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Презентация на тему Job Hunting

Job search in the field of 3D modeling
JOB HUNTINGDid Sergei SteklovMOSCOW PEDAGOGICAL STATE UNIVERSITYMoscow 2017 Job search in the field of 3D modeling 10 questions from the employer My questions to Mr. Rudnicki How to prepare for the interview: 1) review the activities of the The end
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Job search

Job search in the field of 3D modeling

in the field of 3D modeling

Слайд 6

10 questions from the employer

10 questions from the employer

Слайд 7

My questions to Mr. Rudnicki

My questions to Mr. Rudnicki

Слайд 8 How to prepare for the interview:
1) review

How to prepare for the interview: 1) review the activities of

the activities of the company
2) know the name of

the head
3) to bring the portfolio
4) to wear business clothes

  • Имя файла: job-hunting.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 104
  • Количество скачиваний: 1