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Презентация на тему Business across cultures

Theme of our presentation:
Business Across CulturesMade by students group 8I11:Gombodorzhiev ErdemGibert Ivan Theme of our presentation: Meet a delegation from Spain General information about country; Greetings and polite conversation; Business meetings and General information Greetings and polite conversations Greetings and polite conversations Greetings and polite conversations Greetings and polite conversations Business meetings and negotiations Business meetings and negotiations Dress etiquette Business card Business card Dining etiquette and table maners Gift giving
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Theme of our presentation:

Theme of our presentation:

Слайд 3 Meet a delegation from Spain

Meet a delegation from Spain

Слайд 4 General information about country;
Greetings and

General information about country; Greetings and polite conversation; Business meetings

polite conversation;
Business meetings and negotiations;
Dress etiquette;

Dining etiquette and table manners;
Gift giving.

We’ve divided our talk into a few parts:

Слайд 5 General information

General information

Слайд 6 Greetings and polite conversations

Greetings and polite conversations

Слайд 7 Greetings and polite conversations

Greetings and polite conversations

Слайд 8 Greetings and polite conversations

Greetings and polite conversations

Слайд 9 Greetings and polite conversations

Greetings and polite conversations

Слайд 10 Business meetings and negotiations

Business meetings and negotiations

Слайд 11 Business meetings and negotiations

Business meetings and negotiations

Слайд 12 Dress etiquette

Dress etiquette

Слайд 13 Business card

Business card

Слайд 14 Business card

Business card

Слайд 15 Dining etiquette and table maners

Dining etiquette and table maners

  • Имя файла: business-across-cultures.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 154
  • Количество скачиваний: 0
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