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Презентация на тему Clinical anatomy of the upper limb

Arteries of the upper limb
Clinical anatomy of the upper limb Arteries of the upper limb Skin innervations Upper limb Regio scapularis Regio infraclavicularis a. subclavia: SURGICAL APPROACHES TO A.SUBCLAVIAAfter DzhanelidzeAfter Petrovsky Regio deltoidea Shoulder joint Shoulder joint Scheme of axillary nerve Regio axillaris 1 - a. axillaris, 2 - n. suprascapularis, 3 - n. subscapularis, Regio brachii posterior Arteries of the arm Regio cubiti anterior Regio cubiti1 - m. biceps brachii, 2 - úponová šlacha m. biceps Fossa cubiti Bursas of the elbow joint Forearm Topography of the forearm and handAntebrachial grooves:Lateral = radial: between brachioradial and Topography of the forearmCanal of the ulnar nerve: between the medial epicondyle, Regio antebrachii anterior Nerves of the forearm Retinaculi of the upper limbRetinaculum flexorumCanalis carpi radialis: tendon m. flexor carpi Retinaculi of the upper limbRetinaculum extensorum/6 canals transmitting tendons/I -  m.abductor Synovial sheaths of the palmar and dorsal surface of the hand
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 Arteries of the upper limb

Arteries of the upper limb

Слайд 4 Skin innervations

Skin innervations

Слайд 5 Upper limb

Upper limb

Слайд 6 Regio scapularis

Regio scapularis

Слайд 9 Regio infraclavicularis

Regio infraclavicularis

Слайд 12 a. subclavia:

a. subclavia:

After Dzhanelidze
After Petrovsky


Слайд 15 Regio deltoidea

Regio deltoidea

Слайд 16 Shoulder joint

Shoulder joint

Слайд 17 Shoulder joint

Shoulder joint

Слайд 18 Scheme of axillary nerve

Scheme of axillary nerve

Слайд 19 Regio axillaris

Regio axillaris

Слайд 23
1 - a. axillaris, 2 - n. suprascapularis,

1 - a. axillaris, 2 - n. suprascapularis, 3 - n.

3 - n. subscapularis, 4 - fasciculus post., 5

- fasciculus lat., 6 - fasciculus med., 7 - v. axillaris, 8 - n. axillaris, 9 - a. subscapularis, 10 - odstup a. circumflexa humeri post., 11 - m. teres major + m. latissimus dorsi, 12 - n. musculocutaneus, 13 - a. brachialis, 14 - v. brachialis, 15 - n. radialis, 16 - n. medianus, 17 - n. cutaneus antebrachii med., 18 - n. ulnaris, 19 - m. triceps brachii, 20 - m. biceps brachii

Слайд 24 Regio brachii posterior

Regio brachii posterior

Слайд 25 Arteries of the arm

Arteries of the arm

Слайд 28 Regio cubiti anterior

Regio cubiti anterior

Слайд 29 Regio cubiti
1 - m. biceps brachii, 2 -

Regio cubiti1 - m. biceps brachii, 2 - úponová šlacha m.

úponová šlacha m. biceps brachii, 3 - lacertus fibrosus,

4 - m. brachioradialis, 5 - svaly mediálního epikondylu, 6 - v. basilica, 7 - n. medianus, 8 - a. brachialis, 9 - v. mediana cubiti, 10 - n. cutaneus antebrachii lat.

Слайд 30 Fossa cubiti

Fossa cubiti

Слайд 31 Bursas of the elbow joint

Bursas of the elbow joint

Слайд 32 Forearm


Слайд 33 Topography of the forearm and hand
Antebrachial grooves:
Lateral = radial:

Topography of the forearm and handAntebrachial grooves:Lateral = radial: between brachioradial

between brachioradial and flexor carpi radialis mm;
Median: between flexor

carpi radialis and flexor digitorum superficialis mm ;
Medial = ulnar: between flexor digitorum superficialis and flexor carpi ulnaris mm .

Elbow fossa:
laterally – brachioradial m.,
medially – pronator teres m.,
superiorly – brachial m..

Anatomical snuff-box

Слайд 34 Topography of the forearm
Canal of the ulnar nerve:

Topography of the forearmCanal of the ulnar nerve: between the medial

between the medial epicondyle, proximal ulna and origin of

the forearm flexors
Canalis supinatorius: between the supinatorius muscle and radius
Pirogov’s space: between the third and fourth layers of the forearm muscles at its distal part.

Слайд 35 Regio antebrachii anterior

Regio antebrachii anterior

Слайд 37 Nerves of the forearm

Nerves of the forearm

Слайд 40 Retinaculi of the upper limb
Retinaculum flexorum
Canalis carpi radialis:

Retinaculi of the upper limbRetinaculum flexorumCanalis carpi radialis: tendon m. flexor

tendon m. flexor carpi radialis.

Canalis carpalis:
Synovial vagines

of tendons of muscles
flexor digitorum,
tendon of m.flexoris pollicis longus,
nervus medianus.

Canalis carpi ulnaris:
Arteria ulnaris
Vena ulnaris
Nervus ulnaris

Слайд 41 Retinaculi of the upper limb

Retinaculum extensorum
/6 canals transmitting

Retinaculi of the upper limbRetinaculum extensorum/6 canals transmitting tendons/I - m.abductor


I - m.abductor pollicis longus

m.extensor pollicis brevis

II - m.extensor carpi radialis longus
m.extensor carpi radialis brevis

III - m.extensor pillicis longus

IV – m.extensor digitorum
m. extensor indicis

V - m. extensor digiti minimi

VI – m.extensor carpi ulnaris

Слайд 42 Synovial sheaths of the palmar and dorsal surface

Synovial sheaths of the palmar and dorsal surface of the hand

of the hand

  • Имя файла: clinical-anatomy-of-the-upper-limb.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 103
  • Количество скачиваний: 1