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Презентации по Английскому языку

Welcome to the…2018 Olimpic games
Welcome to the…2018 Olimpic games

I think that Russia will host the Olympic Games, because it is very big, beautiful and sports country. The flag will change. It will consist from a silk fabric, on which small people will be represented.I think that the flame and

Английский – это здорово! English? It is great!
Английский – это здорово! English? It is great!

Цель: Познакомить учащихся с предметом «Иностранный язык»Задачи:Формирование у учащихся интереса и мотивации к изучению английского языка.(Развивающий аспект)Приобщение к культуре англоязычных стран.(Познавательный аспект)Воспитание толерантности и уважения к другой культуре.(Воспитательный аспект)Расширение знаний учащихся об англо-говорящих странах.(Учебный аспект) WELCOME TO ENGLISH!ДОРОГОЙ ДРУГ! Тебе посчастливилось

Рифмовки на буквы алфавита
Рифмовки на буквы алфавита

A aApples, apples everywhere.Apples here, apples there, B bBounce! Bounce! It’s my ball!It doesn’t want to stop at all.

Телевидение: за и против
Телевидение: за и против

Цель: Создание условий для совершенствования коммуникативной компетентности учащихся с использованием технологии развития КМ.Задачи: Обучающие: - формировать лексические и грамматические навыки по теме «Телевидение: за и против»; -учить строить аргументированное

Washington D.C.
Washington D.C.

located: on the East Coast organized: 1801 population : 632,323 (in 2012) Match the places/names with the short descriptions.is a home of the President and his family.is a group of museums.is a federal agency thatinvestigates criminal matters.d) is

Акция Вахта памяти
Акция Вахта памяти

Реставрация памятника Выпускникам огненного выпускаУборка территории у памятника Разбивка клумб Акция «Шаг навстречу»Оказание помощи ветеранам войны и труда в нашей школе стало давней доброй традицией. Некоторые классы в течение ряда лет оказывают посильную


New York City is in the state of New York. It`s not the capital , but it is the largest city in the country.There are

Location and climate of the United States
Location and climate of the United States

LocationLocated in the Western Hemisphere, mostly in the continent of North America. United States consists of 48 contiguous states with each other in the "mainland" and 2 states that do not have a common border with the rest: Alaska - located

Modern inventions in our life.
Modern inventions in our life.

Technological progress has merely providedus with two more efficient means for goingbackwards. (Aldous Huxley, English author)Men are only as good as their technicaldevelopment allows them to be.

Past Simple. 4 класс
Past Simple. 4 класс

Определим погоду. Повторим 10 неправильных глаголов и выучим ещё 5 новых!

Britain’s young consumers
Britain’s young consumers

Tongue-twisters[m] The Manager of the Menagerie Imagined he was a manager of an imaginary Menagerie'. [o] She stops at the shops where I shop, and if she shops at the shops where I shop I won’t stop


Vk.comVK (Originally VKontakte, Russian: ВКонтакте)[3] is a European social network service popular among Russian-speaking users around the world. It is especially popular in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Belarus, and Israel. VK is a Facebook clone, with several common features, such as

Happy New Years!!!
Happy New Years!!!

The majority of Americans are celebrating the first Christmas and then New Year's Eve.New Year's inhabitants of America usually meet with friends and not with the family. 31 December organize parades, performances, football matches and concerts. Clock on Times Square in

Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak
Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak

1887-1964 S. YA. Marshak is the author of well-known, loved by children poems. Marshak translated a lot of poems from English into Russian. And these poems we know and remember from childhood.

Harm of smoking
Harm of smoking

A pack of cigarettes in а day - is about 500 x-ray irradiation for the yearПачка сигарет в день – это около 500 рентген облучения за год Smoking causes lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, coronary disease.Курение вызывает рак легких, хронический бронхит, коронарная

Classical music
Classical music

What does the term Classical mean?From 1750 artists, musicians and architects waned to get away from the strange opulence of the Baroque period and move to emulate the clean, uncluttered style of Classical Greece. The period is called Classical because of

American Christmas
American Christmas

The Americans celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December. Christmas is a religious holiday. It is the day on which Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ

London on foot
London on foot

Tate Gallery Westminster CathedralWestminster Abbey

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