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Презентации по Английскому языку

European Forum Research Methodologies
European Forum Research Methodologies

OPENING CLASS- PLANGuiding themes for the course.Objectives and Format Course PlanText books and Course Requirements Why and What is European Studies ?Study case: Migration. GUIDING THEMES: Europe as an object of research.Focusing on ‘burning’ topics that will probably be in the

Course content and mind maps
Course content and mind maps

KATHLEEN GRAVES’DESIGNING LANGUAGE COURSES 2002PENNY UR’S A COURSE IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING 2012 LECTURE OUTLINELinguistic content of the course Conceptualizing the content for your course Non-linguistic content Cultural componentLiterature Hidden messages


Flag Of Switzerland The Coat Of Arms Of Switzerland

Biotechnology as my future profession
Biotechnology as my future profession

Biotechnology is engaged in processing raw materials of biological origin by means of microorganisms to produce products of perfumery, medical and agricultural spheres. These include essential oils, vitamins, supplements, enzymes.

Environmental law
Environmental law

INTRODUCTIONPrior to the existence of environmental laws, the environment was severely degraded.The need for regulation was seen necessary after the tort law failed to protect the environment.Tragedy of the commons: Freedom in the commons brings ruin to all.Free Rider: A profiting

Lecture 7. Homonyms
Lecture 7. Homonyms

The plan of the lecture 1) The definition of homonyms and their role in the lexicology2) The pun 3) Division of homonyms 4) Sources of homonyms 5) Split polysemy Examples Bank- n, a shore Bank – n, an institution where you

Great scientist
Great scientist

Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev(8 February 1834 – 2 February 1907)was a Russian chemist and inventor. He is credited as being the creator of the first version of the periodic table of elements. Using the table, he predicted the properties of elements yet

Stylistic Devices
Stylistic Devices

Stylistic DevicesPhono-graphicalLexicalSyntacticalLexico-sytactical PHONO-GRAPHICAL LEVELPhonetic meansCraphonGraphical means

Passive voice
Passive voice

The Use of Tense Forms in the Passive Voice

Past simple
Past simple

WHEN DO WE USE PAST SIMPLE? Action that happened at a definite stated time in the pastWe know when it happened

What's the brightest thing
What's the brightest thing

Is a taijitu meaning diagram of the supreme ultimate Аncient Chinese philosophy

Simple past tense. Affirmative and negative form
Simple past tense. Affirmative and negative form

IHeSheItWeYouTheywas/wasn’t at school yesterday.were/weren’t at the beach last week.WAS/WERE(FORM) AFFIRMATIVE & NEGATIVE FORM WasWereIHeSheItWeYouTheyhungry?Yes, she was hungry.Yes, she was.No, she wasn’t hungry.No,she wasn’t.at the theatre last weekend?Yes, we were.No,we weren’t.QUESTION FORM

The United States of America
The United States of America

Borders USAThe Pacific Ocean in the West.The Atlantic ocean in the East.Canada in the North.Mexico in the South. USAHawaiian IslandsAlaska The main part.

Stock Market
Stock Market

What To Do With Income?Pay taxesSpend it (consume today)Save it (delay consumption to future)Invest itUsing money you have saved to purchase a product that will create benefits in the futureSaving and investing involves trade-offs Saving and InvestmentSavingNot consuming all current income

Social Issues
Social Issues

theice caps melting/mel.tɪŋ/ Таяние снежных вершинheat waves/hi:t/Тепловые волны /ˈleɪəʳ/Дыра в озоновом слое /flʌd/ наводнение drought /draut/засуха  extinction /ɪkstɪŋkʃən/ of animals Вымирание животныхhunger  /hʌŋgəʳ/голод a poverty /pɒvətɪ/бедность

The тower of London
The тower of London

The Tower of London The Tower of London dates back to 1078, though the main building has been added to over the centuries. The Tower has been used as a royal palace, a zoo, a mint (where money is made),

Places of Interest in Russia
Places of Interest in Russia

Russia, also officially known as the Russian Federation, is a country situated in northern Eurasia. It is a federal semi-presidential republic, comprising 83 federal subjects. From northwest to southeast, Russia shares land borders with Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland (both with Kaliningrad Oblast), Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, and North Korea.It shares maritime borders with Japan by the Sea

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