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Презентация на тему Business invitation

ContentInstruction who to write business invitationSamples of business invitations and responses to business invitations
Business Invitation ContentInstruction who to write business invitationSamples of business invitations and responses to business invitations Instruction how to write invitationType today's date as Month Day, Year. Enter State the reason you are writing in the opening sentence. For example, Type a closing sentence restating your request and thanking the person for Tips & WarningsBe polite and brief when writing a business meeting invitation How to write response Respond in time. Some invitations will include a Positive response Negative response Домашнє завданняСкладіть лист–запрошення на урочистість з нагоди ювілею вашої організації. Зазначте дату,
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Content
Instruction who to write business invitation
Samples of business

ContentInstruction who to write business invitationSamples of business invitations and responses to business invitations

invitations and responses to business invitations

Слайд 3 Instruction how to write invitation
Type today's date as

Instruction how to write invitationType today's date as Month Day, Year.

Month Day, Year. Enter two carriage returns, creating two

blank lines of space, and type the address block for the person you are sending the letter to, using this format:
City, State ZIP

Enter three carriage returns after the address block, and type the greeting. For example:
Dear :
Enter another carriage return, and begin typing the letter.

Слайд 4 State the reason you are writing in the

State the reason you are writing in the opening sentence. For

opening sentence. For example, write, "On behalf of the

board of directors for ABC Company, I would like to formally invite you to be the keynote speaker at our 2011 National Conference in Jacksonville, Fla."
Provide details about the conference in the next paragraph, including conference theme, location and dates. If one or more of these pieces of information are not available, indicate "TBA" (for "To Be Announced") so the reader knows you haven't simply forgotten to include it.
Mention other confirmed speakers if there are any. Create another paragraph with your expectations of how many guests will attend.
Include any other important details about the meeting, such as whether or not food and beverages will be available. If there are special instructions about how to prepare or what to bring to the meeting, include those as well. If an agenda is available for the meeting, include it as an attachment and refer to that attachment in your invitation.

Слайд 5 Type a closing sentence restating your request and

Type a closing sentence restating your request and thanking the person

thanking the person for his consideration.
Request the guest

to RSVP by a certain time and date. Provide a phone number or address where the invitee can confirm his attendance.
Enter a carriage return again and type your salutation, such as "Sincerely," "Cordially" or "Respectfully," followed by a comma. Enter three carriage returns and type your signature block:
Your Name
Your Title
Your Company

Sign your name in the empty space between your salutation and signature block to give the letter a hand-written, personal touch. Place the letter in a typed envelope, and include a first-class postage stamp on the envelope.

Слайд 6 Tips & Warnings
Be polite and brief when writing

Tips & WarningsBe polite and brief when writing a business meeting

a business meeting invitation because readers may not have

very much time to look at your email.
Add your company logo or seal to the top center of the invitation for a more professional look.
Do not indent paragraphs of a business invitation; always compose business invitations in block format.
On the invitation, include the names of any notable guests who have been invited.

Слайд 9 How to write response
Respond in time. Some

How to write response Respond in time. Some invitations will include

invitations will include a reply-by date. If no reply-by

date is listed, try to send your reply within 48 hours. A host always appreciates a prompt response - even if the answer is "no."
Reply in the right format. A general rule to follow is one may reply in the same format that one was invited; for example, an email invitation can be answered by email. If you receive a paper invitation that lists both an email address and a phone number for RSVPs, the choice is yours. If your paper invitation does not list an email address or phone number, send a handwritten reply.
Communicate last-minute changes. As soon as you know that you won't be able to attend, contact the host and apologize. Calling him or her on the telephone is best, but a text or an email is better than nothing.

Слайд 10 Positive response

Positive response

Слайд 11 Negative response

Negative response

  • Имя файла: business-invitation.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 161
  • Количество скачиваний: 0
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