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Презентация на тему Cheetah and puma

CHEETAHA cheetah live in Africa. But and their hold in the zoo. They have a mottled black and yellow color . Weight of an adult Cheetah - from 40 up to 65 kg, length of a
CHEETAh AND PUMA CHEETAHA cheetah live in Africa. But and their hold in the zoo. PUMAA puma live in South America. But and their hold in the thank you for seeStefanova Luiza
Слайды презентации

A cheetah live in Africa. But and their

CHEETAHA cheetah live in Africa. But and their hold in the

hold in the zoo. They have a mottled black

and yellow color . Weight of an adult Cheetah - from 40 up to 65 kg, length of a body - from 115 to 140 cm, rather massive tail has a length of up to 80 cm.
Cheetahs - day predators. It love meat very much.
In pursuit of the victim develops a speed of up to 110-115 km/h, acceleration to 75 km/h for 2 seconds.

Слайд 3 PUMA
A puma live in South America. But and

PUMAA puma live in South America. But and their hold in

their hold in the zoo. Puma has either beige,

either orange or gray-yellow color. This cat reaches a length of 100-180 cm, the length of the tail of 60-75 cm, height in withers 61-76 cm and weight up to 105 kg (males). Normal male large subspecies weighs about 70 - 90 kg. Females are smaller males to 30 %.
And they love meat very much.
They are capable of jumping up to a length of 6 m and a height of up to 2.5 m, running at a speed of up to 50 km/h (although at short distances).

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