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Презентация на тему Gabe Logan Newell

Here he is:
PresentationThe presentation was worked by:       Danil Here he is: Info:Gabe Logan Newell: 3 november, 1963 years. Vashington USA. After deduction from Info:After deduction from Harvard University, Newell worked for 13 years at Microsoft, Info: In 2000, Harrington left the company, after which Newell bought out Thanky      For attention
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Here he is:

Here he is:

Слайд 3 Info:
Gabe Logan Newell: 3 november, 1963 years. Vashington

Info:Gabe Logan Newell: 3 november, 1963 years. Vashington USA. After deduction

After deduction from Harvard University, Newell worked for 13

years at Microsoft, eventually becoming a millionaire. Newell calls himself "the producer of the first three editions of Windows"

Слайд 4 Info:
After deduction from Harvard University, Newell worked for

Info:After deduction from Harvard University, Newell worked for 13 years at

13 years at Microsoft, eventually becoming a millionaire. Newell

calls himself "the producer of the first three editions of Windows"

Слайд 5 Info:
In 2000, Harrington left the company, after which

Info: In 2000, Harrington left the company, after which Newell bought

Newell bought out his share. [2] According to rough

estimates of various sources, by 2011 Valve Corporation cost was from 2 to 4 billion dollars [2] [3]. According to Newell himself, the company is extremely profitable - in terms of employee is more profitable than Google and Apple [2]. At the beginning of 2011, the company had 250 employees [2], by the end of 2012 it had grown to 400 employees [3], while about half of the company's employees were former creators of modifications to games [2].

  • Имя файла: gabe-logan-newell.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 113
  • Количество скачиваний: 0