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Презентация на тему Урок I like animals

Do the puzzle https://www.jigsawplanet.com/?rc=play&pid=28ecd9c5dce8 1. What do you see?2. Can you name all the animals?3. Can you describe them?4. Would you like to make a riddles about animals?
I like animals Do the puzzle https://www.jigsawplanet.com/?rc=play&pid=28ecd9c5dce8 1. What do you see?2. Can you name ABC song Brain RaceFind the pairshttps://learningapps.org/view7596717 Make a rulehttps://www.mindomo.com/mindmap/mind-map-e86c9e3032f441b69823c98e339b5035 Let’s have fun!I can run like a horseI can fly like a I can sleep like a bearI can wash my face like a Put the words into columnshttps://learningapps.org/view7590080 Pronounce correctly https://learningapps.org/view7591710 GuessIt is funny and joyful.It is blue, orange, white and black.It can fly and speak. HorseI like this animal.It is … (прилагательное).It is …. (цвет).It can …(глагол). Homework Составить загадки про животных (записать в тетрадь)Разгадать кроссворд https://onlinetestpad.com/f6eue7eacuvt4с. 63 упр. Thank you for attention
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Do the puzzle
1. What do you

Do the puzzle https://www.jigsawplanet.com/?rc=play&pid=28ecd9c5dce8 1. What do you see?2. Can you

2. Can you name all the animals?
3. Can you

describe them?
4. Would you like to make a riddles about animals?

Слайд 3 ABC song

ABC song

Слайд 4 Brain Race

Find the pairs


Brain RaceFind the pairshttps://learningapps.org/view7596717

Слайд 8 Make a rule


Make a rulehttps://www.mindomo.com/mindmap/mind-map-e86c9e3032f441b69823c98e339b5035

Слайд 9 Let’s have fun!
I can run like a horse

Let’s have fun!I can run like a horseI can fly like

can fly like a bird
I can jump like a

I can swim like a fish
I can sing like a bird

Слайд 10

I can sleep like a bear
I can wash

I can sleep like a bearI can wash my face like

my face like a cat
I can play like a

I can speak like a parrot

Слайд 11 Put the words into columns


Put the words into columnshttps://learningapps.org/view7590080

Слайд 12 Pronounce correctly


Pronounce correctly https://learningapps.org/view7591710

Слайд 13 Guess
It is funny and joyful.
It is blue, orange,

GuessIt is funny and joyful.It is blue, orange, white and black.It can fly and speak.

white and black.
It can fly and speak.

Слайд 14 Horse
I like this animal.
It is …
It is

HorseI like this animal.It is … (прилагательное).It is …. (цвет).It can …(глагол).

…. (цвет).
It can …(глагол).

Слайд 15 Homework
Составить загадки про животных (записать в тетрадь)

Homework Составить загадки про животных (записать в тетрадь)Разгадать кроссворд https://onlinetestpad.com/f6eue7eacuvt4с. 63

кроссворд https://onlinetestpad.com/f6eue7eacuvt4
с. 63 упр. 5 (задание в рабочей тетради)

предложения и догадаться о каком животном идет речь

  • Имя файла: urok-i-like-animals.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 147
  • Количество скачиваний: 0