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Презентация на тему Why did or didn’t you like Math at school?

Why did or didn’t you like Math at school?
Why did or didn’t you like Math at school? What’s the difference between a fraction and a decimal? Are girls or boys better at Math? Do you think Math is a waste of time now, with all the computers around? Why do people call Math a language? What features of a language does it have? Why is mental arithmetic important? Where do we use it? How can you improve mental arithmetic? Have you learned a times table at school? Are there times when two plus two equals five? What happens if you don’t round these numbers? 2.25+2.26=? In Jurassic Park (1993) a chaos theorist Ian Malcolm explains the gist of it: Prediction Horizon  - a length of time beyond which we can What can affect the Prediction Horizon? Up until 2008 most computers were using the IEEE 754-1985 calculation standard IEEE 754-1985 could work with 16 decimals  Current 754-2008 generally handles How is it possible to calculate the probabilities? Why do we need to calculate them? Quantum computers Created from probability particles called qu-bits, quantum computers aim at computing probabilities, Weather W Banking Purchase Behavior Control Horizon is the length of time which we need to beneficially alter the predicted future What is Alertness? Do you often think about what to do if things don’t go as planned?
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Why did or didn’t you like Math at

Why did or didn’t you like Math at school?


Слайд 3 What’s the difference between a fraction and a

What’s the difference between a fraction and a decimal?


Слайд 6 Are girls or boys better at Math?

Are girls or boys better at Math?

Слайд 7 Do you think Math is a waste of

Do you think Math is a waste of time now, with all the computers around?

time now, with all the computers around?

Слайд 8 Why do people call Math a language? What

Why do people call Math a language? What features of a language does it have?

features of a language does it have?

Слайд 9 Why is mental arithmetic important? Where do we

Why is mental arithmetic important? Where do we use it?

use it?

Слайд 10 How can you improve mental arithmetic? Have you

How can you improve mental arithmetic? Have you learned a times table at school?

learned a times table at school?

Слайд 12 Are there times when two plus two equals

Are there times when two plus two equals five?


Слайд 13 What happens if you don’t round these numbers? 2.25+2.26=?

What happens if you don’t round these numbers? 2.25+2.26=?

Слайд 15 In Jurassic Park (1993) a chaos theorist Ian

In Jurassic Park (1993) a chaos theorist Ian Malcolm explains the gist of it:

Malcolm explains the gist of it:

Слайд 19 Prediction Horizon - a length of time beyond

Prediction Horizon - a length of time beyond which we can no longer accurately forecast something.

which we can no longer accurately forecast something.

Слайд 20 What can affect the Prediction Horizon?

What can affect the Prediction Horizon?

Слайд 22 Up until 2008 most computers were using the

Up until 2008 most computers were using the IEEE 754-1985 calculation standard

IEEE 754-1985 calculation standard

Слайд 23 IEEE 754-1985 could work with 16 decimals Current 754-2008

IEEE 754-1985 could work with 16 decimals Current 754-2008 generally handles up to 32 decimals

generally handles up to 32 decimals

Слайд 26 How is it possible to calculate the probabilities?

How is it possible to calculate the probabilities?

Слайд 27 Why do we need to calculate them?

Why do we need to calculate them?

Слайд 28 Quantum computers

Quantum computers

Слайд 29 Created from probability particles called qu-bits, quantum computers

Created from probability particles called qu-bits, quantum computers aim at computing

aim at computing probabilities, which linear computers can’t calculate.

Слайд 30 Weather


Слайд 32 Banking


Слайд 33 Purchase Behavior

Purchase Behavior

Слайд 35 Control Horizon is the length of time which

Control Horizon is the length of time which we need to beneficially alter the predicted future

we need to beneficially alter the predicted future

Слайд 36 What is Alertness?

What is Alertness?

  • Имя файла: why-did-or-didnt-you-like-math-at-school.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 102
  • Количество скачиваний: 0
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