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Презентация на тему Integration Management

Learning ObjectivesDescribe an overall framework for project integration management Explain the strategic planning process Explain the importance of creating a project charter to formally initiate projectsDescribe preliminary project scope statementDescribe project management plan developmentExplain project execution
Integration Management Learning ObjectivesDescribe an overall framework for project integration management Explain the strategic Learning Objectives (continued)Describe the process of monitoring and controlling project workUnderstand the The Key to Overall Project Success: Good Project Integration ManagementProject managers must Integration ManagementIncludes the processes and activities to identify, define, combine, unify, and Project Integration Management ProcessesDevelop project charter: working with stakeholders to create the Project Integration Management Processes (continued)Monitor and control project work: overseeing project work Overview Develop Project CharterWorking with stakeholders to create the document that formally authorizes Project Charter - InputAgreements: Contracts, MOU’s, SLA, LOI, EmailEnterprise Environmental Factors:Government standards, Project Charter – T&TExpert Judgement: Consultants, Stakeholders, Industry Groups, SME, PMOFacilitations Techniques:Brainstorming, Project Charter – OutputThe project charter is the document issued by the Develop Project Management PlansA project management plan: document used to coordinate all Develop Project Management PlansCommon Elements of a Project Management PlanIntroduction or overview Direct and Manage Project WorkProcess of leading and performing the work defined Direct and Manage Project WorkActivities include:Perform activities to accomplish project objectives;Create project Direct and Manage Project WorkActivities include:Generate work performance dataIssue change requests and Direct and Manage Project WorkAlso requires review of the impact of all Monitoring and Controlling Project WorkChanges are inevitable on most projects, so it’s Monitor and Control Project WorkAnalytical techniqueRegression analysis; Root cause analysis; Reserve analysis; Integrated Change ControlThree main objectives are:Influencing the factors that create changes to Change Control on Information Technology ProjectsFormer view: the project team should strive Change Control SystemA formal, documented process that describes when and how official Change Control Board (CCB)A formal group of people responsible for approving or Making Timely ChangesSome CCBs only meet occasionally, so it may take too Closing Projects and PhasesTo close a project or phase, you must finalize SummaryProject integration management involves coordinating all of the other knowledge areas throughout Financial Analysis of ProjectsFinancial considerations are often an important consideration in selecting Net Present Value AnalysisNet present value (NPV) analysis is a method of Net Present Value Example JWD Consulting NPV ExampleNote: See the template called business_case_financials.xls Return on InvestmentReturn on investment (ROI) is calculated by subtracting the project Payback AnalysisAnother important financial consideration is payback analysisThe payback period is the
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Learning Objectives
Describe an overall framework for project integration

Learning ObjectivesDescribe an overall framework for project integration management Explain the

Explain the strategic planning process
Explain the importance

of creating a project charter to formally initiate projects
Describe preliminary project scope statement
Describe project management plan development
Explain project execution and its relationship to project planning

Слайд 3 Learning Objectives (continued)
Describe the process of monitoring and

Learning Objectives (continued)Describe the process of monitoring and controlling project workUnderstand

controlling project work
Understand the integrated change control process
Explain the

importance of developing and following good procedures for closing projects

Слайд 4 The Key to Overall Project Success: Good Project

The Key to Overall Project Success: Good Project Integration ManagementProject managers

Integration Management

Project managers must coordinate all of the other

knowledge areas throughout a project’s life cycle
Look at the “big picture” and not focus on too many details
Project integration management is not the same thing as software integration

Слайд 5 Integration Management

Includes the processes and activities to identify,

Integration ManagementIncludes the processes and activities to identify, define, combine, unify,

define, combine, unify, and coordinate the various processes and

project management activities within the Project Management Process Groups
Includes characteristics of unification, consolidation, communication, and integrative actions that are crucial to controlled project execution through completion, successfully managing stakeholder expectations, and meeting requirements.
Includes making choices about resource allocation, making trade-offs among competing objectives and managing interdependencies among the project management Knowledge Areas

Слайд 6 Project Integration Management Processes

Develop project charter: working with

Project Integration Management ProcessesDevelop project charter: working with stakeholders to create

stakeholders to create the document that formally authorizes a

project—the charter

Develop project management plan: coordinating all planning efforts to create a consistent, coherent document—the project management plan

Direct and manage project execution: carrying out the project management plan by performing the activities included in it

Слайд 7 Project Integration Management Processes (continued)

Monitor and control project

Project Integration Management Processes (continued)Monitor and control project work: overseeing project

work: overseeing project work to meet the performance objectives

of the project

Perform integrated change control: coordinating changes that affect the project’s deliverables and organizational process assets

Close project or phase: finalizing all project activities to formally close the project or phase

Слайд 8 Overview


Слайд 9 Develop Project Charter

Working with stakeholders to create the

Develop Project CharterWorking with stakeholders to create the document that formally

document that formally authorizes a project—the charter

Project statement of

work (SOW) is a narrative description of products, services, or results to be delivered by a project
Business need: Organization’s business need
Product scope description: documents the characteristics of the product, service, or results
Strategic Plan: documents the organization’s strategic vision, goals, and objectives

Слайд 10 Project Charter - Input

Agreements: Contracts, MOU’s, SLA, LOI,

Project Charter - InputAgreements: Contracts, MOU’s, SLA, LOI, EmailEnterprise Environmental Factors:Government

Enterprise Environmental Factors:
Government standards, industry standards, or regulations
Organizational culture

and structure, management practices, and sustainability
Project Management Information System
Personnel administration (hiring and termination guidelines, reviews, training records)
Marketplace conditions
Organizational Process Assets:
Organizational standard processes, policies, and process definitions,
Standard templates,
Historical information and lessons learned knowledge base
Project files from previous projects

Слайд 11 Project Charter – T&T

Expert Judgement:
Consultants, Stakeholders, Industry

Project Charter – T&TExpert Judgement: Consultants, Stakeholders, Industry Groups, SME, PMOFacilitations

Groups, SME, PMO
Facilitations Techniques:
Brainstorming, Conflict Resolution, Problem Solving, and

Meeting Management

Слайд 12 Project Charter – Output

The project charter is the

Project Charter – OutputThe project charter is the document issued by

document issued by the project initiator or sponsor that

formally authorizes the existence of a project
It provides the project manager with the authority to apply organizational resources to project activities
If there is no project charter, the project does not exist
Project Charter contains:
Project Purpose or justification
Measurable project objectives and related success criteria
High-level requirements
Assumptions and constraints
High-level project description and boundaries
High-level risks
Summary milestone schedule
Summary budget
Stakeholder list

Слайд 13 Develop Project Management Plans

A project management plan: document

Develop Project Management PlansA project management plan: document used to coordinate

used to coordinate all project planning documents and help

guide a project’s execution and control
Plans created in the other knowledge areas are subsidiary parts of the overall project management plan

Слайд 14 Develop Project Management Plans

Common Elements of a Project

Develop Project Management PlansCommon Elements of a Project Management PlanIntroduction or

Management Plan
Introduction or overview of the project
Description of how

the project is organized
Management and technical processes used on the project
Work to be done, schedule, and budget information

Слайд 15 Direct and Manage Project Work

Process of leading and

Direct and Manage Project WorkProcess of leading and performing the work

performing the work defined in the project management plan

and implementing approved changes to achieve the project’s objectives

Слайд 16 Direct and Manage Project Work

Activities include:
Perform activities to

Direct and Manage Project WorkActivities include:Perform activities to accomplish project objectives;Create

accomplish project objectives;
Create project deliverables to meet the planned

project work;
Provide, train, and manage the team members assigned to the project;
Obtain, manage, and use resources including materials, tools, equipment, and facilities;
Implement the planned methods and standards;
Establish and manage project communication channels, both external and internal to the project team;

Слайд 17 Direct and Manage Project Work

Activities include:
Generate work performance

Direct and Manage Project WorkActivities include:Generate work performance dataIssue change requests

Issue change requests and implement approved changes;
Manage risks and

implement risk response activities;
Manage sellers and suppliers;
Manage stakeholders and their engagement; and
Collect and document lessons learned and implement approved process improvement activities

Слайд 18 Direct and Manage Project Work

Also requires review of

Direct and Manage Project WorkAlso requires review of the impact of

the impact of all project changes and the implementation

of approved changes:
Corrective action: An intentional activity that realigns the performance of the project work
Preventive action: An intentional activity that ensures the future performance of the project work
Defect repair: An intentional activity to modify a nonconforming product or product component

Слайд 19 Monitoring and Controlling Project Work
Changes are inevitable on

Monitoring and Controlling Project WorkChanges are inevitable on most projects, so

most projects, so it’s important to develop and follow

a process to monitor and control changes
Monitoring project work includes collecting, measuring, and disseminating performance information
A baseline is the approved project management plan plus approved changes

Слайд 20 Monitor and Control Project Work
Analytical technique
Regression analysis; Root

Monitor and Control Project WorkAnalytical techniqueRegression analysis; Root cause analysis; Reserve

cause analysis; Reserve analysis; trend analysis; Earned value management;

Variance analysis

Слайд 21 Integrated Change Control
Three main objectives are:
Influencing the factors

Integrated Change ControlThree main objectives are:Influencing the factors that create changes

that create changes to ensure that changes are beneficial

that a change has occurred
Managing actual changes as they occur

Слайд 22 Change Control on Information Technology Projects
Former view: the

Change Control on Information Technology ProjectsFormer view: the project team should

project team should strive to do exactly what was

planned on time and within budget
Problem: stakeholders rarely agreed up-front on the project scope, and time and cost estimates were inaccurate
Modern view: project management is a process of constant communication and negotiation
Solution: changes are often beneficial, and the project team should plan for them

Слайд 23 Change Control System
A formal, documented process that describes

Change Control SystemA formal, documented process that describes when and how

when and how official project documents and work may

be changed
Describes who is authorized to make changes and how to make them

Слайд 24 Change Control Board (CCB)
A formal group of people

Change Control Board (CCB)A formal group of people responsible for approving

responsible for approving or rejecting changes on a project

provide guidelines for preparing change requests, evaluate change requests, and manage the implementation of approved changes
Includes stakeholders from the entire organization

Слайд 25 Making Timely Changes
Some CCBs only meet occasionally, so

Making Timely ChangesSome CCBs only meet occasionally, so it may take

it may take too long for changes to occur

organizations have policies in place for time-sensitive changes
“48-hour policy” allows project team members to make decisions; then they have 48 hours to reverse the decision pending senior management approval
Delegate changes to the lowest level possible, but keep everyone informed of changes

Слайд 26 Closing Projects and Phases
To close a project or

Closing Projects and PhasesTo close a project or phase, you must

phase, you must finalize all activities and transfer the

completed or cancelled work to the appropriate people
Main outputs include:
Final product, service, or result transition
Organizational process asset updates

Слайд 27 Summary
Project integration management involves coordinating all of the

SummaryProject integration management involves coordinating all of the other knowledge areas

other knowledge areas throughout a project’s life cycle
Main processes

Develop project charter
Develop project management plan
Direct and manage project work
Monitor and control project work
Perform integrated change control
Close project or phase

Слайд 28 Financial Analysis of Projects
Financial considerations are often an

Financial Analysis of ProjectsFinancial considerations are often an important consideration in

important consideration in selecting projects
Three primary methods for determining

the projected financial value of projects:
Net present value (NPV) analysis
Return on investment (ROI)
Payback analysis

Слайд 29 Net Present Value Analysis
Net present value (NPV) analysis

Net Present Value AnalysisNet present value (NPV) analysis is a method

is a method of calculating the expected net monetary

gain or loss from a project by discounting all expected future cash inflows and outflows to the present point in time
Projects with a positive NPV should be considered if financial value is a key criterion
The higher the NPV, the better

Слайд 30 Net Present Value Example

Net Present Value Example

Слайд 31 JWD Consulting NPV Example
Note: See the template

JWD Consulting NPV ExampleNote: See the template called business_case_financials.xls

called business_case_financials.xls

Слайд 32 Return on Investment
Return on investment (ROI) is calculated

Return on InvestmentReturn on investment (ROI) is calculated by subtracting the

by subtracting the project costs from the benefits and

then dividing by the costs
ROI = (total discounted benefits - total discounted costs) / discounted costs
The higher the ROI, the better
Many organizations have a required rate of return or minimum acceptable rate of return on investment for projects
Internal rate of return (IRR) can by calculated by finding the discount rate that makes the NPV equal to zero

  • Имя файла: integration-management.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 198
  • Количество скачиваний: 0