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Презентация на тему Business Entities in the USA

Susan BurnsPrivate Practice: Susan Burns LLCFounder & CEO of Small Business Legal SchoolOver 30 years of legal experience: from representing Fortune 100s to single-member businessesBelieve that any business worth building is worth protectingProfessional speaker – especially
There are multiple forms of business entities in the USA.Today we explore Susan BurnsPrivate Practice: Susan Burns LLCFounder & CEO of Small Business Legal CorporationLimited Liability Company (LLC)Partnership
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Susan Burns
Private Practice: Susan Burns LLC
Founder & CEO

Susan BurnsPrivate Practice: Susan Burns LLCFounder & CEO of Small Business

of Small Business Legal School
Over 30 years of legal

experience: from representing Fortune 100s to single-member businesses
Believe that any business worth building is worth protecting
Professional speaker – especially passionate about small businesses

© 2016 Small Business Legal School Ltd www.smallbusinesslegalschool.com/free-mini-course.html

  • Имя файла: business-entities-in-the-usa.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 145
  • Количество скачиваний: 0