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Презентации по Английскому языку

nteresting facts about the Royal family and Elizabeth II
nteresting facts about the Royal family and Elizabeth II

Elizabeth II born 21 April 1926 in London on the street Bruton street, the house 17. The estate impresses with its size, which is 77 thousand square meters. A huge family home has 775 rooms. The support staff

What do they do in their free time
What do they do in their free time

•football•golf•chess•the piano•tennis•cards•rugby•ice hockeyPLAYGODO•swimming•fishing•shopping•cycling•windsurfing•skiing•canoeing•running•aerobics•judo•crosswords•karate•athletics•gymnastics•yoga•photography •What does Philip do in his free time? ◦He goes cycling and does crosswords, but he doesn’t play chess.

Произношение гласных и согласных звуков
Произношение гласных и согласных звуков

baleape[dreip]Ekewewine[fain]stroke[sləup]brute brand[bæg]ebb[bel]biffbondpulp[bʌmp]

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

The UK is situated on the British Isles, north-west of the European continent between the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. It has a total land area of 244,100 square kilometres, of which nearly 99% is land and the remainder inland

My native city is Samara
My native city is Samara

Our city is very big. Its name is Samara. It is a very old place.Samara Samara is situated not far from Moscow near the Volga River.Samara

Letter Writing - Useful Words & Expressions
Letter Writing - Useful Words & Expressions

Formal Letters –Salutation-Dear Mr ............Dear Ms ............Dear Sir/ SirsDear Madam  Dear Sir or Madam StartingI am writing to inform you that ... I am writing to confirm ...I am writing to request ... I am writing to enquire about ...I am contacting you

Morphemic Structure of Words
Morphemic Structure of Words

1. Word-Structure and MorphemesMorphe – ‘form’ + -eme. The Greek suffix – eme has been adopted by linguists to denote the smallest unit (phoneme, sememe, lexeme)Word-structure is internal organization of words. The morpheme is the smallest indivisible two-facet language unit. MORPHEMESMorphemes

Степени сравнения прилагательных
Степени сравнения прилагательных

Грамматика Степени сравнения прилагательныхПоложительнаяСравнительнаяПревосходнаяПрилагательные состоящие из одного слога и двусложные с окончаниями –y, -er, -ow, -le

Wuppertal Suspension Railway
Wuppertal Suspension Railway

The Wuppertal Suspension Railway is a suspension railway in Wuppertal, Germany. Designed by Eugen Langen to sell to the city of Berlin; the first track opened in 1901. The Schwebebahn is still in use today as a normal means of local

Overview. What is virtual reality
Overview. What is virtual reality

OVERVIEWWhat is Virtual Reality?History of Virtual Reality➢Types of Virtual RealityDevices used in Virtual RealityApplications of Virtual RealityConclusion WHAT IS VIRTUAL REALITY?Virtual Reality refers to a high-end user interface that involves real-time simulation and interactions through multiple sensorial channels.Virtual Reality means feeling an imaginary

Shopping and shopaholics
Shopping and shopaholics

All people can be divided into shopaholics and those who hate shopping. Всех людей можно разделить на две категории: шопоголики – те, кто обожают ходить по магазинам, и те, кто ненавидят.   I definitely fall into the second category, but as we

Car device
Car device

hood (bonnet)bumperbootwindowroofdoorwingaerial

Аттестационная работа. Функционирование букв английского алфавита как самостоятельных объектов, так и в словах и буквосочетаниях
Аттестационная работа. Функционирование букв английского алфавита как самостоятельных объектов, так и в словах и буквосочетаниях

английский язык является языком международного общения английский язык является третьим по распространённости в мире английский язык является одним из самых простых с точки зрения грамматики для изучения90% учеников выбирают английский язык как первый иностранный, потому что В английском языке 44 звука

Business lunch
Business lunch

Americans use having meals for discussing problems with business partners. They invite them by phoning and speak about business news during the lunch. Business lunch in the USA includes salads, soup, the main course and beverages.

Lecture 10 Contrastive studies of the development of the semantic structure of English and Ukrainian words
Lecture 10 Contrastive studies of the development of the semantic structure of English and Ukrainian words

Lecture 10Contrastive studies of the development of the semantic structure of English and Ukrainian wordsContrast is the occurance of different elements to create interest …..in every object there is inexhaustible meaningThomas Carlyle

homas Gainsborough Mrs Siddons
homas Gainsborough Mrs Siddons

Date: 1783-1785Artist: Thomas Gainsborough Sarah Siddons (1755 - 1831), the outstanding tragic actress of her time, was the daughter of Roger Kemble; she married William Siddons in 1773. Reynolds and other artists also painted her portrait. 

Степени сравнения прилагательных
Степени сравнения прилагательных

small smaller the smallest Positive Comparative Superlative Односложные прилагательные: Слово +

My dream house
My dream house

Plan:I. IntroductionII. Main part The type of the house, the place Inside the house Outside the houseIII. Conclusion IntroductionEveryone likes dreaming. Dream is a hope for better things. It helps us to overcome the difficulties of our daily routine. A dream

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