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Презентация на тему Analysis of the formation and execution of the state budget of the republic of Kazakhstan

Customer: Ministry of Finance of the Republic of KazakhstanProblem: Budget deficit in the Republic of KazakhstanHypothesis: Reduction of state deficit by stabilizing of state revenues and expenses.
Diploma ProjectPrepared by:    Kuttykadam Nuriya - Finance 331 Customer: Ministry of Finance of the Republic of KazakhstanProblem: Budget deficit in Aim and tasks of Diploma ProjectAim:Identify ways of reducing the budget deficit Figure 1. Deficit of the state budget, 2015,million tenge Figure 2. The volume of the state budget, million tenge Figure 3. The volume of the state budget, % to GDP Figure 4. Revenues of the state budget, million tenge Recommendations:Monitoring and regulation of tax policy.Targeted use of budgetary funds.Attraction of long Conclusion
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Customer:
Ministry of Finance of the Republic of

Customer: Ministry of Finance of the Republic of KazakhstanProblem: Budget deficit


Budget deficit in the Republic of Kazakhstan


of state deficit by stabilizing of state revenues and expenses.

Слайд 3 Aim and tasks of Diploma Project
Identify ways of

Aim and tasks of Diploma ProjectAim:Identify ways of reducing the budget

reducing the budget deficit through the optimization of state

revenues and expenses.
Study theoretical aspects of the state budget
Review the budget status in the current position
Offer recommendations to improve the efficiency of the state budget

Слайд 4 Figure 1. Deficit of the state budget, 2015,million

Figure 1. Deficit of the state budget, 2015,million tenge


Слайд 5 Figure 2. The volume of the state budget,

Figure 2. The volume of the state budget, million tenge

million tenge

Слайд 6 Figure 3. The volume of the state budget,

Figure 3. The volume of the state budget, % to GDP

% to GDP

Слайд 7 Figure 4. Revenues of the state budget, million

Figure 4. Revenues of the state budget, million tenge


Слайд 10 Recommendations:
Monitoring and regulation of tax policy.
Targeted use of

Recommendations:Monitoring and regulation of tax policy.Targeted use of budgetary funds.Attraction of

budgetary funds.
Attraction of long – term loan from World


  • Имя файла: analysis-of-the-formation-and-execution-of-the-state-budget-of-the-republic-of-kazakhstan.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 137
  • Количество скачиваний: 0