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Презентация на тему ImmiAccount enhancements


Show me how to prepare for these enhancementsShow me the application specific enhancementsShow me the general enhancementsA number of important enhancements will be introduced to ImmiAccount on 17 April 2015. Summary of Enhancements
ImmiAccount enhancements from 17 April 2015This information is also available as a webpage. Show me how to prepare for these enhancementsShow me the application specific Usability enhancementsForgotten TRN functionalityNew Health buttonNew Request complete button New application statusesThese New Application Statuses Finalised In Progress Submitted The status of In Progress is being retired Submitted In Progress Application receivedApplication StatusesFinalised Application Received – indicating your application Submitted In Progress Application receivedInformation requestedApplication StatusesFinalised Information Requested – indicating an Submitted In Progress Application receivedInformation requestedAssessment in progressFinalised Application StatusesAssessment in Progress IncompleteApplication StatusesReady to SubmitOn April 17, all applications with a status of Assessment in progressIn Progress Application StatusesOn April 17, all applications with a Application StatusesFor more information on Application Statuses, see the ImmiAccount application statuses Application StatusYou have learned about the application status enhancements. What would you New Request complete button New Request complete buttonYou can currently attach document copies to most visa New Request complete buttonWhere attachment lists exist, you can also attach the New Request complete buttonIf an Immigration officer requests copies of supporting documentation New Request complete buttonUse this button to indicate that you have supplied New Request complete buttonIf you click Request complete, a message displays. If New Request complete buttonYou have learned about the new Request complete button. New Health button A new Get health details button will display in the Next Steps New Health buttonBy clicking the Get health details button, a client’s health Improved health messaging Improved health messaging Improved health messaging New Health buttonYou have learned about the new Health button. What would Forgotten TRN functionality Forgotten TRN functionalityThe forgotten TRN functionality existed to help people import existing Forgotten TRNYou have learned about changes to the Forgotten TRN functionality. What Usability Enhancements Usability enhancementsOn April 17, a number of enhancements will be made to Usability enhancementsThe log-in screen has been redesigned to make the Create ImmiAccount Usability enhancementsThe Create Account screen has been redesignedthe password text boxes have Usability enhancementsThe Character declarations will be updated to reflect changes in legislationThe Usability enhancementsThe declarations for visa applications that relate to PIC4020 have been Usability enhancementsThe list of documents that can be uploaded as part of Usability EnhancementsThe list of identity documents that can be uploaded as part Usability enhancementsThe drop down list for Country of passport and Nationality of Usability enhancementsYou have learned about the usability enhancements. What would you like Application specific enhancementsApplication specific enhancements will be introduced to ImmiAccount on 17 Citizenship CitizenshipeCitz online conferral application forms will be migrated to ImmiAccount.After 17 April CitizenshipMovement of conferral applications forms to ImmiAccount will have a number of CitizenshipYou have learned about the changes to Citizenship applications. What would you Family FamilyThe names of the online partner visa application forms will be amendedThe FamilyYou have learned about the changes to Family visa applications. What would Resident Return Resident ReturnAttachment lists will be added to the Next Steps section of Resident Return visa applications Resident ReturnYou have learned about the changes to Resident Return visa applications. Skilled Migration Skilled migrationThere are a number of small enhancements to Skilled Migration visa Skilled migrationAttachment lists will be added to the Next Steps section of Skilled migrationThe Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485) application has been moved from Skilled migrationYou have learned about the changes to Skilled Migration visa applications. Temporary Work Temporary WorkThere are a number of small enhancements to Temporary work visa Temporary WorkAttachment lists will be added to the Next Steps section of Temporary WorkThe Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485) application has been moved from Temporary WorkYou have learned about the changes to Temporary Work visa applications. Visitor VisitorThere are a number of small enhancements to Visitor visa applications, including:The VisitorAttachment lists will be added to the Next Steps section of Visitor visa (subclass 600) applications VisitorYou have learned about the changes to Visitor visa applications. What would What do I need to do before April 17, 2015? BR2 PreparationThere are a few things you can do on April 16 ImmiAccount support pagehttp://www.immi.gov.au/Services/Pages/immiaccount.aspx The ImmiAccount support page has been revised to give ImmiAccount support pagehttps://www.immi.gov.au/allforms/immiaccount/technical-support-form/The ImmiAccount Technical Support form can be used by individuals, ImmiAccount support pageIt will help ensure that the department receives the information
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Show me how to prepare for these enhancements

Show me how to prepare for these enhancementsShow me the application

me the application specific enhancements
Show me the general enhancements

number of important enhancements will be introduced to ImmiAccount on 17 April 2015.

Summary of Enhancements

Слайд 3 Usability enhancements
Forgotten TRN functionality
New Health button
New Request complete

Usability enhancementsForgotten TRN functionalityNew Health buttonNew Request complete button New application

New application statuses
These general enhancements will be introduced

to ImmiAccount on 17 April 2015. Click a button to find out more.

Summary of general enhancements

Слайд 4 New Application Statuses

New Application Statuses

Слайд 5


In Progress


The status of In Progress is being

Finalised In Progress Submitted The status of In Progress is being

retired and three new statuses introduced

Application Statuses redefined

Слайд 6


In Progress

Application received

Application Statuses

Application Received – indicating your

Submitted In Progress Application receivedApplication StatusesFinalised Application Received – indicating your

application has been successfully submitted and will be assessed

within advertised application processing timeframes

The status of In Progress is being retired and three new statuses introduced

Слайд 7


In Progress

Application received

Information requested

Application Statuses

Information Requested – indicating

Submitted In Progress Application receivedInformation requestedApplication StatusesFinalised Information Requested – indicating

an immigration officer has assessed the application and found

that more information is required, so they have requested that you provide further evidence in support of the application

The status of In Progress is being retired and three new statuses introduced

Слайд 8


In Progress

Application received

Information requested

Assessment in progress

Application Statuses
Assessment in

Submitted In Progress Application receivedInformation requestedAssessment in progressFinalised Application StatusesAssessment in

Progress – You have provided all the requested information.

The department may proceed to make a decision on your application. The department may also ask you for further information. In this case, the status will return to Information requested.

The status of In Progress is being retired and three new statuses introduced

Слайд 9

Application Statuses

Ready to Submit

On April 17, all applications

IncompleteApplication StatusesReady to SubmitOn April 17, all applications with a status

with a status of Ready to Submit will automatically

change to Incomplete. This is to ensure that any new questions are answered before the application is submitted.

Слайд 10
Assessment in progress

In Progress
Application Statuses
On April 17, all

Assessment in progressIn Progress Application StatusesOn April 17, all applications with

applications with a status of In Progress will automatically

change to Assessment in progress.

Слайд 11 Application Statuses
For more information on Application Statuses, see

Application StatusesFor more information on Application Statuses, see the ImmiAccount application

the ImmiAccount application statuses guide available from the Help

tab at http://www.immi.gov.au/Services/Pages/immiaccount.aspx

Слайд 12 Application Status
You have learned about the application status

Application StatusYou have learned about the application status enhancements. What would

enhancements. What would you like to do now?


to the list of general enhancements

Look at the list of application specific enhancements

Check what I need to do before the April 17, 2015

Слайд 13 New Request complete button

New Request complete button

Слайд 14 New Request complete button
You can currently attach document

New Request complete buttonYou can currently attach document copies to most

copies to most visa applications using the Attach document


Слайд 15 New Request complete button
Where attachment lists exist, you

New Request complete buttonWhere attachment lists exist, you can also attach

can also attach the copy of a document using

the Attach document link

Слайд 16 New Request complete button
If an Immigration officer requests

New Request complete buttonIf an Immigration officer requests copies of supporting

copies of supporting documentation in a standardised department letter,

a new Request complete button will display

Слайд 17 New Request complete button
Use this button to indicate

New Request complete buttonUse this button to indicate that you have

that you have supplied all the requested documentation and

would like the department to progress with assessing the application

Слайд 18 New Request complete button
If you click Request complete,

New Request complete buttonIf you click Request complete, a message displays.

a message displays. If you click Confirm, you are

waiving the requirement for the department to wait for the period specified in the letter before assessing the application.

Слайд 19 New Request complete button
You have learned about the

New Request complete buttonYou have learned about the new Request complete

new Request complete button. What would you like to

do now?

Return to the list of general enhancements

Look at the list of application specific enhancements

Check what I need to do before the April 17, 2015

Слайд 20 New Health button

New Health button

Слайд 21 A new Get health details button will display

A new Get health details button will display in the Next

in the Next Steps section of the application. Click this

button to update the application with the current health status for the applicant.

New Health button

Слайд 22 New Health button
By clicking the Get health details

New Health buttonBy clicking the Get health details button, a client’s

button, a client’s health status in ELP/eVisa will be

updated to provide additional information.
Here is an example of a message that could display:

The next three slides provide examples of other messages that could be displayed.

Слайд 23 Improved health messaging

Improved health messaging

Слайд 24 Improved health messaging

Improved health messaging

Слайд 25 Improved health messaging

Improved health messaging

Слайд 26 New Health button
You have learned about the new

New Health buttonYou have learned about the new Health button. What

Health button. What would you like to do now?

Return to the list of general enhancements

Look at the list of application specific enhancements

Check what I need to do before the April 17, 2015

Слайд 27 Forgotten TRN functionality

Forgotten TRN functionality

Слайд 28 Forgotten TRN functionality
The forgotten TRN functionality existed to

Forgotten TRN functionalityThe forgotten TRN functionality existed to help people import

help people import existing applications when ImmiAccount was first

introduced. As ImmiAcocunt is well established, the functionality is no longer required so the Forgot your TRN? link will be removed on 17 April.

Слайд 29 Forgotten TRN
You have learned about changes to the

Forgotten TRNYou have learned about changes to the Forgotten TRN functionality.

Forgotten TRN functionality. What would you like to do


Return to the list of general enhancements

Look at the list of application specific enhancements

Check what I need to do before the April 17, 2015

Слайд 30 Usability Enhancements

Usability Enhancements

Слайд 31 Usability enhancements
On April 17, a number of enhancements

Usability enhancementsOn April 17, a number of enhancements will be made

will be made to ImmiAccount to make it easier

to use. These include:
enhancements to the log-in screen
enhancements to the account creation screen
changes to declarations in online forms to reflect legislation changes
an updated list of documents that can be added to an application
an updated list of proof of identity options
updated country lists
more descriptive warning messages

Слайд 32 Usability enhancements
The log-in screen has been redesigned to

Usability enhancementsThe log-in screen has been redesigned to make the Create

make the Create ImmiAccount and Register for ImmiAccount options

stand out

Слайд 33 Usability enhancements
The Create Account screen has been redesigned

Usability enhancementsThe Create Account screen has been redesignedthe password text boxes

password text boxes have been moved to appear just

before the terms and conditions section
the password description text has been updated

Слайд 34 Usability enhancements
The Character declarations will be updated to

Usability enhancementsThe Character declarations will be updated to reflect changes in

reflect changes in legislation
The application for a Resident Return

visa (RRV) will be updated to include Character declarations

Слайд 35 Usability enhancements
The declarations for visa applications that relate

Usability enhancementsThe declarations for visa applications that relate to PIC4020 have

to PIC4020 have been updated to reflect changes in

PIC4020 and privacy legislation
Warning messages related to PIC4020 have also been added

Слайд 36 Usability enhancements
The list of documents that can be

Usability enhancementsThe list of documents that can be uploaded as part

uploaded as part of an application will be amended

to remove documents that must be supplied either in person or by mail.

Слайд 37 Usability Enhancements
The list of identity documents that can

Usability EnhancementsThe list of identity documents that can be uploaded as

be uploaded as part of an application will be

amended to add four new options – Divorce certificates, Utilities Notice, Form 119 and the ImmiCard

Слайд 38 Usability enhancements
The drop down list for Country of

Usability enhancementsThe drop down list for Country of passport and Nationality

passport and Nationality of passport holder will be updated

to include more countries, including:
Falkland islands
Marshall Islands
Virgin Islands
the United Kingdom

Слайд 39 Usability enhancements
You have learned about the usability enhancements.

Usability enhancementsYou have learned about the usability enhancements. What would you

What would you like to do now?

Return to

the list of general enhancements

Look at the list of application specific enhancements

Check what I need to do before the April 17, 2015

Слайд 40 Application specific enhancements
Application specific enhancements will be introduced

Application specific enhancementsApplication specific enhancements will be introduced to ImmiAccount on

to ImmiAccount on 17 April 2015. Click a button

to find out more.


Skilled Migration


Resident Return

Temporary Work


Слайд 41 Citizenship


Слайд 42 Citizenship
eCitz online conferral application forms will be migrated

CitizenshipeCitz online conferral application forms will be migrated to ImmiAccount.After 17

to ImmiAccount.

After 17 April 2015, the eCitz platform will

no longer support new or in-flight applications. Existing conferral applicants who have commenced and saved draft applications using the eCitz platform will lose their applications if they are not lodged before 17 April.

Слайд 43 Citizenship
Movement of conferral applications forms to ImmiAccount will

CitizenshipMovement of conferral applications forms to ImmiAccount will have a number

have a number of benefits, including:
Online conferral application fields

will be pre-populated using data previously entered within the online application form
Applicants will have greater security through a password protected ImmiAccount
Applicants can upload their facial image (front of an endorsed photograph) as part of the application

Слайд 44 Citizenship
You have learned about the changes to Citizenship

CitizenshipYou have learned about the changes to Citizenship applications. What would

applications. What would you like to do now?


to the list of general enhancements

Look at the list of application specific enhancements

Check what I need to do before the April 17, 2015

Слайд 45 Family


Слайд 46 Family
The names of the online partner visa application

FamilyThe names of the online partner visa application forms will be

forms will be amended
The Date of Marriage, Date of

Intended Marriage and Date Relationship Began fields in the Relationship Status component of partner visa applications will be made non-mandatory

Слайд 47 Family
You have learned about the changes to Family

FamilyYou have learned about the changes to Family visa applications. What

visa applications. What would you like to do now?

Return to the list of general enhancements

Look at the list of application specific enhancements

Check what I need to do before the April 17, 2015

Слайд 48 Resident Return

Resident Return

Слайд 49 Resident Return
Attachment lists will be added to the

Resident ReturnAttachment lists will be added to the Next Steps section of Resident Return visa applications

Next Steps section of Resident Return visa applications

Слайд 50 Resident Return
You have learned about the changes to

Resident ReturnYou have learned about the changes to Resident Return visa

Resident Return visa applications. What would you like to

do now?

Return to the list of general enhancements

Look at the list of application specific enhancements

Check what I need to do before the April 17, 2015

Слайд 51 Skilled Migration

Skilled Migration

Слайд 52 Skilled migration
There are a number of small enhancements

Skilled migrationThere are a number of small enhancements to Skilled Migration

to Skilled Migration visa applications, including:
When employers complete an

Employer Nomination Scheme (subclass 186) or Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (subclass 187) nomination, they will need to either provide all passport details, or none. They will not be able to provide partial passport details.
When completing a Skilled Regional visa (subclass 887) application, applicants will no longer be required to provide a health examination booking number.

Слайд 53 Skilled migration
Attachment lists will be added to the

Skilled migrationAttachment lists will be added to the Next Steps section

Next Steps section of application for these visa types:

Regional visa (subclass 887)
Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485)

Слайд 54 Skilled migration
The Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485) application

Skilled migrationThe Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485) application has been moved

has been moved from the Skilled Migration grouping to

the Temporary Work grouping
The application form for this visa type is also being amended to:
remove questions about upfront health examinations
update the values statement

Слайд 55 Skilled migration
You have learned about the changes to

Skilled migrationYou have learned about the changes to Skilled Migration visa

Skilled Migration visa applications. What would you like to

do now?

Return to the list of general enhancements

Look at the list of application specific enhancements

Check what I need to do before the April 17, 2015

Слайд 56 Temporary Work

Temporary Work

Слайд 57 Temporary Work
There are a number of small enhancements

Temporary WorkThere are a number of small enhancements to Temporary work

to Temporary work visa applications, including:
When completing a Temporary

Work (Skilled) visa (subclass 457) visa application, an error will display if the applicant does not provide a nomination ID
The ability to submit an online application for a Temporary Work (Short Stay Activity) visa (subclass 400) will be extended to include people who hold passports from:
Sri Lanka
Palestinian Authority

Слайд 58 Temporary Work
Attachment lists will be added to the

Temporary WorkAttachment lists will be added to the Next Steps section

Next Steps section of application for these visa types:

Graduate visa (subclass 485)
Temporary Work (Skilled) visa (subclass 457)

Слайд 59 Temporary Work
The Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485) application

Temporary WorkThe Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485) application has been moved

has been moved from the Skilled Migration grouping to

the Temporary Work grouping
The application form for this visa type is also being amended to:
remove questions about upfront health examinations
update the values statement

Слайд 60 Temporary Work
You have learned about the changes to

Temporary WorkYou have learned about the changes to Temporary Work visa

Temporary Work visa applications. What would you like to

do now?

Return to the list of general enhancements

Look at the list of application specific enhancements

Check what I need to do before the April 17, 2015

Слайд 61 Visitor


Слайд 62 Visitor
There are a number of small enhancements to

VisitorThere are a number of small enhancements to Visitor visa applications,

Visitor visa applications, including:
The ability to submit an online

application for a Visitor visa (subclass 600) will be extended to include people who hold passports from:
Sri Lanka
Palestinian Authority
There will also be an Agent Only trial of online applications for Visitor visas (subclass 600) for people who hold a passport from India

Слайд 63 Visitor
Attachment lists will be added to the Next

VisitorAttachment lists will be added to the Next Steps section of Visitor visa (subclass 600) applications

Steps section of Visitor visa (subclass 600) applications

Слайд 64 Visitor
You have learned about the changes to Visitor

VisitorYou have learned about the changes to Visitor visa applications. What

visa applications. What would you like to do now?

Return to the list of general enhancements

Look at the list of application specific enhancements

Check what I need to do before the April 17, 2015

Слайд 65 What do I need to do before April 17,

What do I need to do before April 17, 2015?


Слайд 66 BR2 Preparation
There are a few things you can

BR2 PreparationThere are a few things you can do on April

do on April 16 to ensure a smooth transition,

Where possible, submit any applications that have a status of Ready to Submit. You will not lose these applications on April 17, but you will have to step through each page and answer any questions that have changed if you submit them after that date.
Complete as many eCitz applications that have been commenced or saved as a draft as possible, as these applications will have to be re-entered into ImmiAccount following April 17.

Слайд 67 ImmiAccount support page
The ImmiAccount support page has

ImmiAccount support pagehttp://www.immi.gov.au/Services/Pages/immiaccount.aspx The ImmiAccount support page has been revised to

been revised to give agents access to succinct and

useful information via a number of tabs.
The improvements include Quick Reference Guides, clearer guidance on attaching documents and a list of common error messages.

Слайд 68 ImmiAccount support page
The ImmiAccount Technical Support form can

ImmiAccount support pagehttps://www.immi.gov.au/allforms/immiaccount/technical-support-form/The ImmiAccount Technical Support form can be used by

be used by individuals, agents and organisations to make

an enquiry or raise an issue in regards to their ImmiAccount or online application.

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  • Количество просмотров: 112
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