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Презентация на тему Stock Market

Stock MarketFinancial data reflect the day to day decision making of the society
Stock MarketFinancial data reflect the day to day decision making of the society Baseline	We find that returns from the Google Trends strategies we tested are Google TrendsSearch to SaleQuantifying Trading Behavior in Financial Markets Using Google Trends. Results and interpretation	Our Google trends algorithm slightly shows much better than the Results- What to buy
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Stock Market
Financial data reflect the day to day

Stock MarketFinancial data reflect the day to day decision making of the society

decision making of the society

Слайд 3 Baseline
We find that returns from the Google Trends

Baseline	We find that returns from the Google Trends strategies we tested

strategies we tested are significantly higher overall than returns

from the random strategies ( , R . US 5 0.60; t 5 8.65, df 5 97, p , 0.001, onesample t-test).
Assumptions: US users only, mouse click by a foreign Ip does not count
Moving Avg Baseline
Exponential Moving Avg
Jump to GTrends

Слайд 4 Google Trends
Search to Sale
Quantifying Trading Behavior in Financial

Google TrendsSearch to SaleQuantifying Trading Behavior in Financial Markets Using Google

Markets Using Google Trends. By Tobias Preis, Helen Susannah

Moat & H. Eugene Stanley, 25th April 2013
Google has begun to provide access to aggregated information on the volume of queries for different search terms and how these volumes change over time
Current state of the stock markets, but may have also been able to anticipate certain future trend. Analyze before buy or sell
We use Google Trends to determine how many searches n(t –1)have been carried out for a specific search term such as debt in week t– 1, where Google defines weeks as ending on a Sunday, relative to the total number of searches carried out on Google during that time.
HOLD relative less interest, BUY, SELL
Decrease in search volume prompts us to buy, increase in search to sell
Specific search value terms pointing to buy/sell - Failed

Слайд 5 Results and interpretation
Our Google trends algorithm slightly shows

Results and interpretation	Our Google trends algorithm slightly shows much better than

much better than the randomn model. It is very

close to

  • Имя файла: stock-market.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 211
  • Количество скачиваний: 0