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Презентации по Английскому языку

Some of the Beautiful beaches in the world / Самые красивые пляжи мира
Some of the Beautiful beaches in the world / Самые красивые пляжи мира

ThemesThe purpose of research: to define how much effectively state of general welfareBenefitsMedical InsurancePayments to elderly peopleHypothesisThe Conclusion The purpose of research: to define how much effectively state of general welfare In our opinion Ideal Welfare State must be available

Countries where the most delicious cuisine: Top 10
Countries where the most delicious cuisine: Top 10

The top 10 countries with the most delicious cuisine recognized the U.S., Mexico, Thailand, Greece, India, Japan, Spain, France, China and Italy. In a pan in the oven and pans and some Americans so delicious dishes became "highlight" and become as

Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci

BiographyLeonardo da Vinci (April 15, 1452 in Ankiano - May 2, 1519 in the castle of Clos Lucé, Amboise) - famous Italian scientist, researcher, inventor and artist, architect, anatomist and engineer, one of the most prominent figures of the Italian Renaissance.

When i'm ill!
When i'm ill!

I Have got a stomachache!Say it in English I have got a….I have got a runny nose!


The Present Continuous and the Present Simple TenseБольшинство глаголов употребляются и в Present Continuous, и в Present Simple. Listen! She is playing the piano.She plays the piano very well. Некоторые глаголы употребляются только в форме Present Simple: Hate – ненавидетьI

Travel around the UK
Travel around the UK

The national flag of Great Britain is…UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND The British capital is London

Англицизмы в современном русском языке
Англицизмы в современном русском языке

Цель: выявить влияние англоязычных названий, связанных с космической тематикой, на русский языкЗадачи: собрать и проанализировать англоязычные термины, связанные с космической тематикой; выявить отношение учащихся 4 и 6 классов к этим терминам. Объект: англицизмыПредмет: английские названия, связанные с космической тематикойГипотеза: использование английских

The British Media
The British Media

The British Media consists of the press, radio and TV broadcasting. The "quality" papers are for more serious readership. These papers are bigger in size, with larger articles and more detailed information. The "quality" papers are - "The Times", "Daily Telegraph",


ForestsForests are vast territories, covered with trees, bushes and other plants. Forests cover almost 30% of our planet’s land.Biologists distinguish 3 basic types of forests: coniferous, deciduous and tropical forests. In many forests coniferous and deciduous forests grow alternately.ЛесаЛеса – обширные

Who knows animals best ?
Who knows animals best ?

Where does the dolphin live?In the mountainsIn the fieldsIn the seas 2. What can you see in the picture?Horses near the riverMen in the mountainsMen with horses

Eden project
Eden project

The Eden Project is a large-scale environmental complex in Cornwall, UK. The project is located 2 km from the town of St. Blazey and 5 km from the larger town of St Austell. The complex comprises a number of domes

Some words about Australia
Some words about Australia

Australia is a continent, a country and an island all at the same time. It is the sixth largest country and the smallest continent in the world. Australia is situated south of Asia, between the Pacific and the Indian Oceans.

Женские образы В романе Война и мир
Женские образы В романе Война и мир

Женские образы в романе "Война и мир" играют важную роль. Они не только определяют поведение главных героев, но и имеют самостоятельное значение. Так же как и мужские образы, они раскрывают представление автора о красоте, добре и зле. При изображении своих героинь

Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe

Childhood marilyn monro…Norma Jeane Mortenson was born around 9:30 am on June 1, 1926 in a Los Angeles hospital , and was the third child kinomontazhnitsy RKO Pictures Gladys Pearl Baker. Marilyn monro…While studying at the «Van Nuys High School», Norma

Future plans
Future plans

Plans and Intentions:Carol is going to study in France . Predictions:Look out! The tree is going to fall.Are you sure? YES! Careful! Youare going to fall!I think itis going to rain.Hurry up, weare going to miss the bus!Match: rain, fall and


Halloween is a festival that takes place on October 31. In the United States children wear costumes and masks and go trick-or-treating.


Bears, like other carnivores, trace their pedigree back to the miacids, small, snouted, weasel like animals that lived 50 million years ago. Some 38 million years ago bears began to go their own evolutionary way. The first clearly

В замке герцога to Be
В замке герцога to Be

Замок To BeЗамок To Be дивно красив, со множеством башенок, шпилей, переходных галерей, с разноцветными витражами. Все как в сказке! Вся семья герцога собралась в парадном зале и сам герцог представил нас. PAST SIMPLEЭто мое Прошлое, мои престарелые родители и милые

Travelling. What for?
Travelling. What for?

Travelling… What for?Every year a lot of people all over the world spend their holidays away from home and many go abroad. People travel to see other countries and continents,…

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