogans.

Слайд 8 H a r a j u k u

H a r a j u k uHarajuku girl is a

girl is a term for girls who gather in

the Harajuku district of Tokyo in Japan. They are dressed in any of several distinct styles of clothing that originated in the culture of Japan's major cities. The term is not used by those who gather in the district Harajuku station, but has become a popular expression in the United States. Many different fashion styles may be found among the girls who spend time in Harajuku, including Gothic Lolita, Gothic Maid, Wamono, Decora, Second-Hand Fashion, and cyber fashion.

Visual Kei or Anime Cosplayers also gather in Harajuku, however, cosplay is not generally considered to be a fashion movement.

The Japanese street fashion magazine `FRUiTS` features
many of the varied clothing styles that are popular in the Harajuku district.

Слайд 9 Gothic fashion
Gothic fashion is a

Gothic fashion  Gothic fashion is a clothing style worn by

clothing style worn by members of the Goth subculture,

known as Goths. It is stereotyped as a dark, sometimes morbid, eroticized fashion and style of dress. Typical gothic fashion includes long black hair, pale faces (thanks to powder), dark eyeliner, dark fingernails, black clothes, contact lenses like eyes of animals, body piercings such as flesh tunnels, neck corsets and chains, worn as jewelry.

«Hell Cat» official label

The stereotypical gothic outfit, sometimes refered to as the "romantic" look. Also popular are tight-fitting trousers, pointy boots, shirts in the manner of Lord Byron.

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  • Количество просмотров: 141
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