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Презентация на тему Elena a. kruglikovaenglish lexicologyКрасноярск2011

LECTURE 1Language and Lexicology.
Elena A. kruglikova  English Lexicology  Красноярск 2011ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ОБРАЗОВАНИЮФедеральное LECTURE 1Language and Lexicology. General linguistics studies different and common sides of all languages. Particular linguistics Three components  in any languageThe grammatical systemThe vocabularyThe system of sounds Lexical Studies	Lexicology (Gr. ‘lexis’ - word, ‘logos’ – learning) studies the vocabulary General Lexicology carries out the general study of the vocabulary, irrespective of VocabularyLexisLexiconDictionary is a selective recording of the word stock at a given What is a word?Word is a small unit within a vast, efficient Word-group		Word-group is a group of words which exists in the language as Structural aspects of the word	The external structure of the word is its Syntagmatic and paradigmatic levelsOn the syntagmatic level, the semantic structure of the Syntagmatic (sequence)  		   The first	   question  was Connection of lexicology  with other sciencesLexicographyTerminologyPhoneticsStylisticsGrammarPsychology, psycholinguisticsSocial history, sociolinguisticsPhilosophy
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 LECTURE 1
Language and Lexicology.

LECTURE 1Language and Lexicology.

Слайд 3
General linguistics studies different and common sides of

General linguistics studies different and common sides of all languages. Particular

all languages.

Particular linguistics studies different sides of particular


Слайд 4 Three components in any language
The grammatical system
The vocabulary

Three components in any languageThe grammatical systemThe vocabularyThe system of sounds

system of sounds

Слайд 5 Lexical Studies
Lexicology (Gr. ‘lexis’ - word, ‘logos’ –

Lexical Studies	Lexicology (Gr. ‘lexis’ - word, ‘logos’ – learning) studies the

learning) studies the vocabulary of the language and the

properties of words (and their combinations) as the main units of the language.

Sense relationships between words
Word structure
Properties of words and word-combinations
Principles of classification of the vocabulary
Compilation of dictionaries

Слайд 6 General Lexicology carries out the general study of

General Lexicology carries out the general study of the vocabulary, irrespective

the vocabulary, irrespective of the specific feature of any

particular language and it studies linguistic phenomena and properties common to all languages, i.e. so-called language and linguistic universals.

Special Lexicology investigates characteristic peculiarities in the vocabulary of a given language. Special lexicology may be historical and descriptive.

Descriptive Lexicology deals with the vocabulary of a given language at a given stage of its development.
Historical Lexicology or Etymology (Greek etumon ‘primary’ or ‘basic word’, ‘original form of a word’) studies the evolution of the vocabulary and its elements: origin, change, development, linguistic and extralinguistic factors modifying their structure, meaning and usage.
Diachronic (Greek dia – ‘through’, chronos – ‘time’)
Synchronic (Greek syn – ‘with, together’).

Contrastive Lexicology works out the theoretical basis on which the vocabularies of different languages can be compared and described.
Phraseology is the branch of lexicology specializing in word groups which are characterized by stability of structure and transferred meaning.
Terminology studies different sides of terms and lexicology gives methods and the scientific apparatus for that.

Слайд 7 Vocabulary
Dictionary is a selective recording of the word

VocabularyLexisLexiconDictionary is a selective recording of the word stock at a

stock at a given point of time

The term vocabulary

is used to denote the system formed by the sum total of all the words and word equivalents. It is an adaptive system adjusting itself to the changing requirements and conditions of human communication and cultural surrounding.

A lexicon is a list of words in a language – a vocabulary – along with some knowledge of how each word is used.

Слайд 8 What is a word?
Word is a small unit

What is a word?Word is a small unit within a vast,

within a vast, efficient and perfectly balanced system.

is a unit of speech which, as such, serves the purposes of human communication. Thus, the word can be defined as a unit of communication.
Word is the total of the sounds which comprise it.
Word is a speech unit used for the purposes of human communication, materially representing a group of sounds possessing a meaning, susceptible to grammatical employment and characterized by formal and semantic unity.
The term word denotes the basic unit of a language of a given language resulting from the association of a particular meaning with a particular group of sounds capable of a particular grammatical employment. A word therefore is simultaneously a semantic and grammatical and phonological unit. It is the smallest unit of the language which can stand alone as a complete utterance. It is a small unit within a vast, efficient and perfectly balanced system.

Слайд 9 Word-group

Word-group is a group of words which exists

Word-group		Word-group is a group of words which exists in the language

in the language as a ready-made unit, has the

unity of meaning, the unity of syntactical function.
As loose as a goose

Слайд 10 Structural aspects of the word
The external structure of

Structural aspects of the word	The external structure of the word is

the word is its morphological structure.

The internal structure of

the word, or its meaning is the word’s semantic structure.

External (formal) unity
Semantic unity
Susceptibility to grammatical employment

Слайд 11 Syntagmatic and paradigmatic levels
On the syntagmatic level, the

Syntagmatic and paradigmatic levelsOn the syntagmatic level, the semantic structure of

semantic structure of the word is analysed in its

linear relationships with neighbouring words in connected speech.

On the paradigmatic level, the word is studied in its relationship with other words in the vocabulary system.


Слайд 12

Syntagmatic (sequence)
The first

Syntagmatic (sequence)  		  The first	  question was difficult

question was difficult

  second word easy
Paradigmatic third problem silly funny exam final
(substitution) last paper loaded

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  • Количество просмотров: 114
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