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Презентация на тему London attack

Ukraine bans Russia's entrance to Eurovision song contest
London attack Ukraine bans Russia's entrance to Eurovision song contest US firms pull ads from Google as boycott over hate videos grows New Zealand Just Gave This River Human Rights Islam could overtake Christianity as the world's biggest religion by 2070 Events of Interest Robert Koch discovers the tubercle bacillus U.S. Women Have Most Freedom on 24th March
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 Ukraine bans Russia's entrance to Eurovision song contest

Ukraine bans Russia's entrance to Eurovision song contest

Слайд 5 US firms pull ads from Google as boycott

US firms pull ads from Google as boycott over hate videos grows

over hate videos grows

Слайд 6 New Zealand Just Gave This River Human Rights

New Zealand Just Gave This River Human Rights

Слайд 7 Islam could overtake Christianity as the world's biggest

Islam could overtake Christianity as the world's biggest religion by 2070

religion by 2070

Слайд 9 Events of Interest

Events of Interest

Слайд 10 Robert Koch discovers the tubercle bacillus

Robert Koch discovers the tubercle bacillus

  • Имя файла: london-attack.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 97
  • Количество скачиваний: 0