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Презентации по Английскому языку

Effective Business Writing
Effective Business Writing

Three steps of effective business writingPrewriting– preparation, planning, background researchWriting– organizing and outlining material, writing the first draftRevising– reworking and editing the draft, final typing and printing, proofreading Step one: PrewritingIdentify and state a purpose of the message Know the audienceIn

The National Health Service (NHS)
The National Health Service (NHS)

The National Health Service (NHS) is the name commonly used to refer to the publicly-funded health care service in the United Kingdom excluding Northern Ireland. In England the name National Health Service is used without further qualification whereas the services in

Colonel Chernishev is a real hero
Colonel Chernishev is a real hero

FiremenWho are they? What do they do? They fight fires and rescue people from it. They teach children how to use fire and how to be careful. They have a lot of special equipment: fire truckstransmittersfire hoses fire plugs power plants

Environment and Ecology
Environment and Ecology

Ecology is the science of how living things are related to their environment. littering;air pollution smog;water pollution;overcrowding, overpopulation;endangered species animals which are almost extinct;destruction of national resources;land pollution;greenhouse effect;deforestation;radiation;earth quakes;global warming;the hole in the ozone layer.The environment problems of today:

Eddie Murphy
Eddie Murphy

Birth name: Edward Regan MurphyBorn: April 3 1961 in Brooklyn Was popular at school…

William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare (1564-1616)(The Greatest People of the World) Повышение культурного и образовательного уровня и раскрытие социокультурного потенциала личности учащихся на основе ознакомления с творчеством Вильяма Шекспира.

Home rules for children
Home rules for children

Home rules for childrenThere are a lot of rules for children at home. If children are at home alone, they mustn't take any scissors, bottles of chlorine, matches and other unsafed things in their hands. Home rules for

Неличные формы глагола
Неличные формы глагола

ИНФИНИТИВ (THE INFINITIVE)ФОРМЫ ИНФИНИТИВАИНФИНИТИВ БЕЗ ЧАСТИЦЫ ИНФИНИТИВ БЕЗ ЧАСТИЦЫ “TO”СИНТАКСИЧЕСКИЕ ФУНКЦИИ ИНФИНИТИВАУПРАЖНЕНИЯ ИНФИНИТИВ – неличная форма глагола, обладающая признаками глагола и существительного. Признаком инфинитива является частица “to”. Инфинитив соответствует в русском языке неопределённой форме глагола, которая отвечает на вопрос «что

история древнего мира
история древнего мира

ТРОЯ называемая также Илионом, древняя крепость на северо-западе Малой Азии. Происхождение Около 1200 г. до н.э. между греками-ахейцами и троянцами началась долгая и кровопролитная война, которую называют Троянской войной.

Australian history
Australian history

PlanEarly HistoryThe Name of Australia The Discovery of AustraliaThe "First Fleet" A Government Policy of “Assimilation“Recherche BayConvicts and Free SettlersIrish ConvictsThe Foundation of Modern Australia A Gold RushThe Modern Australia World War IANZUS Early HistoryAccording to the fossil record the first

Passive voice
Passive voice

В английском языке существуют два способа описывать одни и те же действия: с помощьюдействительного залога (The Active Voice)страдательного залога (The Passive Voice).Сравните: Страдательный залог образуется с помощьюглагола to be в нужном лице, числе, времении III формы основного глагола(Participle II):Simple

New York City
New York City

New York City Manhattan New York City is a city in the southern end of the state of New York, and is the most populous city in the United States of America. New York City is a global economic center, with

Giving Opinions
Giving Opinions

Beginning of Reasoning Let me begin by saying… It’s my belief that… I suppose/presume that… In my opinion, …First, … It is quite obvious that… It should be mentioned …I would like to stress… It is a matter of common observation…It seems to me that

James Fenimore Cooper
James Fenimore Cooper

Early LifeJames Fenimore Cooper was born on September 15, 1789 in Burlington, New Jersey.He was the eleventh child of twelve, and his parents were William and Elizabeth.When he was one his family moved and started a town on the frontier of


OneRepublic ist eine US-amerikanische Pop-Rock-Band aus Colorado. Im Frühjahr 2002 wurde die Band vom Sänger und Produzenten Ryan Tedder mit Zach Filkins, dem späteren Gitarristen der Gruppe, gegründet. Ein Jahr später stießen Drew Brown, Eddie Fisher

The House of Parliament
The House of Parliament

The British Parliament sits in the Building which is called the Palace of Westminster. It’s also called the Houses of Parliament because there are two Houses: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. You can go in the buildings

Phonics Mini Lessons
Phonics Mini Lessons

Well, it has to do with vowels and their patterns open syllable closed syllable lonely eNo cat RomeZe nul ageGra tic ike A e i o uDoes the vowel say its long or short sound?catmesoap

Британские корпуса
Британские корпуса

История и настоящееКакие корпуса считаются исторически важными для развития корпусной лингвистикиБританский и Международный корпусаБританские корпуса и учебные словариСовременные проблемы, поднимаемые в корпусной лингвистике на уровне международных конференций – конференция Евроколл в Кракове– Eurocall 2005 in Аugust Cоздание корпусовThe Survey of English

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