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Презентации по Английскому языку


Неопределенный артикль:(один из множества, какой-то) С оборотом There is употребляется неопределенный артикль!There is a doll in the box.A

London sights
London sights

Big Ben is a symbol of the UK. The Houses of Parliament building in London.

Китайский Новый Год на английском
Китайский Новый Год на английском

Chinese New Year is the beginning of a new year according to the lunar calendar. The holiday is celebrated with big family gatherings, gift giving, the eating of symbolic foods and celebrating the coming of Spring. Jiao ziAt midnight, it's

GM - foods
GM - foods

It is terrible to imagine what do our sausages include and who did raise our vegetables. We live in a world, where people don’t think about foods that they eat. We can see GM – foods on shops. But what is

Richelle mead
Richelle mead

Richelle Mead (born November 12, 1976) is a bestselling American fantasy author. She is known for the Georgina Kincaid series, Vampire Academy, and the Dark Swan series.

Opinion essay for the Russian state exam
Opinion essay for the Russian state exam

Правила следования абзацевВступлениеВыражение своего мненияПротивоположное мнениеКонтр аргумент (объяснить почему вы с противоположным мнением не согласны)Заключение ВступлениеОбщая мысльУзкая мысльтема

Film Review
Film Review

I Am Legent (2007), directed by Francis Lawrence. Is fantasy, thriller, drama film. The main stars are Will Smith (Robert Nevyll) and his dog Sam (Samanta). In New York an unknown virus that killed half the population of the globe and

The Influence of Geography on People and Their Lifestyle: The Netherlands
The Influence of Geography on People and Their Lifestyle: The Netherlands

I’ d like to present a project: “The Influence of Geography on People and Their Lifestyle: The Netherlands”. My project is about the Netherlands.


содержание Mестоимения - это…Какие местоимения бывают?Личные местоимения Притяжательные местоименияСводная таблица личных и притяжательных местоименийЗадание для контроля Местоимение – это… Местоимение – это часть речи, которая указывает на предметы, признаки и количества, но не называет их.

Праздники и традиции в Британии
Праздники и традиции в Британии

The plan of the lesson: 1. Phonetics. 2.Word Power. 3. British celebrations. 4. Different

Cultural Phenomena
Cultural Phenomena

THE BEATLESTHE BEGINNINGJuly of 1957, in Liverpool, Paul McCartney met John Lennon and joined his group, The Quarrymen.George Harrison joined them in February of 1958. In 1959 they played regular gigs at a club called The Casbah. John Lennon dreamed up

Artists and writers of Great Britain and America
Artists and writers of Great Britain and America

Art is long, life is short. ProverbEach country is known by the people which are bringing in the considerable contribution to its development. The art is the integral part of spiritual culture and spiritual heritage of the people living not only

Моя країна -Україна
Моя країна -Україна

І сторінка “Та тільки одну Батьківщину ми знаємо – її Україною звуть” Кожна нація і народ створили десятки тисяч слів. Одні з них звучать вагомо й живуть довго. Інші з часом стираються,

настоящее простое и продолжительное время
настоящее простое и продолжительное время

plays playare playing Выбери правильный ответ:1. Children … football every day. Right!Here is a nut for you from Timmy!Next!

Body Art
Body Art

Body art can be divided:TattoosBody piercingBody painting TattoosA few words about tattooing and its history

Tetyana Yablonska
Tetyana Yablonska

BiographyYablonska was born in Smolensk,Russia.Her father was a famous teacher.In 1928 their family moved to Luhantsk,Ukraine She studied at the  Kiev State Institute of Art .She worked very productively until the very end of her life, reportedly painting her last pastel etude on the very


Nicely, beautifully, badly, happily, quickly,carefully, properly, slowly, heavily, terribly. adjective- lyadverbAdverbs Наречия, которые по форме не отличаются от прилагательных:adverbsadjectivesfasthighhardlateearlyfasthighhardlateearlyбыстробыстрыйвысоковысокийупорноупорныйпозднопозднийраноранний

Friends forever
Friends forever

Friendship means to trust each other, keep secrets, get together. each will be written of if they did not do their homework, he will share with you a candy if he has one

Myths and legends
Myths and legends

of my research is to study the history and the contents of English – speaking countries mythology and it’s influence on the modern life of the countries. The aim Objectives: to study a lot of myths and legends and compare themto

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