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Презентация на тему Cholinomimetic and anticholinesterase drugs

Peripheral nervous systemPeripheral nervous system consists of afferent (sensory) and efferent nerve fibers which participate in regulation of vital activity of an organismReflex principle underlies nerve regulation
UNIT: CHOLINERGIC DRUGS  THEME: CHOLINOMIMETIC AND ANTICHOLINESTERASE DRUGSSMOLENSK STATE MEDICAL ACADEMYPHARMACOLOGY DEPARTMENT Peripheral nervous systemPeripheral nervous system consists of afferent (sensory) and efferent nerve Peripheral nervous systemR E F L E X is a response of Classification of drugs acing on PNSDrugs acting on afferent innervationDrugs inhibiting afferent Cholinergic synapseThe neurotransmission in a cholinergic synapse is realized by the acetylcholine and acetylcholine acts on cholinoceptors located on: Cells of adrenal medullaAutonomic ganglia Neurotransmitter acetylcholine is synthesized in a cholinergic nerve ending from: acetyl-CoA choline The transmitter release occurs, when voltage-sensitive calcium channels in the presynaptic membrane The released acetylcholine binds to: postsynaptic receptors presynaptic receptors muscarinic nicotinic Binding When a nerve impulse is chemically conducted (by acetylcholine action), the acetylcholinesterase Flash movie describing nerve impulse conduction in a synapse Cholinergic receptors:Cholinergic receptors are protein macromolecules having specific sensitivity to acetylcholine. They fly agaric There are 5 subtypes of muscarinic receptors:M1, M3 and M5 subtypes lead Nicotinic (N) – cholinoceptors:N - cholinoceptors have high sensitivity to nicotine like Tabacco leaves Classification of cholinomimetics:Cholinomimetics with direct action:M, N – cholinomimeticsM – cholinomimeticsAcetylcholineCarbacholMetacholineBethanecolPilocarpineAceclidine N Cholinomimetics with indirect action:Stimulators of acetylcholine presynaptic releaseAnticholinesterasesCisaprideCeruletidePymadine Neostigmine PhysostigmineGalantamine  Pyridostigmine Molecular mechanism of cholinomimetic action: M1, M3 -receptors(activating)Stimulatory actionThrough Gq proteinactivatephospholipase “C”hydrolyses Stimulatory actionM2 – inhibitory receptorThrough activation of Gi - proteininhibition of adenylyl Pharmacological effects of  M- cholinomimetics:M- cholinomimetics take direct selective stimulatory effect Action on smooth muscles:Stimulating M3-cholinoceptors of myocytes the drugscause contraction of smooth Effects on cardiac functions:Stimulating inhibitory M2 – cholinoceptors of the myocardiumthe drugs Decrease in blood pressure: if the drugs injected i.vStimulatory actionM3Muscarinic receptors(extra-synaptic)activation of Effects on excretory glands :Stimulating M3-cholinoceptors of glandular cell membranes,drugs increase secretion Ophthalmic effects of M- cholinomimetics:Narrowing of pupils (miosis)caused by stimulation of M3 Spasm of accommodation due to activation of M3 – cholinoceptors of the Main effects of N- cholinomimetics:N- cholinomimetics are the drugs which directly stimulate Effect of N- cholinomimetics is characterized by the action consisting of two Stimulation of N – cholinoceptors of autonomic ganglia results in:increase in the Therapeutic use of N- cholinomimetics:Therapeutic use of N- cholinomimetics has been limited. Cholinomimetic drugs with indirect action: pharmacodynamics.Stimulators of acetylcholine presynaptic release: Their mechanism Considerable increase in tone and motility of the g.i.t. smooth muscle cells Therapeutic use of stimulators of acetylcholine presynaptic release These drugs are used Adverse effects of acetylcholine presynaptic release stimulators:Nausea Epigastric pains Giddiness Blood pressure AnticholinesterasesThe action of these drugs is directed to acetylcholinesterase in a cholinergic Irreversible anticholinesterases (Armine, Ecothiophate, Organophosphate and carbamate insecticids, nerve gases for chemical Influence on skeletal muscles:Anticholinesterase drugs facilitate neuromuscular transmission due to indirect stimulation However, only tertiary structure compounds pass cross the blood-brain barrier well. Therapeutic use of Anticholinesterase drugsAnticholinesterase drugs are used for:Treatment of glaucoma: Physostigmine, 4. As pharmacological antagonists in overdoses of nondepolarizing muscle relaxants: Neostigmine5. Treatment HypersalivationNausea, spastic stricture of muscles of the intestine and urinary bladder, diarrheaBronchospasm Cholinesterase reactivatorsDrugs of this group restore acetylcholinesterase inhibited by anticholinesterases with irreversible Reactivators contain oxime group (=N-OH). They attach to the anionic site of Acetylcholinesterase reactivators are used as specific antagonists of organophosphorous compounds.They are ineffective Atropine as well as reactivators is the basic pharmacological antidote in anticholinesterase
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2
Peripheral nervous system
Peripheral nervous system consists of afferent

Peripheral nervous systemPeripheral nervous system consists of afferent (sensory) and efferent

(sensory) and efferent nerve fibers which participate in regulation

of vital activity of an organism

Reflex principle underlies nerve regulation

Слайд 3 Peripheral nervous system

Peripheral nervous systemR E F L E X is a response

is a response of an organism to irritation of

sensory receptors
Each reflex is realized
by means of reflex arch

Слайд 4 Classification of drugs acing on PNS
Drugs acting on

Classification of drugs acing on PNSDrugs acting on afferent innervationDrugs inhibiting

afferent innervation
Drugs inhibiting afferent nerve fibers
Drugs inhibiting afferent nerve

Drugs acting on efferent innervation
Cholinergic agents – acting on cholinergic transmission
Adrenergic agents – acting on adreneric transmission

Слайд 5 Cholinergic synapse
The neurotransmission in a cholinergic synapse is

Cholinergic synapseThe neurotransmission in a cholinergic synapse is realized by the

realized by the acetylcholine release from:
nerve fibers

nerve fibers

nerve fibers

and sympathetic
nerve systems

nerve system

nerve system

Слайд 6 and acetylcholine acts on cholinoceptors
located on:

and acetylcholine acts on cholinoceptors located on: Cells of adrenal medullaAutonomic

adrenal medulla
of internals
Striated muscles

Слайд 8 Neurotransmitter acetylcholine is synthesized
in a cholinergic nerve

Neurotransmitter acetylcholine is synthesized in a cholinergic nerve ending from: acetyl-CoA

ending from:

choline acetyl transferase catalyzes the


The synthesized neurotransmitter is transported into
into vesicles where is packed
(in vesicles acetylcholine is protected from degradation)

Слайд 9 The transmitter release occurs, when voltage-sensitive
calcium channels

The transmitter release occurs, when voltage-sensitive calcium channels in the presynaptic

in the presynaptic membrane become opened,
providing influx of

calcium ions.

It happens when an action potential arrives
at a nerve ending

Increase in endocellular concentration of calcium occurs
and in turn, it causes the fusion of vesicles with
membrane surface and release of their content
(Ach, co-transmitters- ATP) into the synaptic cleft
by exocytosis.

Слайд 10 The released acetylcholine binds to:
postsynaptic receptors

The released acetylcholine binds to: postsynaptic receptors presynaptic receptors muscarinic nicotinic


Binding of acetylcholine to
postsynaptic receptors

results in
a biological response within cells
of target organs (the myocardium,
g.i.t., excretory glands, eyes, etc)

Binding of acetylcholine to
presynaptic receptors
results in discontinuation
of its release
(negative feedback

Слайд 11 When a nerve impulse is chemically conducted

When a nerve impulse is chemically conducted (by acetylcholine action), the

acetylcholine action), the acetylcholinesterase
terminates the Ach action by

its hydrolysis
with formation of:



Choline formed is actively uptaken by the
axonal membrane (by a Na+:choline
and is used for
acetylcholine resynthesis again.

Is removed

Слайд 12 Flash movie describing nerve impulse conduction
in a

Flash movie describing nerve impulse conduction in a synapse


Слайд 15 Cholinergic receptors:
Cholinergic receptors are protein macromolecules having specific

Cholinergic receptors:Cholinergic receptors are protein macromolecules having specific sensitivity to acetylcholine.

sensitivity to acetylcholine.

They are not homogeneous.

Two basic

groups of cholinoceptors such as M- cholinoceptors and N- cholinoceptors have been identified with the help of natural alkaloids.

Receptors which have high sensitivity to muscarine (alkaloid of the mushroom fly-agaric) are called
M - cholinoceptors (muscarinic receptors).

Слайд 16 fly agaric

fly agaric

Слайд 17 There are 5 subtypes of muscarinic receptors:
M1, M3

There are 5 subtypes of muscarinic receptors:M1, M3 and M5 subtypes

and M5 subtypes lead to cellular excitation (stimulant receptors)

M4 subtypes inhibit cellular excitation (inhibitory receptors)

Localization of muscarinic receptors:




On ganglion cells and
central neurones,
escpecially in cortex,
hyppocampus and
corpus striatum.
It plays a major role in
mediating gastric
secretion, relaxation of
LES, in learning, memo-
ry, motor functions

on effector cells
of myocardium
and presynaptic
(cholinergic nerve

on smooth muscles
of g.i.t., bronchi,
urogenital system,
on eye muscles,
on excretory glands

Слайд 18 Nicotinic (N) – cholinoceptors:
N - cholinoceptors have high

Nicotinic (N) – cholinoceptors:N - cholinoceptors have high sensitivity to nicotine

sensitivity to nicotine like to acetylcholine.
Nicotine is known

as alkaloid of tobacco leaves nicotine.

Localization of nicotinic receptors:

in the CNS,
adrenal medulla,
autonomic ganglia
neuromuscular junctions,
sinocarotid zones

In blood vessels non-innervated muscarinic receptors
(off- synaptic M - cholinoceptors) have been found.

NN receptors – are located on ganglionic
NM receptors – at skeletal muscle

Слайд 19 Tabacco leaves

Tabacco leaves

Слайд 20 Classification of cholinomimetics:
Cholinomimetics with direct action:

M, N –

Classification of cholinomimetics:Cholinomimetics with direct action:M, N – cholinomimeticsM – cholinomimeticsAcetylcholineCarbacholMetacholineBethanecolPilocarpineAceclidine

M –


N –

Lobeline &Cytitone
“Lobesil &Tabex
Nicotine (TTS,


Слайд 21 Cholinomimetics with indirect action:

Stimulators of
presynaptic release

Cholinomimetics with indirect action:Stimulators of acetylcholine presynaptic releaseAnticholinesterasesCisaprideCeruletidePymadine Neostigmine PhysostigmineGalantamine Pyridostigmine

Neostigmine Physostigmine
Galantamine Pyridostigmine

Donepezil Edrophonium



Tabun, Sarin, Soman

Слайд 23 Molecular mechanism of cholinomimetic action:
M1, M3 -receptors

Molecular mechanism of cholinomimetic action: M1, M3 -receptors(activating)Stimulatory actionThrough Gq proteinactivatephospholipase


Through Gq protein
phospholipase “C”

phosphatidylinositol -4,5-
bisphosphate (PIP2)

formation of
Diacylglycerol (DAG)

(1,4,5)-triphosphate (IP3)

Stimulation or inhibition
of enzymes

influx of
Ca2+ ions,
production of
protein kinase C

Слайд 24 Stimulatory
M2 – inhibitory receptor
Through activation of Gi

Stimulatory actionM2 – inhibitory receptorThrough activation of Gi - proteininhibition of

- protein
inhibition of adenylyl cyclase
opening K+ channels,
result in hyperpolarization

in heart rate (due to reduction in pacemaker activity
and slowing of conduction) &
force of contractions

Слайд 25 Pharmacological effects of M- cholinomimetics:
M- cholinomimetics take direct

Pharmacological effects of M- cholinomimetics:M- cholinomimetics take direct selective stimulatory effect

selective stimulatory effect on M - cholinoceptors.
Drugs of this

group have broad spectrum of action. They cause the following effects:

Ophthalmic effects:
narrowing of pupils,
decrease in intraocular pressure,
spasm of accommodation.

Слайд 26 Action on smooth muscles:
Stimulating M3-cholinoceptors of myocytes the

Action on smooth muscles:Stimulating M3-cholinoceptors of myocytes the drugscause contraction of

cause contraction of smooth muscle organs such as:


urinary bladder
(stimulate detrusor
and relax the trigon)


Слайд 27 Effects on cardiac functions:
Stimulating inhibitory M2 – cholinoceptors

Effects on cardiac functions:Stimulating inhibitory M2 – cholinoceptors of the myocardiumthe

of the myocardium
the drugs produce:
Slowing down of conduction

in the atrioventricular node

decrease in excitability
of heart cells

decrease in automatism
of heart cells

Finally these effects result in bradycardia

Слайд 28 Decrease in blood pressure: if the drugs injected

Decrease in blood pressure: if the drugs injected i.vStimulatory actionM3Muscarinic receptors(extra-synaptic)activation

Muscarinic receptors

activation of

Increase in intracellular
of Ca2+


formation of
relaxing factor
from arginine

(male erection)

Слайд 29 Effects on excretory glands :
Stimulating M3-cholinoceptors of glandular

Effects on excretory glands :Stimulating M3-cholinoceptors of glandular cell membranes,drugs increase

cell membranes,
drugs increase secretion of :

Слайд 30 Ophthalmic effects of M- cholinomimetics:
Narrowing of pupils (miosis)

Ophthalmic effects of M- cholinomimetics:Narrowing of pupils (miosis)caused by stimulation of

by stimulation of M3 – cholinoceptors
of the sphincter

pupillae and its contraction.

Decrease in intraocular tension
caused by the sphincter pupillae contraction, increase in
iridocorneal angle, dilatation of Sсhlemm’s canal and
increase in intraocular fluid outflow from
anterior chamber of the eye

Слайд 32 Spasm of accommodation
due to activation of M3

Spasm of accommodation due to activation of M3 – cholinoceptors of

– cholinoceptors of the ciliary muscle.
Contraction of

the eyeball muscle decreases the diameter
of the muscle.
Ligament of Zinn between the muscle and the lens relaxes.
The lens becomes more convex,
An eye becomes focused on the nearest point of vision.
At the same time ciliary muscle contraction increases further
opening of Schlemm’s canal
that improves fluid outflow into venous network
and helps to decrease in intraocular pressure

Слайд 33 Main effects of N- cholinomimetics:
N- cholinomimetics are the

Main effects of N- cholinomimetics:N- cholinomimetics are the drugs which directly

drugs which directly stimulate N – cholinoceptors.
The main effects

of these drugs are caused by the stimulation of N - cholinoceptors of:

Sinocarotid zones

Autonomic ganglia


Chromaffin cells of adrenal glands

Слайд 34
Effect of N- cholinomimetics is characterized by the

Effect of N- cholinomimetics is characterized by the action consisting of

action consisting of two phases. After the stimulation phase,

phase of inhibition follows.

Stimulation of N – cholinoceptors of carotid bodies results in reflex stimulation of neurons of the medulla oblongata, first of all, neurons of the respiratory center.

However, after the stimulation N- cholinomimetics can cause inhibition of these neurons and even apnoea (respiratory standstill).

Слайд 35 Stimulation of N – cholinoceptors of autonomic ganglia

Stimulation of N – cholinoceptors of autonomic ganglia results in:increase in

results in:
increase in
the sympathetic activity
in peripheral bood


increase in the parasympathetic
activity in smooth muscles
and excretory glands

Stimulation of N – cholinoceptors of the medullary substance of
adrenal glands causes increase in adrenaline secretion
that results in:


increase in arterial and
venous pressure

increase in total
peripheral resistance

increase in afterload and myocardial oxygen demand

Слайд 36 Therapeutic use of N- cholinomimetics:

Therapeutic use of N-

Therapeutic use of N- cholinomimetics:Therapeutic use of N- cholinomimetics has been

cholinomimetics has been limited.

In the past, they were

used as reflex stimulators of respiration (respiratory analeptics).

Currently, N- cholinomimetics are used as agents smoking cessation (in case of nicotinic dependence) as they act similarly to alkaloid of tobacco on nicotinic receptors.

Слайд 37 Cholinomimetic drugs with indirect action: pharmacodynamics.
Stimulators of acetylcholine presynaptic

Cholinomimetic drugs with indirect action: pharmacodynamics.Stimulators of acetylcholine presynaptic release: Their

Their mechanism of action is based on “modulation”

acetylcholine release from nerve endings and
an increase in Ach concentration in a synapse.

Their main pharmacological effects are:

Слайд 38
Considerable increase in tone and motility of the

Considerable increase in tone and motility of the g.i.t. smooth muscle

g.i.t. smooth muscle cells that can result in hyperperistalsis

of the small and large intestines
Acceleration of gastric and duodenal emptying and bowel mass movement
Prevention of duodenogastric and gastroesophageal refluxes, increase in tone of the cardiac sphincter

Acceleration of contractions of the gallbladder and bile duct smooth muscles
Relaxation of the Oddi's sphincter and stimulation of excretory function of the pancreas

Слайд 39 Therapeutic use of stimulators of acetylcholine presynaptic release

Therapeutic use of stimulators of acetylcholine presynaptic release These drugs are

These drugs are used for treatment of:
postoperative atony of

the intestines
paralytic intestinal obstruction
gastroesophageal reflux
chronic constipations
X-ray examination of the g.i.t.

Слайд 40 Adverse effects of acetylcholine presynaptic release stimulators:

Adverse effects of acetylcholine presynaptic release stimulators:Nausea Epigastric pains Giddiness Blood

Blood pressure decrease
The main contraindications are:

intestinal obstruction of an unknown reason
stomach ulcers
obstructive jaundice
severe cardiovascular diseases

Слайд 41 Anticholinesterases
The action of these drugs is directed to

AnticholinesterasesThe action of these drugs is directed to acetylcholinesterase in a

in a cholinergic synapse.
Anticholinesterase drugs bind to

active centers of
acetylcholinesterase and impair hydrolysis of acetylcholine.
The mediator is accumulated in synapses
and stimulates M and N – cholinoceptors.

The mechanism of acetylcholinesterase inhibition is reversible.
After inhibition, enzymatic activity of the enzyme
is restored and it continues to control
acetylcholine level in synapses.

Слайд 42 Irreversible anticholinesterases (Armine, Ecothiophate, Organophosphate and carbamate insecticids,

Irreversible anticholinesterases (Armine, Ecothiophate, Organophosphate and carbamate insecticids, nerve gases for

nerve gases for chemical war Tabun, Sarin, Soman inhibit

activity of the enzyme without its restoration.

Pharmacological effects of Anticholinesterase drugs:

These drugs produce:

М- cholinomimetic effects

N- cholinomimetic effects

They act on eyes, smooth muscles, secretion of excretory glands
and heart work like M-cholinomimetics.
(these effects were described above)

Слайд 43 Influence on skeletal muscles:
Anticholinesterase drugs facilitate neuromuscular

Influence on skeletal muscles:Anticholinesterase drugs facilitate neuromuscular transmission due to indirect

due to indirect stimulation
of postjunctional N– cholinoceptors

increase tone of striated muscles.

Influence on the CNS:

At small doses, anticholinesterase drugs take stimulatory effect,
whereas at high doses they produce inhibitory effect on the CNS.

Слайд 44 However, only tertiary structure compounds pass cross

However, only tertiary structure compounds pass cross the blood-brain barrier well.

blood-brain barrier well.

Physostigmine Galantamine
Aminostigmine Tacrine

Quaternary compounds badly pass cross the blood-brain barrier
and practically don’t cause effects in the CNS.

Neostigmine Pyridostigmine bromide
Distigmine bromide Ambenonium chloride

Слайд 45 Therapeutic use of Anticholinesterase drugs
Anticholinesterase drugs are used

Therapeutic use of Anticholinesterase drugsAnticholinesterase drugs are used for:Treatment of glaucoma:

Treatment of glaucoma: Physostigmine, Armine, Echothiophate
Stimulation of peristalsis in

postoperative atony of the intestines,
paralytic obstruction, atony of the urinary bladder and
uterine inertia (powerless labor):
Neostigmine, Distigmine, Physostigmine
3. Treatment and diagnostics of myasthenia gravis:
(chronic autoimmune disease causing muscle weakness:
autoantibodies reduce number of free Nn receptors)
Neostigmine, Pyridostigmine, Ambenonium, Edrophonium

Слайд 46 4. As pharmacological antagonists in overdoses of

4. As pharmacological antagonists in overdoses of nondepolarizing muscle relaxants: Neostigmine5.

muscle relaxants: Neostigmine

5. Treatment of overdoses of drugs with

anticholinergic action
(atropine, phenothiazines, tricyclic antidepressants):
Physostigmine, Galantamine

6. Treatment of Alzheimer’s disease:
Tacrine, Donepezil, Rivastigmine

Слайд 47 Hypersalivation
Nausea, spastic stricture of muscles of the intestine

HypersalivationNausea, spastic stricture of muscles of the intestine and urinary bladder,

and urinary bladder, diarrhea
Bronchospasm and apnoe
Bradycardia, arrhythmia
Frequency of

Twitchings of tongue and skeletal muscles

Adverse effects of anticholinesterase drugs:

Слайд 48 Cholinesterase reactivators
Drugs of this group restore
acetylcholinesterase inhibited

Cholinesterase reactivatorsDrugs of this group restore acetylcholinesterase inhibited by anticholinesterases with

by anticholinesterases
with irreversible action (organophosphates & carbamates).

main acetylcholinesterase reactivators are:






Слайд 49 Reactivators contain oxime group (=N-OH). They attach to

Reactivators contain oxime group (=N-OH). They attach to the anionic site

the anionic site of acetylcholinesterase which remains unoccupied in

the presence of organophosphate inhibitor.
Its oxime end reacts with the phosphorous atom attached to the esteratic site: the oxime:phosphonate diffuses away leaving the reactivated ChE.

Mechanism of acetylcholinesterase reactivator action:

Слайд 50

Acetylcholinesterase reactivators are used as specific antagonists of

Acetylcholinesterase reactivators are used as specific antagonists of organophosphorous compounds.They are

organophosphorous compounds.
They are ineffective as an antidotes to carbamate

antiChEs (Physostigmine, Neostigmine, Carbaryl, Propoxur) in which case the anionic site of the enzyme is not free to provide attachment to it.

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